FieldScout 1000 NDVI Soil PH Meter
100,000 Per Piece
10 Piece (MOQ)
Feature Detects stress earlier than visual monitoring Computes Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) Laser guides outline the edges of the measured sample area Calculates and displays a running average for multiple readings Connects to any GPS receiver that has a serial output option* Equipped with internal data logger and RS-232 port Records over 3,000 measurements (1,350 with added GPS/DGPS option) Configure and download meter with FieldScout® software and USB-to-3.5mm-Stereo-Plug Adapther (Item 3661U.(included)** Includes hard carrying case and batteries *GPS interface requires two cables. The GPS/DGPS cable (item 2950CV5) is available from Spectrum. A PC serial interface cable supplied by the manufacturer of the GPS receiver is also required. **PC cable connects to a computer USB port.
Electronic Soil Ph Meter
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DM 15 Soil pH Moisture Meter
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Soil Ph and Mositure Meter
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Soil pH Meter
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10 Piece (MOQ)
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Soil pH and Moisture meter used to measure the PH and Moisture of the soil Pointer Type Soil Moisture and PH Tester MeterMultifunctional Handheld NeedleSoil Moisture Humidity and PH Measuring Gauge
cone type soil ph moisture meter
9,800 Per piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
soil ph value is a very important factor in the production of quality crops. most cropscannot survive in soil that is too acid or too alkaline. therefore the correct ph reading isessential to achieve optimum results. usage: to measure the ph and moisture value of different kinds of soil.range: ph= 3 - 8 ph moisture: 1 - 810%–80% resolution: ± 0.2 phaccuracy : ± 0.2 ph-suitable for agricultural field and classroom experiments.operating temp: 5-50°c (41-122 degrees fahrenheit).calibration: remove oxidation from metal rings by light polishing.