Vegetable Oil Refining Plant
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We are offering vegetable oil refining plant. The inherent harmful factors for human consumption like free fatty acids (ffa), gums, sediments, odoriferous and colouring materials present in crude oils are removed completely to make the oil edible.
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The Crude Glycerin obtained from the process of Oils / Fats Splitting ( Sweet Water Crude ) OR Saponification ( Spent Lye Crude ) OR Trans esterification ( Biodiesel Crude ) can be converted to Refined Glycerin of different grades ( Chemically Pure , Industrial or Pharma ) by using the following process in sequence . Drying cum Dearation Distillation & Deodorization Bleaching Salt Decanter or Agitated / Wipe Film Evaporator ( Optional – To improve yield & reduce waste generation )
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Spling is the process through which the triglyceride hydrolysis is carried out, breaking up the molecules to obtain fay acid and glycerine. The mechanism of this reacon goes through three steps – the triglyceride is successively transformed into diglyceride, monoglyceride and glycerine, liberang fay acid in each step. Mectech has built several plants for thermal pressure spling of fats and oils with water into fay acid and glycerine. It is a simple economical process and does not pollute the environment. Mectech provides Fat Spling Plant ranging in capacity from 30 – 1000 TPD.