Natural Therapy Services in Indore

(6 service providers available)
  • Acupuncture Treatment

    Acupuncture Treatment

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    Acupressure and Acupuncture are an ancient method of Alternative medicine and a component of traditional Chinese medicine.  Acupressure is done by applying pressure on the points related to diseases by using fingers or by prop applying pressure on the skin and outer fascia.In Acupuncture  sterilized, very fine, flexible and new needles are used for treatment on each individual.     Chinese acupuncture Auricular acupuncture Sujok acupuncture Electro acupuncture Dry Needling Scalp Acupuncture Meridian Acupressure Chinese Acupressure Moxibustion therapy Cupping therapy Marma therapy.    

  • BIO Magnetic therapy

    BIO Magnetic therapy

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    • Country of Origin: India
    • Material: Acrylic
    • Gender: Female, Male
    • Feature: Control Blood Pressure, Maintain Cholesterol
    • Pattern: Plain
    • Appearance: Antique

    Biomagnetic therapy is the application of magnets to the body to stimulate the nerves and create a better blood flow to various parts of the body. BIO Magnetic therapy is a safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes When FIR penetrates through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues, it transforms from light energy in to heat energy. The thermal effect within the deep layers of tissues cause blood vessels in capillaries to dilate, promoting a better blood circulation, and the heat so produced helps to get rid of body toxins and metabolic wastes through sweating Improves immune power enhances energy level. regulates blood pressure. Enhances body ,brain & mental power . Helps the body regain its self-healing balance naturally, because each organ and cell in the body is influenced by magnetic fields. It helps in InsomniaSleeplessness, Constipation, Blood pressure, Respiratory problems, Arthritis & Rheumatism, Backache, Headache etc. Assist your body to heal itself faster, Promote cell regeneration, Provide increased energy levels, Provide increased circulation, Allow better mobility, Provide deeper, more restful sleep.

  • Looking for Natural Therapy Service Providers

  • Past Life Regression

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    We believe that Life (Consciousness) is eternal, life journey is continuous. Sometimes our unresolved issues from the past (from childhood or other previous lives) haunt our present life, manifesting in phobias-fear-negative attitude-negative belief-negative emotions-diseases etc. Past life Regression helps us to solve our unresolved issues and thereby set us free and makes our present life journey healthy, happy and smooth. Past life Regression also help you to know yourself better thus accelerate your spiritual journey. Benefits of Past Life Regression Healing : Help to uncover hidden thoughts, feelings, and emotionsProvides clarity of thoughtsHelps to get rid of Fear-Phobia and Relationship issuesProvides a greater understanding of yourselfProvides positive attitude Improves personality

  • Past Life Regression

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  • Aromatherapy

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    Aromatherapy, Anti Addiction Powder, oat meal

  • aroma therapy

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    aroma therapy, feng shui services, Spiritual Healing Services

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