Amla Juice 500 ml.
120 Per Pack
Amla juice:-आवला त्वचा में मुहसो के कारण हुए दाग धब्बों को दूर करने में आपकी मदद करता है आयुर्वेद में कहा गया ह अगर आवला का सेवन रोज किया जाये तो उम्र बढ जाएगी.इसमें 80 % पानी,मिनरल्स,विटामिन,फाइबर,प्रोटीन,सम्लित होते है.जोकि शरीर के लिए बहुत ही लाभदयक है. फायदे:-अगर आप आंवले से बने पेस्ट को रोजाना 15 से 20 मिनट तक लगाएंगे तो आपकी त्वचा के सारे रोग दूर हो जायेंगे. आवला का जूस शहद के साथ पिया जाये तो आपके चहरे की चमक बढ जाएगी और किसी प्रकार के दाग नही होंगे. व्यक्ति का जीवनकाल:-1 :-कोलेस्ट्रॉल को कम करने में सहायक है. 2 :-कैंसर के खतरे को को कम करता है. 3 :-पाचन किर्या को बढ़ाता है. तथा:-इसका कोई साइड इफेक्ट नही है.
Amla Murabba
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Enriched with enormous experience, we strive to deliver the best products to our customers. We as a Manufacturer and Supplier present Amla Murabba. Amla works as a coolant and is good for heart and stomach. We offer luscious Murabba made by fresh Amla. It enhances stamina and makes the skin glow. The nutrients in Amla Murabba are preserved by proper packaging that we do meticulously. JOI Ingredients Details : Amla, Sugar Syrup & Preservative (E211).
Best Deals from Amla
Amla Juice
120 Per 500 Milliliter
It is regarded as the juice of immortality or the magic potion which keeps you young and fit. Drinking amla juice twice a day can do wonders for your body and skin. It not only improves the appearance of your skin but also helps maintain proper body functions. It also makes your hair grow stronger. Today amla juice is commercially available in medical stores but it is advisable to prepare it at home in order to ensure that it is pure and contains no added preservatives. All these qualities make it a healthy alternative for aerated and processed drinks.
Amla Powder
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Amla Powder is also known by its Botanical Name: EMBLICA OFFICINALIS Amla is also known as ‘INDIAN GOOSEBERRY’, amla is the name given to a small leaf tree which grows through out India and bears an edible fruit. Amla is like a lemon in size and appears to be light green in colour. It is highly prized both for its high vitamin C content and for the precious oil extracted from its seeds and pulp and also for its high tannin content that serves as a medium for fixing dyes. Amla possesses great medicinal values and its uses are innumerable . Amla powder works as treatment for hair and scalp problems . It is used in eye syndromes, hair loss, children ailments, general vitality tonics, premature graying etc. Amla powder or the amla products are generally suggested to all for healthy beautiful being. Amla mixed with henna, shikakai powder, tulsi and other herbs can be applied to hair in paste form as it dyes and beautifies hair.
Amla Murabba
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