Root Canal Treatment in India
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Root Canal is a treatment done to fix and save badly infected or damaged roots of their teeth. It’s required while the pulp, the soft tissue within the main canal, becomes infected or inflamed due to deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth or a crack or chip in the tooth. Additionally, an injury to a tooth may also bring about pulp damage even when the tooth has no visible cracks or chips. If the pulp inflammation or infectionare left untreated, it will result in pain or cause an abscess. Root Canal Therapy: A Root canal is a therapy which is used to fix and conserve a tooth which is badly decayed or contaminated. During therapy, the pulp and nerve, both are removed along with the tooth which is cleaned internally. Symptoms RCT is needed when a patient feels: Infection on a particular tooth There’s prolonged sensitivity to cold or heat The tooth is tender to touch and chewing gum Discoloration of their tooth Swelling, tenderness and drainage in the lymph nodes in Addition to neighboring bone and gum tissues Medical Test for Root Canal Treatment: Following test are conducted to confirm the identification. Thermal (hot & cold) test Percussion Electric pulp testing X-ray
Root Canal Treatment
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Endodontic Treatment or root canal Treatment, is a sequence of treatment for the pulp of a tooth which results in the elimination of infection and protection of the decontaminated tooth from futurobia.The alternatives to root canal Treatment include no treatment or tooth extraction There are risks to no treatment, such as pain, infection, and the possibility of worsening dental infection such that the tooth will be no longer restorable (root canal treatment will not be successful, often due to excessive loss of tooth structure). If extensive loss of tooth structure occurs, extraction will be the only treatment option. Following tooth extraction, a single missing tooth can be replaced with a dental implant, fixed partial denture (commonly known as a bridge), or by a removable partial denture.
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Root Canal Treatment
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Root Canal Treatment
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