Warning Systems Dealers in Hyderabad

(3 products available)
  • Gps Based Border Alert System

    Gps Based Border Alert System

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    This project is aimed to design an automatic meter reading system using wireless technology GSM. Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites broadcast signals from space that GPS receivers, use to provide three-dimensional location (latitude, longitude, and altitude) plus precise time. GPS receivers provides reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to worldwide users on a continuous basis in all weather, day and night, anywhere on or near the Earth. This ultra-sensitive GPS receiver can acquire GPS signals from 65 channels of satellites and output position data with high accuracy in extremely challenging environments and under poor signal conditions due to its active antenna and high sensitivity. The GPS receiver’s -160dBm tracking sensitivity allows continuous position coverage in nearly all application environments. The output is serial data of 9600 baud rate which is standard NMEA 0183 v3.0 protocol offering industry standard data messages and a command set for easy interface to mapping software and embedded devices. This project built to provide the GPS locations to the fisher men who are facing risks during sail, Maximum risks occur for fishermen in situations where they travel on a boat for fishing. In some situations they should not move after some point and they should not enter into other countries area. There is a real necessity in designing a system that can track the vehicle and display the geographical location, there by alerting the fishermen. This project uses a GPS modem and a micro controller. The GPS data is continuously tracked is fed to the micro controller. The controller then sends the data over to a 16x2 LCD. This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. . Unregulated 12V DC is used for relay. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.   Micro Controller : AT89S52 Crystal : 11.0592 MHz Lcd : HD44780 Led : 5mm Red LED Gps Modem Max232 Software Requirements Keil Proteus Uc Flash Embedded C Prog Isp

  • Strata Movement Warning System

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    Strata Movement Warning System, Quick Setting Cement Capsules

  • Best Deals from Warning Systems

  • Strata Movement Warning System

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    Strata Movement Warning System, Quick Setting Inorganic Cement Capsules

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