Oxytetracycline Injection
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Each ml contains: Oxytetracycline Di - hydrate equivalent to 200 mg of Oxytetracycline on anhydrous basis in 2 - Pyrrolidone vehicle system. Pack: 30ml, 100ml. Dosage: Cattle, Buffaloes, Sheep, Goats, Pigs & Camel; Single dose 1 ml per 10 kg b.wt. Poultry and Rabbits: 1 ml per 4 Kg b.wt by deep I/M route can be given as single or at multiple site. ANTIBACTERIALS & ANTIBIOTICS.
30 ml Oxytetracycline Injection
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Composition: Each ml. contains : Oxytetracycline Dihydrate I.P. eq. to Anhydrous Oxytetracycline 100 mg. Indications : Cattle: Haemorrhagic septicaemia, black-quarter, anthrax, pneumonia, enteritis, genito urinary tract infections, wound infections, mastitis, brucellosis. Goat Sheep: Pneumonia, CCPP, BCPP enterotoxemia, brucellosis. Horse: Pneumonia, strangles, enteritis, wound infections, joint ill, anthrax and urino genital infections.
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oxytetracycline hcl injection
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oxytetracycline hcl injection, ayurvedic veterinary medicines