Manual Strapping Tool For MS Strip
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MS strip is a steel strapping used for heavy-duty packaging. It provides the best banding to seal the packages that carry very heavy loads. It is also the oldest strapping material and has been in use for years in the packaging heavy industrial equipment.
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Best Deals from Manual Strapping Tools
MS Strip Manual Strapping Tool
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Manual Steel Strapping Tensioner is offered by us are an ideal alternative for heavy duty steel strapping applications with push or cover types seal/clips. In addition to this, the offered range is known for its excellent performance, resistance to breakage and compact design. Features :- Manual Steel Strap tensioner. - MIP heavy duty steel strap tensioner. - Flat surface load.- Round or irregular surface load.
manual strapping tool
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Strapping Manual hand tensioner allow operators to bring strap to desired tension with minimal interruption, effort and strap waste. Strapping Manual sealers provide positive sealing action with minimal effort. Light and durable, they lock strap ends into a high strength joint.
Manual Strapping Tool for PET Strip, PP Strip, MS Strip
4,850 Per
Strapping Manual hand tensioners allow operators to bring strap to desired tension with minimal interruption, effort and strap waste.