Pressure Sand Filters Dealers in Guwahati

(2 products available)
  • Pressure Sand Filters

    Pressure Sand Filters

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    We are offering pressure sand water filter we bring forth premium pressure sand water filter for the municipal and industrial sectors across the globe. We are identified as the premier manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of pressure sand water filter from assam, india. We are backed by technically advanced manufacturing units from where precision-made water filter rolls off. We engineer these filters to remove impurities from the water efficiently. Features : space saving design high speed filtration zero heat loss other details : the method used in this product is an extremely robust method of removing suspended solids from water. The filtration medium of this machine comprises of multiple layer of sand having different size & specific gravity. Revent heat loss after the warm or hot lime process. Other specifications : pressure filters may be vertical or horizontal, have cylindrical steel shells and dished heads flow in pressure filters is downward. Usually sand or anthracite is the filter medium in a bed consisting of either one or two grades of sand or anthracite a gravel bed supports the filter medium, prevents fine sand or anthracite from passing into the under drain system and distributes backwash water water should be filtered, enters over the top of filter and pass from its bed then they collected at the bottom of filter suspended matter is strained out of the water and held in the voids between the filtering granules accumulation load of suspended matter in the bed causes an increasing loss of pressure during the filter run when this loss reaches a predetermined limit, the filter is backwashed upward, discharging the suspended load out to the sewer

  • Pressure Sand Water Filter

    100,000 Per Piece

    • Brand Name: MAHALAXMI AQUA
    • Usage: To remove turbidity & suspended paricles
    • Type: Water Filter
    • Country of Origin: Guwahati
    • Specialities: Space saving design, High speed filetration, Zero heat loss

    This filters are the most popular method for removal of turbidity from water. The pressure sand filter consists of a multilayer of sand with a variety in size and specific gravity. These filters are design4ed to remive trubidity and suspended particles present in the feed water with minimum pressure drop. These filters are custom designed to suit the process requirement. Features: space saving design high speed filtration zero heat loss other details : the method used in this product is an extremely robust method of removing suspended solids from water. The filtration medium of this machine comprises of multiple layer of sand having different size & specific gravity. Revent heat loss after the warm or hot lime process. Other specifications : pressure filters may be vertical or horizontal, have cylindrical steel shells and dished heads. Flow in pressure filters is downward. Usually sand or anthracite is the filter medium in a bed consisting of either one or two grades of sand or anthracite a gravel bed supports the filter medium, prevents fine sand or anthracite from passing into the under drain system and distributes backwash water. Water should be filtered, enters over the top of filter and pass from its bed then they collected at the bottom of filter. Suspended matter is strained out of the water and held in the voids between the filtering g ranules. Accumulation load of suspended matter in the bed causes an increasing loss of pressure during the filter run. When this loss reaches a predetermined limit, the filter is backwashed upward, discharging the suspended load out to the sewer.

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