Cryocans Dealers in Jaipur

(3 products available)
  • cryocans


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    These products needed for cryogenic storage of biological material at cryogenic temperature right from semen to stem cells both in vapour & liquid nitrogen phase with focus for long term Cryogenic preservation of the biological samples and also, providing turn-key Cryobank management systems with full automated controls. Inox and Indian oil have a range of Biological application liquid nitrogen storage containers for ultra-low-temperature preservation of semen for artificial insemination of cattle, storage of biological samples for medical research as well as low-volume transportation of Liquid nitrogen. 1. Cryocan for Biological application

  • Cryo Can

    Cryo Can

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    Cryo Can for freezing of Sprum available all size.

  • Best Deals from Cryocans

  • Cryo Can

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    Cryo Can, Vaccum Delivery System, pap smear kit

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