System: Micro-processor controlled. All optional features are available on the electronic circuit. Using its LCD display, you can give informatation to your customers. It has an audible warning system
Working Type: With Ticket : Entry : Date (DD/MM/YY) and time (00:00:00) data of the vehicle perceived by loop sensor is taken foram PC and these daha are printed on the ticket as a barcode. Ticket dispanser gives thi barcode ticket to the customer. As the customer gets
Software: There RS 485 communication between PC and ticket dispanser. 256 ticket dispanser can be controlled by a PC.
Warranty: 2 Years
Technical Service: Fast and uninterrupted high-quality, expert technical support throughout Turkey, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Central Asia and the Balkans.
Quality Standards: ISO 9001-2000
Installation: Assembly kit provides fast and easy installation