Herbal Fungicides Dealers in Hyderabad

(2 products available)
  • Focus Herbal Fungicide

    Focus Herbal Fungicide

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    we are offering herbal fungicide manufacturers and exporters. This product manufactured by fermentation technology by using herbal extracts of sacred basil (ocimum vilosum), peniophora gigantea, pongomia pinneta and a new innovate ingredient crab apple extract, which is an effective anti — fungal agent, with u.k. Technology. Hbr - I is a herbal product derived from plant extract and making a formulation of micronutrients and trace elements, which are value added biodegradable and non-phyto toxic. They have profound influence directly or indirectly on many of the physiological process in crop plants. When applied as foliar spray, it has better absorption of these components and provokes many vital physiological functions. They have a multi-faceted role in improving leaf area, photosynthesis and biomass production. Besides increasing the activity of bio-membranes, they improve the assimilation of macro and micronutrients, they have a role in the improvement in the efficiency of photo sanitary products by synergetic action facilitating translocation. Quality improvement, increased germination rate of flowering, fruiting and root formulation are few of the formative remarkable effects observed in crop species due to the foliar application of this concentrate. As a whole there is an increase in vigor, biomass and yield. Besides, herbal fungicide plays a role in controlling, fungus and bacteria due to its in build character of plant extracts. It is therefore also useful for seed treatment before sowing, to increase germination and mainly to control seed born diseases. It is a phythium for both prevention and cure. protects from fungal and bacterial infectionsrustblightrotspotdamping offanthracnosepowdery mildewdowny mildew efficacy of herbal fungicide spreads into lateral roots and competes with the pathogen by hyphal interference. There are hundreds of examples of fungal antagonist of fungal pathogen of root and shoot systems of plants interactions occur in rhizosphere as well as phyllosphere these include hyper parasites as well as antagonists of these at least two are currently in use at commercial scale in uk and europe. These provide effective control of decay (rootrot) or pine stumps, caused by heteobasidion annosum by peniophora gigantea. We are using other herbal concentrated bio mass, sacredbasil and pongamla pinneta, these herbals are already used for some hundreds of years in india for human and animal diseases. Recently it was proved in agricultural fields also to control fungal and bacterial diseases. Sacred basil is very good anti-bacterial with its proved facts in several aspects. And the new innovative ingredient, crab apple extract was also very familiar for its anti fungal nature. It possesses systemic functioning also, which increases the rate of absorption, in respect of duration also. This prohibits the activity of fungal creatures being an anti-fungal agent. It has its own place at the top level as anti fungal, both at national & international levels. It ceases the growth of fungal spores in plants and develops resistance in further. features base material / carrier material is phyto & eco friendly100% soluble actionspecially recommended for paddy, sugar cane, ground nut, grapes and other fruits and vegetable crops etc.recently introduced in 1 gm./ 1 liter of water concentration instructions for use mix 3 gm. Of herbal fungicide in 1 liter of water & spray on plants / trees till they get covered. cropricesugar canegroundnutgapesvegetableschilliespulserosediseasetikkablastblight-rotanthrancedamping off spotleaf spot precautions keep it away from children, wash thoroughly with soap and plenty of water after spraying. note : in combination with anti-biotics like streptomycin, long lasting results were observed. to enquire about the desired product(s), just check the box and then click “inquiry now” button which is provided below..

  • Herbal Fungicides

    Herbal Fungicides

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    • Seed treatment: 10gm/lkg seed.

    Tricho Rich prevents the diseases like Wilt, Damping off, Root rots, Charcoal rot and all soil borne and seed borne diseases. It is suitable for the crops like Chillies, Cotton, Oil seeds, Sugar cane, Banana and vegetables.

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