Rack Rolling Dyes
SPLINETECH is specialized in designing the spline rolls with the help of software developed in-house. Spline form varies from customer to customer ie.,one customer requires 1 module with 30° pressure angle, another requires 1 module with 37.5° or 45° PA. same way the depth of the form varies from customer to customer. Our software designs the proper form required on the spline rolling dies. The masters are ground as per the computer design on our Master Grinding machine manufactured in-house. With these masters, wheels are formed on high precision Gear Grinding machines of Reishauer and Matrix makes. The rolls are stress relieved before dispatch. We also have a special treatment facility of sub zero treatment in-house. SPLINETECH also designs, manufactures and reforms Rack Rolling dies suitable for Rack Rolling machines manufactured by Japanese as well as machines from other countries. Splinetech has designed rolls for rolling components designed for hobbing including 20° pressure angle in some cases. We undertake spline form rolling on R & D basis when customer requires special forms.
...moreCnc Spline Rolling Machine
CNC Jarryd Spline Rolling Machine is exclusively developed for rolling Splines upto 0.75 module and upto 18 mm job dia. The Roll Shafts are CNC driven. One component is produced in one rotation of the Incremental Rolls. The setup procedure is very simple. This is an ideal machinefor rolling smaller components for household appliances, power steering components and special thread forms for power window movements in modern cars and wiper motors.
...moreCnc Spline Rolling Machine
In this machine, the software writes its own program for performing the spline rolling cycle, where the spline details are specified. We can also edit the program written by the original software by the machine. The great advantage is that when a component has different no. Of splines, but of same module, this machine can roll all the splines in one cycle. One example is mahindra nissan main shaft with four splines of different number of teeth, but of the same module.
...moreCNC Rack-Rolling Machine
This machine is designed to produce Splines, Serrations, Oil Grooves, Threads and special forms. This is a cold forming process, where components are rolled between two Racks. In a single cycle, we can roll, Splines as well as Threads simultaneously or two different Splines one with helical and one with straight serrations, etc. one of our machines is tooled up to roll motor bike kick shaft with 1 module, 0.5 module and 0.43 module for rolling all three splines in a single cycle.
Specialities : ⊗ High production,High accuracy,Superb Surface Finish
...more60 Ton Hydraulic Thread Rolling Machine
This a one of a kind machine in the world with Heavy Duty imported Linear Guids. In this machine the force is acting in line directly behind the Roll Shaft. This machine can roll multi start screws with higher pitches like 11.1125 mm x 4 starts in a single cycle and also 2" valve stems, ball screws etc.
...more30 Ton Hydraulic Thread Rolling Machine
Saddle and Job movements in the case of Spline Rolling are on imported Linear Guides. On Thread Rolling Machine, we can roll Threads by Plunge Rolling as well as Thru-Feed System of Rolling for longer threads. In case of Spline Rolling, we can roll by Plunge rolling, Incremental rolling as well Force Feeding system of rolling for longer splines even upto 400 mm long with short width rolls. One ex: we have rolled 12 mm dia x 16 teeth x 430 mm long for Wipro high speed printer.
...more16 Ton Hydraulic Spline Rolling Machine
This machine is specially designed with linear guide movements to meet most of the normal requirements of Thread Spline rolling.
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