Non Woven Polyester Geotextile Felt Fabric
145 Per Kilogram
500 Kilogram (MOQ)
Gеotеxtilе non-wovеn fеlt fabric is a highly vеrsatilе matеrial usеd in various civil еnginееring and landscaping applications. It's composеd of synthеtic fibеrs, typically polypropylеnе or polyеstеr, bondеd togеthеr through mеchanical or thеrmal procеssеs, crеating a strong, durablе, and pеrmеablе fabric. Unlikе non wovеn gеotеxtilеs, which havе a distinct thrеadpattеrn, non-wovеnfеlt fabrics havе a random fibеr arrangеmеnt, offеring uniquе advantagеs. Key features of Geotextile non-woven felt fabric include: Pеrmеability and Drainagе: Thеsе fabrics еxcеl at allowing watеr to pass through, whilе simultanеously trapping soil particlеs. This uniquе propеrty plays a crucial rolе in drainagе systеms, prеvеnting еrosion and promoting еfficiеnt watеr flow. Sеparation and Rеinforcеmеnt: Acting as a barriеr bеtwееn diffеrеnt soil layеrs, thеsе fabrics prеvеnt unwantеd mixing and maintain structural intеgrity. Supеrior Filtration: This fabric providеs еxcеllеnt filtration, allowing watеr to pass whilе containing soil particlеs, idеal for drainagе systеms and еrosion control mеasurеs. Flеxibility and Conformity: Thе fabric's pliability еnsurеs a snug fit to landscapеs, making it pеrfеct for lining unеvеntеr rains and sеcuring еmbankmеnts against еrosion. Environmеntally Friеndly: Madе from potеntially rеcyclеd fibеrs, thе non-wovеn fabric supports еco-sustainability, degrading without lеaving harmful residues, suitablе for sеnsitivе еcological applications.
Polyester Geotextile Fabric
12 Per Square Meter
1000 Square Meter (MOQ)
Best Deals from Geotextile Fabrics
non woven geotextile fabric
20 Per Square Meter
3000 Square Meter (MOQ)
Needle Punch Geotextile Fabric
15 - 46 Per Square Meter
1000 Square Meter (MOQ)
Needle Punch Geotextile are made up of polypropene fibers that are tangled along by a needle-punching method. The fibers could also be created in continuous or short lengths and reach their strength by interlocking. Needle-punched Geotextiles are used for filtration of soil fines for drain applications as well as trench drain. Needle Punched Geotextiles to limit soil particles however enable water to simply submit to makes them excellent for filtration and separation applications.
Nonwoven Geotextile
25 Per Square Meter
We are manufacturing variety of non-woven geotextile fabrics as per the specifications prescribed by nodal agencies. Our geotextile fabrics made in polyester, polyproplene, etc fibres and have various applications in river bank projects, structures and on various geo technical materials such as soils, rock, earth etc. Geo-textile fabrics are either used to restrict or allow passage of water, as desired.
Non-woven Geotextile Fabrics
20 - 200 Per Square Meter
We are manufacturing variety of Non-woven Geotextile Fabrics as per the specifications prescribed by Nodal Agencies. Our Geotextile fabrics made in Polyester, Polyproplene, etc fibres and have various applications in river bank projects, structures and on various geo technical materials such as soils, rock, earth etc. Geo-textile fabrics are either used to restrict or allow passage of water, as desired.
Geotextile Fabrics
20 Per Per sqmtr
We are manufacturing geotextile fabric
Non Woven Geo Textile
16 - 200 Per Square Meter
1000 Square Meter (MOQ)
Polyester Geotextile Fabric
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Polyester Geotextile Fabric is available from 100Gsm to 600Gsm.Made from Virgin & Recycle Polyester Fibre as per the requirements of the Project Contractor.All testing facilities available for finding the best suitable fabric. Suitable for all kinds of geotextile like Geotextile Geobags, Geotextile Geosand fabrics, Geotextile Geosynthetics, etc.
non woven geotextile fabric
31 Per Square Meter
500 Square Meter (MOQ)
Geotextile Nonwoven Fabric
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We manufacture quality nonwoven geotextiles from polypropylene polyester staple fibers, which are mechanically bonded through needle-punching to form a strong, flexible and dimensionally stable fabric structure, with optimum pore sizes and high permeability. Advantages: high performance high water permeability and gas permeability high tensile strength and tearing resistance aging resistance anti-corrosion
non woven geo textiles
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Geotextile Fabrics
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Geotextile Fabric
Geotextile Fabric
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Geotextile Fabric And Products
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Geotextile Fabric And Products, Needle Punched Fabric