Punarnava Powder Dealers in Hyderabad

(1 products available)
  • Punarnava Powder

    Punarnava Powder

    80 Per Pack

    • Type: Herbal
    • Form: Powder
    • Shelf Life: 2 Years
    • Size: 100gms, 200gms, 900gms
    • Dosage: 2-3 gms twice a day with warm water
    • Purity: 100%
    • Storage: Cool & Dry Place

    Benefits of Punarnava Powder according to Ayurveda : Punarnava removes excess Kapha (water) dosha (humor) from the body. Punarnava supports the functioning of the heart, liver and kidneys. Punarnava helps to maintain balanced fluid levels. Punarnava Powder works to maintain healthy the urinary system Punarnava Powder mild laxative in nature. It works as Rasayana (Longevity enhancer) detoxify and nourishing the various body channels. Punarnava Powder enhances the quality of dhatus (tissues) like nutrient plasma (Rasa dhatu), Blood (Rakta dhatu) Muscles (Mamsa dhatu) fat (Meda dhatu) Bone marrow & nerves (Majja dhatu) Reproductive fluids (Shukra dhatu). Punarnava Powder helps to maintain healthy healthy fluid levels Punarnava is used to support comfortable movement of the joints for those with Kapha (water) constitutions and kaphadosha(humor)(water)imbalances. Punarnava promotes the healthy urinary tract. It is a kidneys tonic in Ayurveda. It helps to maintain reproductive organs health.. This herb is used for the water metabolism. It improves digestive fire (Deepani).

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