Vinyl Sun Board
21 - 100 Per Square Feet
100 Square Feet (MOQ)
Our company is 20 years old which is the number one company in outdoor advertising and we have friends plus clients to whom we have been providing service for many years. Our company has received about 20 plus awards from the Government of India and the Government of Rajasthan. Our company is the best company all over India. We are considered the number one company in outdoor advertising. Our main work is mobile van, public city boarding, dealer branding and dealer meeting, flex printing in public schools. Our company has worked with about 200 plus MNC companies. Our company is the number one company in promotion in outdoor and offline advertising. Our company has worked for 200 plus automobile sector companies. Our company is the number one company for rural marketing. Our company has worked in automobile sector, mobile sector, telecom center and automatic battery, solar, UPS and other sectors for about 20 years. We have many certificates in voice and our company has been around 1 plus in 20 years. Our company works in almost the whole of India. Our company is considered number one in North India. Our company is an Indian company. Our company has received about 20 years have been completed, we have been working hard for a long time, our company has worked with finance, insurance, automobile, MNC, oil and CNC and all other companies, we have a line available in all sectors, with whom we have had very good relations and we have done very good work for them, so I declare that work with our company and we will help you in promoting your work and your company in the near future
Shape : Customized
Color : Customized
Design Type : Standard
Application : Danger, Direction, Safety Signage
Size : Multisizes
Type : Vinyl Boards
Weight : Multiweight
Country of Origin : India
...moreSunpack No Parking Sign
10 - 100 Per piece
The name of our company is Event Media Promotion which has been working in the market for about 15 years. We have about 700 to 800 clients and we work with about 150 to 200 multinational brands. We work in all sectors. Our company is India's number one company So we are advertising media partners and in India we have worked for almost all the companies who do our work very well, we have very good satisfied clients which are at least above 500 and the turnover of our company is around 200. is above crores
Material : Aluminum
Shape : Square
Color : Multicolor
Tube Chip Color : Red
Design Type : Standard
Application : Parking Sign Use
Size : Multisizes,any size
Certification : ISO 9001:2008 Certified
Type : Parking Sign,any type
Thickness : NONE
Weight : None
Country of Origin : India,India
...moreCautionary Sign Boards
10 - 100 Per piece
The name of our company is Event Media Promotion which has been working in the market for about 15 years. We have about 700 to 800 clients and we work with about 150 to 200 multinational brands. We work in all sectors. Our company is India's number one company So we are advertising media partners and in India we have worked for almost all the companies who do our work very well, we have very good satisfied clients which are at least above 500 and the turnover of our company is around 200. is above crores
Material : Aluminum
Shape : Square
Color : Multicolor
Tube Chip Color : Red
Design Type : Standard
Application : Out Door
Size : Multisizes
Bulb Type : LED
Type : Cautionary Sign Boards
Weight : Multiweight
Country of Origin : India
...moreRoll up Banner Stand Services Advertising
100 - 1,000 Per Piece
हमारी कंपनी 20 साल पुरानी है जोकि आउटडोर एडवरटाइजिंग में नंबर वन कंपनी है और हमारे दोस्तों प्लस क्लाइंट्स हैं जिनको हम कई सालों से सर्विस देते आ रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी को भारत सरकार और राजस्थान सरकार से करीबन 20 प्लस अवार्ड मिल चुके हैं हमारी कंपनी ऑल ओवर इंडिया बेस्ट कंपनी है हम लोग आउटडोर में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी मानी जाती है हमारा मेन जो काम है मोबाइल वैन पब्लिक सिटी बोर्डिंग डीलर ब्रांडिंग एंड डीलर मीटिंग फ्लेक्स प्रिंटिंग पब्लिक स्कूल में आते हैं हमारी कंपनी लगभग 200 प्लस एमएनसी कंपनी के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी आउटडोर और ऑफलाइन एडवरटाइजिंग में प्रचार प्रसार में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी कंपनी 200 प्लस ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर कंपनी के लिए काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी रूरल मार्केटिंग के लिए नंबर वन कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी लगभग 20 साल में ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर मोबाइल सेक्टर टेलीकॉम सेंटर और ऑटोमेटिक बैटरी सोलर यूपीएस एंड अन्य सेक्टर में काम कर चुकी है हमारे पास की आवाज में और सर्टिफिकेट में हैं हमारी कंपनी 20 सालों में लगभग 1 प्लस रहता है हमारी कंपनी लगभग पूरे भारत में काम करती है हमारी कंपनी नॉर्थ इंडिया में नंबर वन मानी जाती है हमारी कंपनी भारत की कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी को लगभग 20 साल पूरे हो चुके हैं काफी दिनों से मेहनत कर रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी फाइनेंस इंश्योरेंस ऑटोमोबाइल एमएनसी ऑयल एंड सीएनसी एंड अन्य सभी कंपनियों के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारे सभी सेक्टर में एक लाइन अवेलेबल है जिनके साथ हमारा बहुत अच्छा व्यवहार रहा है और हमने उनके लिए बहुत अच्छा काम किया इसलिए मैं घोषणा करता हूं कि हमारी कंपनी के साथ काम करें और हम आपकी कम भविष्य में आपके काम को और आपकी कंपनी को बढ़ावा करने में सहायता करेंगे
...moreRoll Up Banner Stand
10 - 100 Per Piece
100 Piece (MOQ)
Our company is 20 years old which is the number one company in outdoor advertising and we have friends plus clients to whom we have been providing service for many years. Our company has received about 20 plus awards from the Government of India and the Government of Rajasthan. Our company is the best company all over India. We are considered the number one company in outdoor advertising. Our main work is mobile van, public city boarding, dealer branding and dealer meeting, flex printing in public schools. Our company has worked with about 200 plus MNC companies. Our company is the number one company in promotion in outdoor and offline advertising. Our company has worked for 200 plus automobile sector companies. Our company is the number one company for rural marketing. Our company has worked in automobile sector, mobile sector, telecom center and automatic battery, solar, UPS and other sectors for about 20 years. We have many certificates in voice and our company has been around 1 plus in 20 years. Our company works in almost the whole of India. Our company is considered number one in North India. Our company is an Indian company. Our company has received about 20 years have been completed, we have been working hard for a long time, our company has worked with finance, insurance, automobile, MNC, oil and CNC and all other companies, we have a line available in all sectors, with whom we have had very good relations and we have done very good work for them, so I declare that work with our company and we will help you in promoting your work and your company in the near future.
Material : Polyester
Finishing : Polished
Frame Material : Aluminium
Shape : Rectangular
Color : Customised
Condition : New
Application : Banner, Project
Size : Multisizes
Feature : Good Quality, High Strength, Waterproof
Packaging Type : Roll
Type : Rollup Displays
Appearance : Common
Country of Origin : India
...morePVC Promotional Canopy
10 - 100 Per Piece
100 Piece (MOQ)
Our company is 20 years old which is the number one company in outdoor advertising and we have friends plus clients to whom we have been providing service for many years. Our company has received about 20 plus awards from the Government of India and the Government of Rajasthan. Our company is the best company all over India. We are considered the number one company in outdoor advertising. Our main work is mobile van, public city boarding, dealer branding and dealer meeting, flex printing in public schools. Our company has worked with about 200 plus MNC companies. Our company is the number one company in promotion in outdoor and offline advertising. Our company has worked for 200 plus automobile sector companies. Our company is the number one company for rural marketing. Our company has worked in automobile sector, mobile sector, telecom center and automatic battery, solar, UPS and other sectors for about 20 years. We have many certificates in voice and our company has been around 1 plus in 20 years. Our company works in almost the whole of India. Our company is considered number one in North India. Our company is an Indian company. Our company has received about 20 years have been completed, we have been working hard for a long time, our company has worked with finance, insurance, automobile, MNC, oil and CNC and all other companies, we have a line available in all sectors, with whom we have had very good relations and we have done very good work for them, so I declare that work with our company and we will help you in promoting your work and your company in the near future.
Material : PVC And Steel
Color : Red
Usage/Application : Promotional Activities
Features : Water Proof
Country of Origin : India
...morePromotional Printed Canopy
10 - 100 Per Piece
100 Piece (MOQ)
Our company is 20 years old which is the number one company in outdoor advertising and we have friends plus clients to whom we have been providing service for many years. Our company has received about 20 plus awards from the Government of India and the Government of Rajasthan. Our company is the best company all over India. We are considered the number one company in outdoor advertising. Our main work is mobile van, public city boarding, dealer branding and dealer meeting, flex printing in public schools. Our company has worked with about 200 plus MNC companies. Our company is the number one company in promotion in outdoor and offline advertising. Our company has worked for 200 plus automobile sector companies. Our company is the number one company for rural marketing. Our company has worked in automobile sector, mobile sector, telecom center and automatic battery, solar, UPS and other sectors for about 20 years. We have many certificates in voice and our company has been around 1 plus in 20 years. Our company works in almost the whole of India. Our company is considered number one in North India. Our company is an Indian company. Our company has received about 20 years have been completed, we have been working hard for a long time, our company has worked with finance, insurance, automobile, MNC, oil and CNC and all other companies, we have a line available in all sectors, with whom we have had very good relations and we have done very good work for them, so I declare that work with our company and we will help you in promoting your work and your company in the near future
Color : Blue
Usage/Application : Advertisement
Country of Origin : India
...morePromotional Arch Gate
...moreOutdoor Promotional Canopy
10 - 100 Per Piece
100 Piece (MOQ)
Our company is 20 years old which is the number one company in outdoor advertising and we have friends plus clients to whom we have been providing service for many years. Our company has received about 20 plus awards from the Government of India and the Government of Rajasthan. Our company is the best company all over India. We are considered the number one company in outdoor advertising. Our main work is mobile van, public city boarding, dealer branding and dealer meeting, flex printing in public schools. Our company has worked with about 200 plus MNC companies. Our company is the number one company in promotion in outdoor and offline advertising. Our company has worked for 200 plus automobile sector companies. Our company is the number one company for rural marketing. Our company has worked in automobile sector, mobile sector, telecom center and automatic battery, solar, UPS and other sectors for about 20 years. We have many certificates in voice and our company has been around 1 plus in 20 years. Our company works in almost the whole of India. Our company is considered number one in North India. Our company is an Indian company. Our company has received about 20 years have been completed, we have been working hard for a long time, our company has worked with finance, insurance, automobile, MNC, oil and CNC and all other companies, we have a line available in all sectors, with whom we have had very good relations and we have done very good work for them, so I declare that work with our company and we will help you in promoting your work and your company in the near future
Color : Red
Pattern : Plain
Usage/Application : Promotional Activities
Features : Water Proof
Country of Origin : India
5 - 60 Per Square Feet
100 Square Feet (MOQ)
Our company is 20 years old which is the number one company in outdoor advertising and we have friends plus clients to whom we have been providing service for many years. Our company has received about 20 plus awards from the Government of India and the Government of Rajasthan. Our company is the best company all over India. We are considered the number one company in outdoor advertising. Our main work is mobile van, public city boarding, dealer branding and dealer meeting, flex printing in public schools. Our company has worked with about 200 plus MNC companies. Our company is the number one company in promotion in outdoor and offline advertising. Our company has worked for 200 plus automobile sector companies. Our company is the number one company for rural marketing. Our company has worked in automobile sector, mobile sector, telecom center and automatic battery, solar, UPS and other sectors for about 20 years. We have many certificates in voice and our company has been around 1 plus in 20 years. Our company works in almost the whole of India. Our company is considered number one in North India. Our company is an Indian company. Our company has received about 20 years have been completed, we have been working hard for a long time, our company has worked with finance, insurance, automobile, MNC, oil and CNC and all other companies, we have a line available in all sectors, with whom we have had very good relations and we have done very good work for them, so I declare that work with our company and we will help you in promoting your work and your company in the near future
Material : Acrylic, Aluminium
Lighting Type : LED
Shape : Customized
Color : Customized
Condition : New
Power Source : Electric
Application : Advertising, Malls.Market
Size : Customised
Feature : Automatic Brightness Control, Easily Programmable, Good Quality
Type : Outdoor Led Sign
Country of Origin : India
...moreOutdoor Advertising Board
Country of Origin : India
Material : NONE
Shape : Square
Color : White
Application : Out Door
Size : ANY SIZE,any Size
Feature : NONE
Type : Outdoor Advertising,Any Type
Thickness : NONE
...moreout Door Promotional Canopy
Country of Origin : India
Pattern : NONE
Color : White, Multy Color,MULTY COLOR
Material : Aluminium
Usage/Application : Out Door
Features : ANY
...moreOpen Neon Sign Board
260 Per Square Feet
100 Square Feet (MOQ)
Our company is 20 years old which is the number one company in outdoor advertising and we have friends plus clients to whom we have been providing service for many years. Our company has received about 20 plus awards from the Government of India and the Government of Rajasthan. Our company is the best company all over India. We are considered the number one company in outdoor advertising. Our main work is mobile van, public city boarding, dealer branding and dealer meeting, flex printing in public schools. Our company has worked with about 200 plus MNC companies. Our company is the number one company in promotion in outdoor and offline advertising. Our company has worked for 200 plus automobile sector companies. Our company is the number one company for rural marketing. Our company has worked in automobile sector, mobile sector, telecom center and automatic battery, solar, UPS and other sectors for about 20 years. We have many certificates in voice and our company has been around 1 plus in 20 years. Our company works in almost the whole of India. Our company is considered number one in North India. Our company is an Indian company. Our company has received about 20 years have been completed, we have been working hard for a long time, our company has worked with finance, insurance, automobile, MNC, oil and CNC and all other companies, we have a line available in all sectors, with whom we have had very good relations and we have done very good work for them, so I declare that work with our company and we will help you in promoting your work and your company in the near future.
Material : Aluminium, Acrylic
Color : Customised
Condition : New
Power Source : Electric
Application : Malls.Market, Bar, Advertising
Feature : Unmatched Durability, Good Quality
Type : Open Neon Sign
Country of Origin : India
...moreOpen LED Signage
9 - 100 Per Square Feet
हमारी कंपनी 20 साल पुरानी है जोकि आउटडोर एडवरटाइजिंग में नंबर वन कंपनी है और हमारे दोस्तों प्लस क्लाइंट्स हैं जिनको हम कई सालों से सर्विस देते आ रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी को भारत सरकार और राजस्थान सरकार से करीबन 20 प्लस अवार्ड मिल चुके हैं हमारी कंपनी ऑल ओवर इंडिया बेस्ट कंपनी है हम लोग आउटडोर में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी मानी जाती है हमारा मेन जो काम है मोबाइल वैन पब्लिक सिटी बोर्डिंग डीलर ब्रांडिंग एंड डीलर मीटिंग फ्लेक्स प्रिंटिंग पब्लिक स्कूल में आते हैं हमारी कंपनी लगभग 200 प्लस एमएनसी कंपनी के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी आउटडोर और ऑफलाइन एडवरटाइजिंग में प्रचार प्रसार में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी कंपनी 200 प्लस ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर कंपनी के लिए काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी रूरल मार्केटिंग के लिए नंबर वन कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी लगभग 20 साल में ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर मोबाइल सेक्टर टेलीकॉम सेंटर और ऑटोमेटिक बैटरी सोलर यूपीएस एंड अन्य सेक्टर में काम कर चुकी है हमारे पास की आवाज में और सर्टिफिकेट में हैं हमारी कंपनी 20 सालों में लगभग 1 प्लस रहता है हमारी कंपनी लगभग पूरे भारत में काम करती है हमारी कंपनी नॉर्थ इंडिया में नंबर वन मानी जाती है हमारी कंपनी भारत की कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी को लगभग 20 साल पूरे हो चुके हैं काफी दिनों से मेहनत कर रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी फाइनेंस इंश्योरेंस ऑटोमोबाइल एमएनसी ऑयल एंड सीएनसी एंड अन्य सभी कंपनियों के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारे सभी सेक्टर में एक लाइन अवेलेबल है जिनके साथ हमारा बहुत अच्छा व्यवहार रहा है और हमने उनके लिए बहुत अच्छा काम किया इसलिए मैं घोषणा करता हूं कि हमारी कंपनी के साथ काम करें और हम आपकी कम भविष्य में आपके काम को और आपकी कंपनी को बढ़ावा करने में सहायता करेंगे
Brand Name : The Flag Company,Any BRAND
Material : NONE
Finishing : Polished
Material : Any
Letter Type : Acrylic
Shape : Square
Color : NONE,Any Colur
Power : NONE
Power Source : Any
Usage : Signal Boards, Advertising
Certification : NONE
Pattern : Printed
Voltage : NONE
Width : NONE
Packaging Type : Carton Box
Installation Type : Manually
Overall Length : ANY
Size Available : NONE,Any Size
Specialities : NONE
Dimension (LxWxH) : NONE
Film Type : Vinyl
Type : LED Signage,Any Type
Function : NONE
Warranty : NONE
Country of Origin : India,India
Height : NONE
Lamination : NONE
Corrosion Resistance : Yes
Rust Proof : Yes
Night Visibility : ANY
Panel Thickness : ANY
Sign Board Type : Backlit Board
Effective Touch Area : 65X46 Inches
Aluminum Thickness : ANY
Holder Style : ANY
...moreOpen LED Sign Board
260 Per Square Feet
100 Square Feet (MOQ)
Our company is 20 years old which is the number one company in outdoor advertising and we have friends plus clients to whom we have been providing service for many years. Our company has received about 20 plus awards from the Government of India and the Government of Rajasthan. Our company is the best company all over India. We are considered the number one company in outdoor advertising. Our main work is mobile van, public city boarding, dealer branding and dealer meeting, flex printing in public schools. Our company has worked with about 200 plus MNC companies. Our company is the number one company in promotion in outdoor and offline advertising. Our company has worked for 200 plus automobile sector companies. Our company is the number one company for rural marketing. Our company has worked in automobile sector, mobile sector, telecom center and automatic battery, solar, UPS and other sectors for about 20 years. We have many certificates in voice and our company has been around 1 plus in 20 years. Our company works in almost the whole of India. Our company is considered number one in North India. Our company is an Indian company. Our company has received about 20 years have been completed, we have been working hard for a long time, our company has worked with finance, insurance, automobile, MNC, oil and CNC and all other companies, we have a line available in all sectors, with whom we have had very good relations and we have done very good work for them, so I declare that work with our company and we will help you in promoting your work and your company in the near future
Material : Aluminium, Acrylic
Color : Customised,MULTY COLOR
Application : Malls.Market, Bar, Advertising
Feature : NONE
Type : Open Sign Board
Thickness : NONE
Country of Origin : India
...moreNon Stick Board Sign Board
2 - 20 Per Square Feet
Brand Name : Tupperware
Material : Aluminium
Color : Brown,Multy Color
Certification : CE Certified
Type : Nonstick Cookware,Any Type
Country of Origin : India
...moreNo Parking Board
10 - 100 Per Square Feet
The name of our company is Event Media Promotion which has been working in the market for about 15 years. We have about 700 to 800 clients and we work with about 150 to 200 multinational brands. We work in all sectors. Our company is India's number one company So we are advertising media partners and in India we have worked for almost all the companies who do our work very well, we have very good satisfied clients which are at least above 500 and the turnover of our company is around 200. is above crores
Material : Aluminium
Shape : Square
Color : White.Purple,Multy color
Application : Office
Type : Pinboards,Any type
Thickness : 25-30mm
Country of Origin : India
...moreNeon Lite Sign Board
Material : NONE
Material : NONE
Shape : Square
Color : Multicolor, Multy Color
Emitting Color : Multy Color
Tube Chip Color : NONE
Design Type : NONE
Application : Out Door
Size : ANY SIZE,any Size
Certification : NONE
Bulb Type : ANY
Type : NONE,any Type
Thickness : NONE
Weight : None
Pixels : ANY
Country of Origin : India
IP Rating : ANY
Item : ANY
Lifespan : ANY
Light Source : NONE
...moreLollipop Signage Board
15 - 100 Per Square Feet
हमारी कंपनी 20 साल पुरानी है जोकि आउटडोर एडवरटाइजिंग में नंबर वन कंपनी है और हमारे दोस्तों प्लस क्लाइंट्स हैं जिनको हम कई सालों से सर्विस देते आ रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी को भारत सरकार और राजस्थान सरकार से करीबन 20 प्लस अवार्ड मिल चुके हैं हमारी कंपनी ऑल ओवर इंडिया बेस्ट कंपनी है हम लोग आउटडोर में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी मानी जाती है हमारा मेन जो काम है मोबाइल वैन पब्लिक सिटी बोर्डिंग डीलर ब्रांडिंग एंड डीलर मीटिंग फ्लेक्स प्रिंटिंग पब्लिक स्कूल में आते हैं हमारी कंपनी लगभग 200 प्लस एमएनसी कंपनी के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी आउटडोर और ऑफलाइन एडवरटाइजिंग में प्रचार प्रसार में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी कंपनी 200 प्लस ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर कंपनी के लिए काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी रूरल मार्केटिंग के लिए नंबर वन कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी लगभग 20 साल में ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर मोबाइल सेक्टर टेलीकॉम सेंटर और ऑटोमेटिक बैटरी सोलर यूपीएस एंड अन्य सेक्टर में काम कर चुकी है हमारे पास की आवाज में और सर्टिफिकेट में हैं हमारी कंपनी 20 सालों में लगभग 1 प्लस रहता है हमारी कंपनी लगभग पूरे भारत में काम करती है हमारी कंपनी नॉर्थ इंडिया में नंबर वन मानी जाती है हमारी कंपनी भारत की कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी को लगभग 20 साल पूरे हो चुके हैं काफी दिनों से मेहनत कर रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी फाइनेंस इंश्योरेंस ऑटोमोबाइल एमएनसी ऑयल एंड सीएनसी एंड अन्य सभी कंपनियों के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारे सभी सेक्टर में एक लाइन अवेलेबल है जिनके साथ हमारा बहुत अच्छा व्यवहार रहा है और हमने उनके लिए बहुत अच्छा काम किया इसलिए मैं घोषणा करता हूं कि हमारी कंपनी के साथ काम करें और हम आपकी कम भविष्य में आपके काम को और आपकी कंपनी को बढ़ावा करने में सहायता करेंगे
Brand Name : ANY
Material : NONE
Material : NONE
Lighting Type : ANY
Shape : Square
Color : Multicolor
Surface Treatment : ANY
Tube Chip Color : Red
Design Type : Standard
Application : Safety Signage
Size : Multisizes, Any Size
Certification : NONE
Voltage : ANY
Bulb Type : LED
Mount Type : ANY
Type : Sign Boards, Any Type
Thickness : NONE
Weight : Multiweight
Function : NONE
Country of Origin : India
...moreLED Sign Board
5 - 10 Per Piece
हमारी कंपनी 20 साल पुरानी है जोकि आउटडोर एडवरटाइजिंग में नंबर वन कंपनी है और हमारे दोस्तों प्लस क्लाइंट्स हैं जिनको हम कई सालों से सर्विस देते आ रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी को भारत सरकार और राजस्थान सरकार से करीबन 20 प्लस अवार्ड मिल चुके हैं हमारी कंपनी ऑल ओवर इंडिया बेस्ट कंपनी है हम लोग आउटडोर में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी मानी जाती है हमारा मेन जो काम है मोबाइल वैन पब्लिक सिटी बोर्डिंग डीलर ब्रांडिंग एंड डीलर मीटिंग फ्लेक्स प्रिंटिंग पब्लिक स्कूल में आते हैं हमारी कंपनी लगभग 200 प्लस एमएनसी कंपनी के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी आउटडोर और ऑफलाइन एडवरटाइजिंग में प्रचार प्रसार में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी कंपनी 200 प्लस ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर कंपनी के लिए काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी रूरल मार्केटिंग के लिए नंबर वन कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी लगभग 20 साल में ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर मोबाइल सेक्टर टेलीकॉम सेंटर और ऑटोमेटिक बैटरी सोलर यूपीएस एंड अन्य सेक्टर में काम कर चुकी है हमारे पास की आवाज में और सर्टिफिकेट में हैं हमारी कंपनी 20 सालों में लगभग 1 प्लस रहता है हमारी कंपनी लगभग पूरे भारत में काम करती है हमारी कंपनी नॉर्थ इंडिया में नंबर वन मानी जाती है हमारी कंपनी भारत की कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी को लगभग 20 साल पूरे हो चुके हैं काफी दिनों से मेहनत कर रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी फाइनेंस इंश्योरेंस ऑटोमोबाइल एमएनसी ऑयल एंड सीएनसी एंड अन्य सभी कंपनियों के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारे सभी सेक्टर में एक लाइन अवेलेबल है जिनके साथ हमारा बहुत अच्छा व्यवहार रहा है और हमने उनके लिए बहुत अच्छा काम किया इसलिए मैं घोषणा करता हूं कि हमारी कंपनी के साथ काम करें और हम आपकी कम भविष्य में आपके काम को और आपकी कंपनी को बढ़ावा करने में सहायता करेंगे
Country of Origin : India
Function : ANY
Weight : None
Thickness : NONE
Type : NONE
Bulb Type : ANY
Certification : NONE
Application : Out Door
Design Type : Standard
Tube Chip Color : ANY
Surface Treatment : ANY
Shape : Square
Letter Material : ANY
Material : NONE
Feature : Any
...moreLED Neon Light Sign Board
100 Piece (MOQ)
हमारी कंपनी 20 साल पुरानी है जोकि आउटडोर एडवरटाइजिंग में नंबर वन कंपनी है और हमारे दोस्तों प्लस क्लाइंट्स हैं जिनको हम कई सालों से सर्विस देते आ रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी को भारत सरकार और राजस्थान सरकार से करीबन 20 प्लस अवार्ड मिल चुके हैं हमारी कंपनी ऑल ओवर इंडिया बेस्ट कंपनी है हम लोग आउटडोर में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी मानी जाती है हमारा मेन जो काम है मोबाइल वैन पब्लिक सिटी बोर्डिंग डीलर ब्रांडिंग एंड डीलर मीटिंग फ्लेक्स प्रिंटिंग पब्लिक स्कूल में आते हैं हमारी कंपनी लगभग 200 प्लस एमएनसी कंपनी के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी आउटडोर और ऑफलाइन एडवरटाइजिंग में प्रचार प्रसार में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी कंपनी 200 प्लस ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर कंपनी के लिए काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी रूरल मार्केटिंग के लिए नंबर वन कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी लगभग 20 साल में ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर मोबाइल सेक्टर टेलीकॉम सेंटर और ऑटोमेटिक बैटरी सोलर यूपीएस एंड अन्य सेक्टर में काम कर चुकी है हमारे पास की आवाज में और सर्टिफिकेट में हैं हमारी कंपनी 20 सालों में लगभग 1 प्लस रहता है हमारी कंपनी लगभग पूरे भारत में काम करती है हमारी कंपनी नॉर्थ इंडिया में नंबर वन मानी जाती है हमारी कंपनी भारत की कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी को लगभग 20 साल पूरे हो चुके हैं काफी दिनों से मेहनत कर रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी फाइनेंस इंश्योरेंस ऑटोमोबाइल एमएनसी ऑयल एंड सीएनसी एंड अन्य सभी कंपनियों के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारे सभी सेक्टर में एक लाइन अवेलेबल है जिनके साथ हमारा बहुत अच्छा व्यवहार रहा है और हमने उनके लिए बहुत अच्छा काम किया इसलिए मैं घोषणा करता हूं कि हमारी कंपनी के साथ काम करें और हम आपकी कम भविष्य में आपके काम को और आपकी कंपनी को बढ़ावा करने में सहायता करेंगे
Feature : Automatic Brightness Control
Brand Name : ANY
Material : ANY
Shape : Square
Color : Multy
Application : Advertising
Certification : ANY
Type : Led Lighting Board,Any Type
Thickness : NONE
Country of Origin : India
...moreLED Lollipop Signage Board
100 Square Feet (MOQ)
Material : ANY
Shape : Square
Application : Out Door
Certification : ANY
Thickness : NONE
Country of Origin : NONE
Feature : Easily Programmable, NONE
...moreLED Glow Sign Board
120 Per Square Feet
100 Square Feet (MOQ)
Our company is 20 years old which is the number one company in outdoor advertising and we have friends plus clients to whom we have been providing service for many years. Our company has received about 20 plus awards from the Government of India and the Government of Rajasthan. Our company is the best company all over India. We are considered the number one company in outdoor advertising. Our main work is mobile van, public city boarding, dealer branding and dealer meeting, flex printing in public schools. Our company has worked with about 200 plus MNC companies. Our company is the number one company in promotion in outdoor and offline advertising. Our company has worked for 200 plus automobile sector companies. Our company is the number one company for rural marketing. Our company has worked in automobile sector, mobile sector, telecom center and automatic battery, solar, UPS and other sectors for about 20 years. We have many certificates in voice and our company has been around 1 plus in 20 years. Our company works in almost the whole of India. Our company is considered number one in North India. Our company is an Indian company. Our company has received about 20 years have been completed, we have been working hard for a long time, our company has worked with finance, insurance, automobile, MNC, oil and CNC and all other companies, we have a line available in all sectors, with whom we have had very good relations and we have done very good work for them, so I declare that work with our company and we will help you in promoting your work and your company in the near future
Material : Stainless Steel, PVC, Acrylic
Shape : Customized
Color : Customized
Design Type : Standard, Customized
Application : Safety Signage, Direction, Danger
Size : Multisizes
Bulb Type : LED
Type : Glow Sign Boards
Weight : Multiweight
Country of Origin : India
...moreLED Display Boards
10 - 100 Per piece
Min. Line Width : ANY
Country of Origin : India
Board Thickness : ANY
Type : NONE
Power Source : NONE
Color : Multy Color,MULTY COLOR
Base Material : ANY
Application : OutDoor
...moreWedding Tent Decoration Services
Material : NONE
Shape : Square
Color : White, MULTY COLOR
Design : NONE
Condition : NONE
Application : Out Door
Style : ANY
Certification : ANY
Feature : NONE
Occasion : NONE
Frame : NONE
craft : NONE
Event & Party Item Type : ANY
Type : NONE
...moreWedding Planner Service
2 - 50 Per Piece
100 Piece (MOQ)
Create your dream wedding with our Wedding Planner Service! We specialize in crafting unforgettable celebrations tailored to your unique vision and style. From venue selection to décor, catering, and entertainment, our expert team handles every detail to ensure a seamless and magical experience for you and your guests. Whether it's an intimate ceremony or a lavish affair, we bring creativity and precision to every aspect of planning, allowing you to cherish every moment of your special day. Contact us to turn your wedding dreams into reality!
Usage/Application : Out Door
Mode Of Service : Ofline
Payment Mode : Offline \ Online \ Cash \ Payment
Event Location : Jaipur, Rajsthan
Event Type : All Event Type
...moreWedding Event Management Services
Wedding Event Management
100 - 1,000 Per Day
The name of our company is Event Media Promotion which has been working in the market for about 15 years. We have about 700 to 800 clients and we work with about 150 to 200 multinational brands. We work in all sectors, be it solar, battery, inverter, banking, finance, insurance, electronic items, automobile or school sector Colleges have become FMCGs. Our company is India's number one company i.e. Advertising Media Partners and we have worked for almost all the companies in India who do very good work for us. We have very good satisfied clients which are at least above 500. And the turnover of our company is above 200 crores. Our company is the number one company of India and is also known as the number one outdoor agency of North India. The name of the proprietor of our company is Malchand Verma.
Type : Any Type,Any Type
Color : Multy Colur,Multy Colur
Size : Any Size,Any Size
...moreWedding Decoration Service
6 - 50 Per Piece
100 Piece (MOQ)
Elevate your wedding day with our Wedding Decoration Service! We specialize in creating enchanting and personalized décor that brings your dream wedding to life. From stunning floral arrangements to elegant table settings and enchanting lighting, our expert team ensures every detail reflects your style and vision. Whether it's a romantic garden affair or a glamorous ballroom celebration, we tailor our decorations to suit your theme and create unforgettable memories. Contact us to make your wedding day truly magical with our professional Wedding Decoration Service
Material : NONE
Shape : Square
Color : White,MULTY COLOR
Design : NONE
Condition : NONE
Application : Out Door
Style : ANY
...moreWall Wrap Branding Service
Wall Wrap Branding Services
Wall Wrap Advertising Services
5 - 10 Per Square Feet
हमारी कंपनी 20 साल पुरानी है जोकि आउटडोर एडवरटाइजिंग में नंबर वन कंपनी है और हमारे दोस्तों प्लस क्लाइंट्स हैं जिनको हम कई सालों से सर्विस देते आ रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी को भारत सरकार और राजस्थान सरकार से करीबन 20 प्लस अवार्ड मिल चुके हैं हमारी कंपनी ऑल ओवर इंडिया बेस्ट कंपनी है हम लोग आउटडोर में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी मानी जाती है हमारा मेन जो काम है मोबाइल वैन पब्लिक सिटी बोर्डिंग डीलर ब्रांडिंग एंड डीलर मीटिंग फ्लेक्स प्रिंटिंग पब्लिक स्कूल में आते हैं हमारी कंपनी लगभग 200 प्लस एमएनसी कंपनी के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी आउटडोर और ऑफलाइन एडवरटाइजिंग में प्रचार प्रसार में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी कंपनी 200 प्लस ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर कंपनी के लिए काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी रूरल मार्केटिंग के लिए नंबर वन कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी लगभग 20 साल में ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर मोबाइल सेक्टर टेलीकॉम सेंटर और ऑटोमेटिक बैटरी सोलर यूपीएस एंड अन्य सेक्टर में काम कर चुकी है हमारे पास की आवाज में और सर्टिफिकेट में हैं हमारी कंपनी 20 सालों में लगभग 1 प्लस रहता है हमारी कंपनी लगभग पूरे भारत में काम करती है हमारी कंपनी नॉर्थ इंडिया में नंबर वन मानी जाती है हमारी कंपनी भारत की कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी को लगभग 20 साल पूरे हो चुके हैं काफी दिनों से मेहनत कर रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी फाइनेंस इंश्योरेंस ऑटोमोबाइल एमएनसी ऑयल एंड सीएनसी एंड अन्य सभी कंपनियों के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारे सभी सेक्टर में एक लाइन अवेलेबल है जिनके साथ हमारा बहुत अच्छा व्यवहार रहा है और हमने उनके लिए बहुत अच्छा काम किया इसलिए मैं घोषणा करता हूं कि हमारी कंपनी के साथ काम करें और हम आपकी कम भविष्य में आपके काम को और आपकी कंपनी को बढ़ावा करने में सहायता करेंगे
...moreWall Wrap Advertising
5 - 10 Per Square Feet
The name of our company is Event Media Promotion which has been working in the market for about 15 years. We have about 700 to 800 clients and we work with about 150 to 200 multinational brands. We work in all sectors. Our company is India's number one company So we are advertising media partners and in India we have worked for almost all the companies who do our work very well, we have very good satisfied clients which are at least above 500 and the turnover of our company is around 200. is above crores
...moreWall Painting Services Advertising
3 - 10 Per Square Feet
Wall Painting Services
5 - 10 Per Piece
The name of our company is Event Media Promotion which has been working in the market for about 15 years. We have about 700 to 800 clients and we work with about 150 to 200 multinational brands. We work in all sectors. Our company is India's number one company So we are advertising media partners and in India we have worked for almost all the companies who do our work very well, we have very good satisfied clients which are at least above 500 and the turnover of our company is around 200. is above crores
Brand Name : ANY
Color : white
Country of Origin : India,india
...moreWall Painting Branding
2 - 10 Per Square Feet
हमारी कंपनी 20 साल पुरानी है जोकि आउटडोर एडवरटाइजिंग में नंबर वन कंपनी है और हमारे दोस्तों प्लस क्लाइंट्स हैं जिनको हम कई सालों से सर्विस देते आ रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी को भारत सरकार और राजस्थान सरकार से करीबन 20 प्लस अवार्ड मिल चुके हैं हमारी कंपनी ऑल ओवर इंडिया बेस्ट कंपनी है हम लोग आउटडोर में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी मानी जाती है हमारा मेन जो काम है मोबाइल वैन पब्लिक सिटी बोर्डिंग डीलर ब्रांडिंग एंड डीलर मीटिंग फ्लेक्स प्रिंटिंग पब्लिक स्कूल में आते हैं हमारी कंपनी लगभग 200 प्लस एमएनसी कंपनी के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी आउटडोर और ऑफलाइन एडवरटाइजिंग में प्रचार प्रसार में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी कंपनी 200 प्लस ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर कंपनी के लिए काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी रूरल मार्केटिंग के लिए नंबर वन कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी लगभग 20 साल में ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर मोबाइल सेक्टर टेलीकॉम सेंटर और ऑटोमेटिक बैटरी सोलर यूपीएस एंड अन्य सेक्टर में काम कर चुकी है हमारे पास की आवाज में और सर्टिफिकेट में हैं हमारी कंपनी 20 सालों में लगभग 1 प्लस रहता है हमारी कंपनी लगभग पूरे भारत में काम करती है हमारी कंपनी नॉर्थ इंडिया में नंबर वन मानी जाती है हमारी कंपनी भारत की कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी को लगभग 20 साल पूरे हो चुके हैं काफी दिनों से मेहनत कर रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी फाइनेंस इंश्योरेंस ऑटोमोबाइल एमएनसी ऑयल एंड सीएनसी एंड अन्य सभी कंपनियों के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारे सभी सेक्टर में एक लाइन अवेलेबल है जिनके साथ हमारा बहुत अच्छा व्यवहार रहा है और हमने उनके लिए बहुत अच्छा काम किया इसलिए मैं घोषणा करता हूं कि हमारी कंपनी के साथ काम करें और हम आपकी कम भविष्य में आपके काम को और आपकी कंपनी को बढ़ावा करने में सहायता करेंगे
...moreWall Painting Advertising Services
3 - 10 Per Square Feet
हमारी कंपनी 20 साल पुरानी है जोकि आउटडोर एडवरटाइजिंग में नंबर वन कंपनी है और हमारे दोस्तों प्लस क्लाइंट्स हैं जिनको हम कई सालों से सर्विस देते आ रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी को भारत सरकार और राजस्थान सरकार से करीबन 20 प्लस अवार्ड मिल चुके हैं हमारी कंपनी ऑल ओवर इंडिया बेस्ट कंपनी है हम लोग आउटडोर में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी मानी जाती है हमारा मेन जो काम है मोबाइल वैन पब्लिक सिटी बोर्डिंग डीलर ब्रांडिंग एंड डीलर मीटिंग फ्लेक्स प्रिंटिंग पब्लिक स्कूल में आते हैं हमारी कंपनी लगभग 200 प्लस एमएनसी कंपनी के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी आउटडोर और ऑफलाइन एडवरटाइजिंग में प्रचार प्रसार में नंबर वन कंपनी हमारी कंपनी 200 प्लस ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर कंपनी के लिए काम कर चुकी है हमारी कंपनी रूरल मार्केटिंग के लिए नंबर वन कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी लगभग 20 साल में ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर मोबाइल सेक्टर टेलीकॉम सेंटर और ऑटोमेटिक बैटरी सोलर यूपीएस एंड अन्य सेक्टर में काम कर चुकी है हमारे पास की आवाज में और सर्टिफिकेट में हैं हमारी कंपनी 20 सालों में लगभग 1 प्लस रहता है हमारी कंपनी लगभग पूरे भारत में काम करती है हमारी कंपनी नॉर्थ इंडिया में नंबर वन मानी जाती है हमारी कंपनी भारत की कंपनी है हमारी कंपनी को लगभग 20 साल पूरे हो चुके हैं काफी दिनों से मेहनत कर रहे हैं हमारी कंपनी फाइनेंस इंश्योरेंस ऑटोमोबाइल एमएनसी ऑयल एंड सीएनसी एंड अन्य सभी कंपनियों के साथ काम कर चुकी है हमारे सभी सेक्टर में एक लाइन अवेलेबल है जिनके साथ हमारा बहुत अच्छा व्यवहार रहा है और हमने उनके लिए बहुत अच्छा काम किया इसलिए मैं घोषणा करता हूं कि हमारी कंपनी के साथ काम करें और हम आपकी कम भविष्य में आपके काम को और आपकी कंपनी को बढ़ावा करने में सहायता करेंगे
...moreWall Painting Advertising Service
3 - 10 Per Square Feet
Revitalize your brand's presence with our Wall Painting Advertising Service! Our talented artists craft captivating wall paintings that transform ordinary surfaces into dynamic advertising spaces. From urban streets to suburban areas, our strategically placed murals ensure your message reaches your target audience effectively. With bold designs and vibrant colors, we guarantee maximum visibility and brand recall. Elevate your advertising strategy and make a lasting impression with our Wall Painting Advertising Service. Contact us today to paint the town with your brand!
...moreWall Painting Advertising
10 - 100 Per Square Feet
The name of our company is Event Media Promotion which has been working in the market for about 15 years. We have about 700 to 800 clients and we work with about 150 to 200 multinational brands. We work in all sectors. Our company is India's number one company So we are advertising media partners and in India we have worked for almost all the companies who do our work very well, we have very good satisfied clients which are at least above 500 and the turnover of our company is around 200. is above crores
...moreVisual Merchandising Services
Visual Merchandising Service
10 - 100 Per Day
Elevate your retail space with our Visual Merchandising Service! Our expert team combines creativity and strategic placement to craft captivating displays that drive sales and enhance the shopping experience. From window displays to interior layouts, we ensure your brand message resonates with customers, enticing them to explore and purchase. With attention to detail and trend-focused designs, we create an atmosphere that reflects your brand's identity and values. Transform your store into a captivating destination with our Visual Merchandising Service.
...moreVisual Merchandising Advertising Services
Visiting Cards Flax Design Printing Service
3 - 10 Per Square Feet
Vinyl Printing Pasting Service
Vinyl Type : NONE
Finish : NONE
Ink Color(s) : NONE
Printing Method : Digital Printing
Cut Shape : NONE
Adhesive Backing : NONE
...moreVinyl Printing Pasting Services
5 - 10 Per Square Feet
Vinyl Type : NONE
Finish : NONE
Ink Color(s) : NONE
Printing Method : Digital Printing
Cut Shape : NONE
Adhesive Backing : NONE
...moreVinyl Printing Solution Services
Vinyl Type : NONE
Finish : NONE
Ink Color(s) : NONE
Printing Method : NONE
Cut Shape : NONE
Adhesive Backing : NONE
...moreVinyl Printing Solution
5 - 10 Per Square Feet
The name of our company is Event Media Promotion which has been working in the market for about 15 years. We have about 700 to 800 clients and we work with about 150 to 200 multinational brands. Our company is the number one company in India. So we are advertising media partners and in India we have worked for almost all the companies who do our work very well, we have very good satisfied clients which are at least above 500 and the turnover of our company is around 200. is above crores
Vinyl Type : Cast Vinyl (outdoor)
Finish : Gloss
Ink Color(s) : Full Color
Printing Method : Digital Printing
Cut Shape : Square
Size : Up To 12
Adhesive Backing : Permanent
...moreVinyl Printing Service
5 - 60 Per Square Feet
Elevate your brand's visibility with our Vinyl Printing Service! We specialize in high-quality vinyl printing for a variety of applications, from banners and signage to vehicle wraps and promotional materials. Using state-of-the-art printing technology, we ensure vibrant colors, sharp details, and durable finishes that make your message stand out. With quick turnaround times and competitive pricing, we deliver premium vinyl prints that effectively convey your brand's message. Contact us today to enhance your marketing efforts with our professional Vinyl Printing Service!
Vinyl Type : NONE
Finish : NONE
Ink Color(s) : NONE
Printing Method : NONE
Cut Shape : NONE
Adhesive Backing : NONE
...moreOpening Hours
Event Media & Promotion was established in the year 2001 in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. We are a well-known service provider and offer services such as promotional canopies, boards, roll-up banner stands and a lot more.
We have gained expertise in designing and delivering a wide range of customized solutions for fabric structures and other products. We have a fully-equipped manufacturing unit so that our customers can rest assured of the quality and service that comes with our products.
We ensure client satisfaction by delivering products with high-end features such as water resistance, low maintenance, world-class finishing and long-lasting durability. We examine every product for design, cracking, and water resistance to ascertain that the awnings and outdoor structure solutions we provide are up to mark. With a team of highly skilled professionals, the most prominent Awnings & Canopies, Tensile Membrane Structures manufacturer can meet the bulk requirements within the stipulated time frame.
We understand the importance of onsite support when it comes to installation and operational support. Our experienced executives provide comprehensive installation and operational training, and onsite support to attain maximum client satisfaction.
Our product’s key features that ensure quality are:
Hire us and get professional services for your needs today.