mosquito repellent cream
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In starting summers and end of the rainy season, mosquitoes breed in large numbers. Not only their bites are irritating but also they spread deadly diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya, yellow fever, Malaria & filariasis. Most female mosquitoes require a blood meal before they can produce a batch of eggs. Protection from these mosquitoes and the deadly diseases caused by them with Vitro Naturals totally natural formulation based on aromatic & essential oils, the only mosquito repellents to be endorsed by the CSIR Govt. Of India.
Mosquito Repellent Aloe Cream
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We are offering anti mosquito cream, insect repellent cream, natural mosquito repellent etc.vitro naturals presents, totally natural formulation, based on medicinal plant essential oils & plant extract manufacture as per technology transfer from cimap (csir) govt. Of india advantage: non toxic eco-friendly cost effective effects bio safe natural product. Highly effective with no side & harmful effect repellant activity – 3-4 hours.
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