Themo Mechanical Fatigue
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Features 50 to 500 kN force rating systems Integrated digital servo controlled induction heating from 200 to 11000C temperature range Heating rates up to 500C/sec Integrated digital servo controlled compressed air cooling Cooling rates up to 500C/sec Next generation DSP based servo controller with 32 bit data acquisition 24 kHz data acqusition & 24 kHz servo loop control User friendly MTL-32 Windows software with dedicated application software TMF Software designed as per ASTM E 2368 High temperature extensometer Self locking and water cooled hydraulic grips “Green” highly efficient hydraulic power packs Applications Axial low cycle fatigue Thermal cycling Thermo-mechanical cycling with independent phase control (in-phase & out of phase) Optional axial torsion testing Optional axial torsion plus internal pressurization Optional axial/torsion/pressure/thermal cycling with phase control Optional Vacuum chamber to house grips and specimen Non contact temperature measurement (Pyrometer) Spot welding units for thermocouple Thermo Mechanical Fatigue Test Systems simulate combined effects of thermal cycling and mechanical fatigue. These systems are useful for testing specimens subjected to synchronized heating, cooling and temperature compensated strain or force with optional expansion to simultaneous torsion or internal pressurization. These fully integrated test systems are ideally suited for aerospace and power generation industries. The specimen under test is subjected to fast rate heating followed by rapid cooling by means of a digitally controlled induction heater and pneumatic air directed on the specimen through air cooling nozzles.
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This machine is light, compact & simple in design used to test the fatigue strength of materials & to draw S-N diagram, used for research institutes, laboratories, material manufacturers & various industries. Machine is table model, no need of civil foundation. Rotating beam type machine in which load is applied in reversed bending fashion. Standard 8 mm diameter specimen is held in special holders at its ends & loaded such that it experiences a uniform bending moment. The specimen is rotated at 4200 rpm by a motor. A complete cycle of reversed stresses in all fibres of the specimen is produced during each revolution. The bending moment is applied with a lever system and can be easily changed by moving a weight over the lever. Maximum bending moment of 200 kgcm is applied & adjustable from 25 to 200 kgcm. Total number of revolutions at which the specimen fails is recorded by a digital counter. The total number of digits of digital counter is eight. An interlocking system puts off the motor immediately after specimen fails. Accuracy of applied bending moment ± 1%. Optional - Machine with maximum bending moment upto 400 kgcm can also be offered. Machine meets requirements of IS: 5075-1969.
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