carm machine
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The C-Arm stand is ruggedly built with reverse Aluminium C providing clear sterile area. Self balanced and half turn manually locked movements assure easy maneuverability. Wheels with cable guards and individual front and back wheel movement controls enable speedy lateral travel and ease ofpositioning the region of interest under cramped working conditions. It has actuator driven, smooth and noiseless up down movements
Portable Ultrasound Scanner
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General description: general purpose portable ultrasound scanner, with multiple focus electronic probes. 1. System specifications: probes: electronic 3.5mhz convex electronic 7.5 mhz linear scan modes: b, m, b+m, b+b scan converter: −matrix size: min 512x512x8 −gray-scale levels: min 256 software features: −multiple beam focusing −image preprocessing −image postprocessing −zoom −digital calipers −general analysis: distance, area, circumference −obstetrics software packagekeyboard: alphanumeric keyboard with pointing device (joystick or trackball). Maximum display depth, cm: 22 or more monitor: high resolution monochromatic, minimum size: 7-inch connections: -standard video output 625 lines 50 hz -image freezing footswitch power requirements: -mains: 220v, 50hz -rechargeable battery, minimum capacity: 1 hour weight: maximum 15 kg
Best Deals from Medical Imaging Machine & Accessories
Mri Machine
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Mri Machine, ct scan machines, ECG Machines, Medical Equipments