Scientech Technology Pvt. Ltd. Pardesipura, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

  • Ultrasound Machine - St2364

    Ultrasound Machine - St2364

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    We are offering ultrasound machine - st2364. digital portable ultrasound system adopts 3.5 mhz electronic convex array probe and introduces the image processing technologies such as the changeable aperture, dynamic changes of marks, the multistage electronic focus, the dynamic filter, image enhancement, different types of correlations etc. The instrument manly applies in the dynamic image diagnosis of the liver, gall bladder, spleen, kidneys urinary bladder, pancreatic glands and so on, as well as the gynecology and obstetrics examinations. The instrument can not be used in the internal organs examination like stomach, intestine and lungs which contains the gases. St2364 ultrasound machine trainer is designed in such a manner that it provides full technical information of both medical and electronic parts. Students can learn different techniques for the analysis of ultrasound imaging.

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  • Water Level Measurement Trainer - St2309

    Water Level Measurement Trainer - St2309

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    We are offering water level measurement trainer - st2309. st2309 water level measurement trainer is designed to learn concept of water level measurement. It helps students & industry professionals to understand operation of level sensors in detail. Built-in on/off controller is also provided with audio & visual indicators. It also has a pc interface through usb for more interactive understanding of water level measurement. User can also take a direct printout if desired. st2309 water level measurement has a wide range of experiments with user friendly software.

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  • Electro-myograph - Scientech-2354A

    Electro-myograph - Scientech-2354A

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    We are offering electro-myograph - scientech-2354a. scientech techbooks are compact and user friendly learning platforms to provide a modern, portable, comprehensive and practical way to learn technology. Each techbook is provided with detailed multimedia learning material which covers basic theory, step by step procedure to conduct the experiment and other useful information. The bioelectric potentials associated with muscle activity constitute the electromyogram, abbreviated as emg. Understanding of electromyograph, scientech techbook 2354a provides in-depth study and observation of electric potentials generated by the muscles. Scientech techbook 2354a enables emg signals observation by affixing pre-gelled ag-agcl surface electrodes at the surface to the body near a muscle of interest. Thus emg measurements are intended to obtain an indication of the amount of activity of a group of muscles, rather than of an individual muscle fiber. Scientech techbook 2354a also consists of built-in emg simulator to generate simulated emg signals. This simulator is provided for internal emg analysis as on the educational level we cannot provide any invasive technique of penetrating needle electrode into the muscle. The simulator gives the information about the 10 types emg patterns viz. Normal emg, excited emg, raw emg data, 100hz filtered, 250hz filtered, 1 khz filtered, emg at 0.53hz, emg at 53hz, power spectrum at 0.53hz, power spectrum at 53hz.

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  • Ultrasonic Transducer Trainer - St2312

    Ultrasonic Transducer Trainer - St2312

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    We are offering ultrasonic transducer trainer - st2312. ultrasonic transducer trainer st2312 is a very utile instrument for students as well as for practicing engineers to understand thorough knowledge about principles & operation of ultrasonic transducers used in industries.

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  • Two Channel Cdma (dsss and Fhss) Trainer - St2117

    Two Channel Cdma (dsss and Fhss) Trainer - St2117

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    We are offering two channel cdma (dsss and fhss) trainer - st2117. St2117, two channel cdma (dsss and fhss) trainer is a comprehensive training solution for technology people, who want to explore the basics behind code division multiple access. The implementation of cdma into practical life is so vast and intricate that it becomes really tough for beginners to get a feel of the real technology implementation. St 2117 aims to provide this feel of technology and gives necessary understanding of the cdma multiplexing.

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  • Temperature Transducer - St2302

    Temperature Transducer - St2302

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    We are offering temperature transducer - st2302. temperature transducers play a very important role in today's industrial and domestic applications. Scientech optical and temperature transducers techbook are unique in design because each covers study of 4 different types transducers. Experiments covering fundamental characteristics of transducers & study of transducer controlled switching / alarm systems can be performed with these techbook. These techbook comes with exhaustive learning material covering theory and experimental procedures for conducting experiments.

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  • Tdm Pulse Code Modulation Transmitter Trainer - St2153

    Tdm Pulse Code Modulation Transmitter Trainer - St2153

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    We are offering tdm pulse code modulation transmitter trainer - st2153. the trainer provides all necessary inputs and connection for students to study pulse code modulation transmission techniques. A communication link can be established by using pcm receiver model st2154.

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  • Tdm Pulse Code Modulation Receiver Trainer - St2154

    Tdm Pulse Code Modulation Receiver Trainer - St2154

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    We are offering tdm pulse code modulation receiver trainer - st2154. the trainer provides all necessary inputs and connection for students to study decoding and demultiplexing of data transmitted by pcm transmitter. On-board pll provides regeneration of clock. Synchronization between transmitter and receiver is provided by pseudo random code.

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  • Tdm Pulse Amplitude Modulation Trainer - St2152

    Tdm Pulse Amplitude Modulation Trainer - St2152

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    We are offering tdm pulse amplitude modulation /demodulation trainer - st2152. the trainer provides all necessary inputs and connections for students to study pulse amplitude modulation/ demodulation techniques. Time division multiplexing & demultiplexing of signals and signal reconstruction.

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  • Phonocardiograph System - ST2356

    Phonocardiograph System - ST2356

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    We are offering phonocardiograph system - st2356. Phonocardiograph Trainer ST 2356 is equipment used to record the sound generated due to mechanical activity of heart i.e. pumping operation of heart and lungs - cardiac sounds, murmurs and respiratory sounds. It provides high-fidelity recording of heart sounds, respiratory sounds and murmurs. Heart sound is a physiological phenomenon which provides diagnostic information in a frequency band from 20 Hz to 1000 Hz. The electronic sensor is placed on the subject´s chest. PCG unit has a low noise and distortion- free amplifier and the FILTER selector and GAIN control is adjusted depending on the user´s requirement of pitch and intensity. The heart sounds can be heard clearly on the headphone. From the output sockets provided, the PCG unit can be connected to an Oscilloscope or Phonocardiogram data acquisition software, to obtain the Phonocardiogram.

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  • 12 Lead Ecg - St2360a

    12 Lead Ecg - St2360a

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    We are offering 12 lead ecg - st2360a. an electrocardiogram (ecg or ekg, abbreviated from the german elektrokardiogramm) is a graphical representation of an electrocardiograph, which records the electrical activity of the heart over time. Analysis of the various waves and normal vectors of depolarization and repolarization yields important diagnostic information. it is the gold standard for the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias it guides therapy and risk stratification for patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction it helps detect electrolyte disturbances (e.g. Hyperkalemia and hypokalemia) it allows for the detection of conduction abnormalities (e.g. Right and left bundle branch block) 12 lead real time ecg trainer st2360a is designed in such a manner that it provides accurate measurement of all 12 leads examination of heart signals including both unipolar and bipolar configurations. St2360a illustrates the fundamentals of standard limbs (bipolar) and chest leads (unipolar) interpretation and rhythm recognition in an easy-to-use manner. st2360a uses 10 electrodes lead cable for measurement of 12 lead real time ecg. 12 lead examination of heart gives full information of the heart anatomy, physiology and electrical conduction system. It has inbuilt touch-screen lcd screen which gives the accurate wave shapes of all the leads. The abnormalities occurring in human cardiovascular system like tachycardia (faster heart-rate), bradycardia (slower heartrate), myocardial infraction (insufficient blood supply), atrial or ventricular hypertrophy (enlargement in the heart wall) myocardial ischemia (blood deficiency) and carditis (inflammation in heart tissue) etc. Can also be studied by observing the real time wave pattern.

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  • 12 Lead Ecg - St2360

    12 Lead Ecg - St2360

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    We are offering 12 lead ecg - st2360. 1. Provides all 12 leads amplified ECG output 2. Provides in-depth study of Standard Unipolar and Bipolar Leads Configuration for ECG measurement in real time 3. Provides information about different types of heart diseases 4. Provides information about leads connection and electrode placement on the patient body 5. Amplitude and heart frequency calculation done by software 6. QRS Detection of the waveform done by software 7. Calculation of wave duration and wave interval done by software

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  • Single Channel Ecg Telemetry - Scientech-2359

    Single Channel Ecg Telemetry - Scientech-2359

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    We are offering single channel ecg telemetry - scientech-2359. scientech techbooks are compact and user friendly learning platforms to provide a modern, portable, comprehensive and practical way to learn technology. Each techbook is provided with detailed multimedia learning material which covers basic theory, step by step procedure to conduct the experiment and other useful information. Wireless telemetry (tele = distance, metry = measurement) permits examination of physiological data of subject under normal or abnormal condition in natural surroundings without any discomfort or obstruction to the subject under investigation. Today wireless is used almost everywhere and devices are available to send audio, video, security, computer as well as human physiological data. In medical field wireless technology plays a very important role because this technology is totally free from wires and we are allowed to transmit and receive signal of interest over long distance. Doctors can examine and also provide treatments to the patient from anywhere in the world. Using wireless telemetry, physiological signal can be obtained from swimmers, riders, athletes, pilots or labours. Telemetric surveillance is most convenient during transportation within the hospital area and for the continuous monitoring of the patients as well sent over world or clinic for check-up or therapy. Scientech techbook 2359 single channel ecg telemetry is capable of transmitting ecg data of the subject (human body) up to the range of 90 meters in open space. On the receiving site ecg data is received at the receiver module which is connected to the computer and all the analysis of the signal is carried by the software. Software for scientech techbook 2359 allows the user to make accurate analysis of the received signal.

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  • Reconstruction Trainer - St2151

    Reconstruction Trainer - St2151

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    We are offering sampling & reconstruction trainer - st2151. the trainer provides all necessary inputs and connection for students to study signal sampling and reconstruction techniques.

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  • Respiration Rate Monitor - Scientech-2353

    Respiration Rate Monitor - Scientech-2353

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    We are offering respiration rate monitor - scientech-2353. scientech techbooks are compact and user friendly learning platforms to provide a modern, portable, comprehensive and practical way to learn technology. Each techbook is provided with detailed multimedia learning material which covers basic theory, step by step procedure to conduct the experiment and other useful information. Scientech techbook 2353 respiration rate monitor provides in-depth study of basic respiration-rate monitoring. A suitable sensor is provided. The sensor has to be placed properly on the abdomen of subject (human body). The respiration-rate monitor, scientech techbook 2353 receives the signal from the sensor i.e. Detects the respiratory events executed by subject (human body) and displays the respiration rate as number of breaths per minute. It also monitors the tachypnea and apnea abnormalities using audio and visible indicators.

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  • Pressure Transducer Trainer - St2308

    Pressure Transducer Trainer - St2308

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    We are offering pressure transducer trainer - st2308. st2308 pressure transducer trainer is designed to learn concept of pressure measurement. It helps students & industry professionals to understand operation of pressure transducer in detail. Built-in on/off controller is also provided with audio & visual indicators. It also has a pc interface through usb for more interactive understanding of transducer characteristics. st2308 pressure transducer trainer has a wide range of experiments with user friendly software.

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  • Power Scope - Caddo 829

    Power Scope - Caddo 829

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    We are offering power scope - caddo 829. Floating measurements coupled with high voltages are very common in industrial electronics and electrical testing. Single phase and three phase measurements also need completely isolated inputs. Power scope caddo 829 provides a very convenient way for such measurements. With x100 attenuation signals upto 1500 v can be measured and analysed without distortion. Powerscope caddo 829 is an ideal choice for testing ups, induction furnace, electric control systems, motors, transformers, etc. In electronic & electrical laboratories.

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  • Pid Controller Trainer - St2451

    Pid Controller Trainer - St2451

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    We are offering pid controller trainer - st2451. the pid is the most popular controller used in the process industries. It has been successfully used for over 50 years. A robust easily understood algorithm can provide excellent control performance despite the varied dynamic characteristics of process plant. in control system there are different types of controller. Study of two-position mode as on/off controller and continuous controller modes as pid controller is a very important part of control engineering. To have a basic idea and practical hands on controllers our pid trainer has been designed to be used by student to investigate the fundamental principles of pid by applying different signals to it. with st2451 pid controller trainer student can study two-position mode as on/off controller and continuous controller modes as p-control mode, i-control mode, d-control mode, pi-control mode, pd-control mode and pid control mode. This modes of controller can be performed individually and also with different combinations in open loop

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  • Pcm Generation & Demodulation Using Codec Chip - St2123

    Pcm Generation & Demodulation Using Codec Chip - St2123

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    We are offering pcm generation & demodulation using codec chip - st2123. st2123 pcm generation & demodulation using codec chip is a stereo codec based pcm generator and demodulator training system. The system has on-board selectable clock source and analog signal source. The analog signal source generates sinusoidal signal. Various test points and connection sockets are provided for easy understanding of an audio codec. It also shows the effect of various sampling rates on coding of speech signal. coding seeks to minimize the number of bits in the digital representation of a signal without an objectionable loss of signal quality in the process. High quality is attained at low bit rates by exploiting signal redundancy as well as the knowledge that certain types of coding distortion are imperceptible because they are masked by the signal. our models of signal redundancy and distortion masking are leading to continue improvements in the quality of low bit rate signals.

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  • pcb fabrication system

    pcb fabrication system

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      If you are an impatient circuit designer who wants to replicate software design on the PCB with high precision and also without investing much of your valuable time and efforts, we have an exciting solution for you. We have PCB Prototype Machine to design and fabricate printed circuit boards with high accuracy, speed and ease. It hase several features which can make your life easier. With this new electro-mechanical utility, you can escape cumbersome task of traditional PCB fabrication which involves time taking etching and drilling processes. Get rid of dealing with chemicals which often spoil your hands and are harmful to you and environment. Provided with the USB connectivity, Nvis 72 can print your desired circuit on the PCB within minutes. Accompanied design software provides simple and elegant interface which is user-friendly, and can even be operated by novice Engineers and Students.

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  • Pam-ppm-pwm Modulation & Demodulation Trainer - St2110

    Pam-ppm-pwm Modulation & Demodulation Trainer - St2110

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    We are offering pam-ppm-pwm modulation & demodulation trainer - st2110. pam-ppm-pwm are the basic pulse modulation techniques. The trainer provides complete set up to the students for performing experiments on these techniques. They can study sampling, pulse modulation, demodulation & signal reconstruction process. Separate circuits are provided for each technique. The operating manual provides technology details and procedure to perform the experiments.

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  • Pacemaker Simulator - Scientech-2361

    Pacemaker Simulator - Scientech-2361

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    We are offering pacemaker simulator - scientech-2361. scientech techbooks are compact and user friendly learning platforms to provide a modern, portable, comprehensive and practical way to learn technology. Each techbook is provided with detailed multimedia learning material which covers basic theory, step by step procedure to conduct the experiment and other useful information. The rhythmic beating of the heart is due to the triggering pulses that originate in an area of specialized tissue in the right atrium of the heart. This area is known as (sa-node) sino-atrial node. In abnormal situations, if this natural pacemaker ceases to function, or becomes unreliable, or if the triggering pulses are not reaching the heart muscles because of blocking by the damage tissues, the natural and normal synchronization of the heart action gets disturbed. When monitored, this manifests itself through a decrease in the heart rate and changes in the electrocardiogram (ecg) waveforms. By giving external electrical stimulations impulses to the heart muscles, it is possible to regulate the heart rate. These impulses are given by an electronic instrument called as pacemaker. Scientech techbook 2361 pacemaker simulator is capable of producing diseased as well as corrected possible waveforms after the pacemaker action, depends on connectivity of pacemaker lead electrode to the heart electrical conduction system (sa - node, av - node).

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  • Oscilloscope - Caddo 824a

    Oscilloscope - Caddo 824a

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    We are offering oscilloscope- caddo 824a. Floating measurements of high voltages are very common in industrial electronics and electrical testing. Single phase and three phase measurements needs completely isolated inputs. Caddo 824a power scope is an ideal instrument for such applications. With x100 attenuation signals up to 1500vpp, can be measured and analyzed. Caddo 824a power scope is very useful for testing ups, induction furnace, electric control systems, motors, transformers etc. The built-in ramp & pedestal firing circuit provides gate pulse for scr to conduct experiments in power electronics. Its firing angle can also be changed. Built-in dc and ac power supplies can also be used, as per needs in any circuit testing.

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  • Oscilloscope


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    Scientech Oscilloscopes are essential tools for anyone designing, manufacturing or repairing electronics equipments. In today's fast paced world, engineers need the best tools available to solve their measurement challenges quickly and accurately. Scientech Oscilloscopes are the key to meet today's engineer measurement challenges.

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  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
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TPL's ophthalmic prescription and surfacing laboratories are located at Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam, Nagpur and Delhi to offer a premium Rx product to the customer. A modern, state-of-the-art, upgraded, high capacity central surfacing lab and HMC facility is set up at Company’s Balanagar office premises.
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Contact Information

Scientech Technology Pvt. Ltd.

  • Mr. Satyendra Pawar
  • 94, Electronic Complex, Pardesipura,, Indore, Madhya Pradesh