Continuous Air Monitor
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Continuous Air Monitor, Type: AM732A manufactured by Nucleonix Systems, designed using state-of-art electronics is primarily used for monitoring Alpha activity present in the form of suspended particulate in air. It is very much essential to monitor the quality of air in & around Radiochemical plants, reprocessing plants and other similar facilities. It essentially has an air suction system comprising of a suction pump, rotometers to measure air flow rate, Alpha suction chamber. This system has Alpha air-sampler detector assembly consists of a filter holder 60mm dia, a suction chamber with air inlet and outlet & detector housing fabricated with stainless steel. Alpha Detector consists of ZnS (Ag) deposited on loose mylar support of 50mm dia coupled to matched PMT with Pre-amplifier. Detector Efficiency achieved is of the order of 25% for Plutonium alpha particles over the entire window area. Collection efficiency better than 97% is achieved with this design. Suction chamber design facilitates the user to easily replace the filter paper(s) periodically as per the requirement.
Continuous Air Monitor
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