Kittys Micro Solutions Pvt Ltd L. B. Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana

  • School Management Software

    School Management Software

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    We are offering school management software. For management highlights of management module student management time table academic notes & assignments examinations fee management library management account management pay roll transport hostel staff faculty management for parents a complete solution to track your children performance” continual communication with teachers active participation in school activities real-time update on children’s attendance, fee payment and progress report checking of homework given to the child by teachers early intimation about the school holidays and events systematic and instant school updates from discussion forums, articles, messaging system and image gallery for teachers technoschools software offers a range of benefits to teachers as well:- computerized student attendance management online marks and grades estimation online timetable creation assigning homework to the students and submissions able to allocate more time for students effective communication with the parents access to common forum for parents and teachers better management of school operations access to own as well as students attendance for student improved communication with peers, teachers and parents submission of homework online access to timetable, grades, attendance, marks and examination schedule freedom to post articles and views & take part in discussion forums liberty to browse any library books and find the issued books information on the holidays and school’s upcoming events in advance monitor and track self-progress a collaborative tool between student and teacher

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Contact Information

Kittys Micro Solutions Pvt Ltd

  • Mr. Sanjeeva Reddy Somu
  • 3-9-360, Flot No.303jella Resedency, Saraswathi Nagar ,Chinttalkunta, L.b Nagar , Hyderabad, L. B. Nagar, Telangana

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