cfd analysis services
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CFD/FEA/MATLAB/Python/AI/ML/IOT We are Highly Expertise in the following domains of technologies• 2D, 3D Design, Modelling and preparing drawing for manufacturing.• Aero & Vibro acoustic• Combustion of Aero-Engines• Missile 6 DOF, Transient Flow and Dynamics of Moving Body• Micro shock tube, Mass Loading, Drug delivery through injection, PML• Gas and Micro Particle interaction• Wind Turbines• Valve Analysis (Control Valves, Safety Valves, Isolation Valves, etc.)• HVLS fan, Industrial Fan• Heat exchanger, evaporator, condenser, expansion valve, compressor• Ceiling Fan Blade, Table Fan Blade, Exhaust fan, cooler fan etc.• Electrical Motor (Induction, BLDC, Synchronous or any 1-ph and 3-ph motor)• CFD/FEA/Motor Analysis• MATLAB/Python .... And Many More....