Rheumatic Oil
Guggul is useful in Ankylosis, stiffness of joints, Rheumatoid Arthritis and allied disorders. It can penetrate any system and reach its site of action. Asgandh is Anti-inflammatory, Anti-arthritic and Analgesic. Nirgundi is very useful in reducing swelling of joints caused by acute Rheumatism. Rasna is used in Rheumatism and allied disorders. Haldi possesses local and systemic anti inflammatory property. Shobhajana is used in Rheumatism and joint pains. Datura is used to relieve rheumatic pains, swelling of the joints, lumbago, sciatica and neuralgia.
...moreferrous fumarate tablet
Ferrous Fumarate is one of the most stable, least toxic and easily assimilable salts of iron. It is available in the form of tablets each containing 200 mg. of Ferrous Fumarate I.P. equivalent to about 65 mg. of elemental iron. For the routine treatment of iron deficiency anemias arising from the excessive loss of blood in chronic hemorrhages like piles, hookworm infestation, hematemesis and hemoptysis or deficient intake of iron in diet, for growing children and premature babies to put on weight, to maintain hemoglobin level in old age and convalescence.
...moreAyurvedic Tablets
Ayurvedic drugs for fortifying the body against frequent attacks of common cold. Also useful in tonsillitis, skin and other allergies. Antispasmodic expectorant and tonic. Neem is anthelmintic, antiseptic, Astringent and tonic. Chirata is tonic, stomachic and febrifuge. Gandhak is a stimulant to the skin and bronchial mucous membranes.
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