Carl Zeiss Stemi 508 Binocular Microscope
4,490 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
Outstanding Optics Design: Apochromatic corrected ZOOM optics of ZEISS Sharp, distortion-free 3D image over the whole visual field Mechanical corrected ZOOM curve for largest ZOOM range 8:1 A sharp 3D image in each ZOOM position Distortion-free 10x eyepieces with a wide field of view 36 mm at 6.5x Distortion-free 16x eyepieces with a wide field of view 25 mm at 10x Individual diopter correction at each eyepiece Eyepiece adjustment 55-75mm Working distance 92mm (3,6") Specifications of the Base: Bright Field, dark field (LED) and LED fluorescent illumination and LED Point Source Removable Iris Diaphragm: 2mm-41mm 0-325 degrees rotatable base Inclinable up to 38 degrees for better comfort and view Magnetic Tweezers for better grip Voltage: 100V to 240V