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CL-52D, turbidity meter provide accuracy and reliability. With a resolution of 0.01 nephelometric turbidity units at low turbidity readings and an extended range to 1000 NTU. Compact, rugged & easy to operate. 31⁄2 digit 7 segment LED.
CL 52D Turbidity Meter
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CL-52D, turbidity meter provide accuracy and reliability. With a resolution of 0.01 nephelometric turbidity units at low turbidity readings and an extended range to 1000 NTU
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Extended Auto Ranging Up to 10,000 NTU: Instrument senses turbidity level of sample and automatically adjusts to the appropriate measurement range. Auto Alert Calibration Prompt: Automatically prompts the operator to initiate simple menu-driven calibration. Simple Calibration Procedures: Calibration initiated with the push of a button ensures accurate readings Ratio (Color Correction): Automatic Compensation for background color. RS-232 Output: Date, time and NTU reading can be captured with a serial printer or data recorder. Reusable ProCal Calibration Standards: Quick and easy calibration across all ranges without the need to mix Formazin.