A Grade Mango
40 - 100 Per Kilogram
1 Ton (MOQ)
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We are one of the leading exporters of Fresh Mangoes from India Mangoes, also known as the’ King of fruits’. Mangoes have been cultivated in South Asia for thousands of years. However, it will be interesting to know that half of the world’s mangoes are cultivated in India alone. They are known for their rich taste and sweet flavor. We are one of the leading Fresh mango exporters and are known to export the best mangoes across the globe. What’s more is mangoes are not just tasty but they are healthy too! There are several varieties of mangoes grown in India such as Alphonso, Badami, Dasahri, Kesar, Raspuri, Chaunsa, Mankurad, Neelam etc. Let’s know more about some of these varieties. Alphonso Cultivated and grown abundantly in Ratnagiri and Konkan, this variety of mango is most loved by people all over and is rightly known as the ‘King of mangoes’. These mangoes are slightly higher priced compared to others but nothing can beat its rich and awesome taste. Alphonso mango export has only risen in the last few years owing to its demand in the western countries. Dasahri Also known as Malihabadi this variety is grown in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. It was first cultivated 200 years back in the garden of a Nawab in Lucknow. It has a perfect long shape, strong aroma, fibreless and bright yellow in colour. Dasheri is mostly used for making aam ras(mango pulp) and chutney. Kesar If you are a Aamras(mango plup) lover? This is the right variety of mango to produce delicious aam ras. It is grown largely is the foothills of Girnar mountains. It gets its name due to its bright orange colour. It can be consumed raw and is available between April and July. Mango exporters in India ensure that this variety of mango gets its due abroad too and leave no stone unturned to export fresh Kesar mangoes. As fresh mango exporters we ensure that our clients receive the freshest and best variety from India.
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