Profit Weedicide
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Details : Profit is a selective herbicide for the control of grasses, some sedges and broad leaves weeds also.. It is proven superior rice herbicide over butachlor and anilophos. It contains vegetable oil as solvent and is safe to paddy crop. It can be applied as foliar spray or can be mixed with sand for broadcasting in standing water. It gives long control over weeds. Mode of Action : It is a chloroacetanilide group pre-emergence selective rice herbicide, it is taken up readily by the hypocotyls, mesocotyls and coleoptiles of the germinating weeds and acts as cell division inhibitor.Packing : Available in 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr.
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weedicide, wholesalerin fertilizers and other agricultural products
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weedicide, Gardening Tools