Intrinsic Web Media Sector 55, Gurugram, Haryana

  • Data Entry, Non Voice Projects

    Data Entry, Non Voice Projects

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    Hi members, greetings for the day.!!! I would like to introduce you to intrinsic web media, an online marketing company which has been delivering quality service to its clients for the past 5 years. The company is based in the millennium city (gurgaon, india), however, the operations are spread across india, us & uk. The company has extended its service market to it/ites/bpo industry & has been delivering an excellent client experience with highly educated & experienced resources who work 24/7 so as to fulfill the client commitments. the organization has been dealing with voice based campaigns (outbound & inbound) for the past 1 year. Now, we have decided to outsource a back end project (data entry) which could provide fixed billing to our affiliate centers so that maximum revenue could be generated for a long st&ing business. project details (debt management): slot - 10 seats workload - 2500 - 3000 per seat payout - rs 32 per form.

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  • Data Entry Services

    Data Entry Services

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Intrinsic Web Media

  • Mr. Mayank Dhall
  • 203 Navkriti Complex, Sector 55, Gurugram, Haryana