Air Purifier Filter
30,000 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
Dr. Aeroguard SCPR 700 Air Purifier
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We have a good rapport with the prominent e-commerce merchants who provide us a secure payment gateway. With this, we guarantee instant and hassle-free transactions. We can carry out excellent supply chain management, as we have an ultramodern warehouse and the latest inventory control systems. Both help us meet bulk requirements and save us from stock out situations. Dr. Aeroguard SCPR 700 Air Purifier has a smooth and polished surface with excellent heat and chemical resistance.
Best Deals from AIR Purifiers
Geiger Counting System
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Geiger Counting System Ttype GC601A manufactured by NUCLEONIX is an Advanced Technology based, economy model, designed around eight bit microcontroller chip. This system with accessiories is an ideal choice for teaching demonstrating various G.M. Experiments, as part of Experimental Physics lab to U.G., P.G.Science, U.G. Engineering Physics students. Other streams such as Radiation Physics, Radiochemistry, Radiation Biology and Agricultural Sciences can also use this system. This counting system can be used for carryingout a number of Nuclear Physics experiments such as Characteristics curve of a G.M. Counter, to verify the inverse square law for Gamma Radiation, Absorption of Beta Radiations, efficiency of G.M.Counter for Beta Radiation, determination of the back scattering factor of a material for beta rays etc,.
Home Air Purifier
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Geiger Counting System
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Geiger Counting System(AT) Type : GC601A manufactured by NUCLEONIX systems Pvt. Ltd., is an economy model designed around eight bit micro controller chip. This system with accessories is an ideal choice for teaching/demonstrating various G.M. Experiments as part of experimental physics course to U.G.,P.G., Science, Engineering & Instrumentation students for other streams such as Radiation physics, Radiation chemistry, Radiation Biology and Agricultural sciences can also uses the system for experiments. This counting system is an essential tool for counting Beta activity in radioactive samples in Nuclear Research Institutes, Atomic power stations, Reprocessing Plants & Enrichment Plants etc. It can also be used for carrying out a number of Nuclear physics, Radiation Physics & Radio Chemistry experiments in academic institutions, Universities etc.
Air Ionizer
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This is table top instrument, it works on electricity power, and it neutralizes the static charge which is generating on the working table, usually it covers the table size area, we are also having overhead Air Ionizer, which could be mounted on a wall to cover bigger area, this instrument comes with single, double or four ionizer fans.
Car Air Freshener Purifier
299 Per Piece
20 Piece (MOQ)
room air purifier
24,990 Per Piece
Air Purifiers
12,500 - 24,700 Per Piece
Air Purifiers
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The Air Purifiers, we supply, are acclaimed for their coverage range of 60-40 square meters. These purifiers cause less noise production and have the long service life.
hepa air purifier
27,999 Per Piece
5 Piece (MOQ)
air purification system
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air purification system, modular operating theatre, fan filter units
Air Filtration System
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Air Purification Systems
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Air Purification Systems, Medical Equipments, Syringe Pumps, ECG Machines
air purification system
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air purification system, Vacuum Cleaning Machine, Car Washing Pump
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Paper Towel Dispenser, Shoe Shine Machine
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Air Purifiers, Rain Water Harvesting Systems, SOLAR SYSTEMS
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Induram Bionixplus Air Purifier
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Induram Bionixplus Air Purifier, wireless baby monitor camera