Class 2 Digital Signature
699 Per Piece
A Digital Signature Certificate helps make light work of various transactions related to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, or Registrar of Companies. As e-filing is made compulsory in ROC, every director / signing authority needs to have their Digital Signature Certificate. Its now mandatory to obtain Class-2 or Class-2 with PAN Encryption Digital Signature Certificate for any person who is required to sign manual documents and returns filed with ROC as per MCA21. Also an Individual is required to obtain Class-2 DSC with PAN Encryption for e-filing his return with Income Tax, India.
...moreDigital Signature Certificate
A digital signature is a method of verifying the authenticity of an electronic document. Digital signatures are going to play an important role in our lives with the gradual electronisation of records and documents. The it act has given legal recognition to digital signature meaning, thereby, that legally it has the same value as handwritten or signed signatures affixed to a document for its verification. the information technology act, 2000 provides the required legal sanctity to the digital signatures based on asymmetric cryptosystems. The digital signatures are now accepted at par with handwritten signatures and the electronic documents that have been digitally signed are treated at par with paper documents.
...moreDGFT Digital Signature
Dgft dsc - dgft digital certification facility offered by us finds extensive usage among exporters & importers. Operated under directorate general of foreign trade (dgft), it is a solution developed for exporter-importer community in india that enable them to interact as well as transact with dgft online with security and confidence. Digital signature certificate that is specially designed for indian exporters or importers that enables digital signing of online license applications benefits of using safe exim: • cost savings • dgft has extended attractive monetary incentives for safe exim users • dgft charges only 50% of application fee for applications that are digitally signed using safe exim • reduced turnaround time by dgft for license issuance • convenience & security • logon to dgft portal using safe exim is far more secure than using user id / password based system • making impossible impersonation of client's or their organization online • confidentiality of the transaction assured • integrity of information submitted online no longer in doubt • fraud minimized as the data cannot be tampered with • digitally signed applications that ensure non-repudiation, thus bringing trust as well as confidence into entire online experience • usage of safe exim reduces paperwork considerably for user, thus bringing down associated costs
...moreClass 2 Digital Signature
A digital signature certificate, like hand written signature, establishes the identity of the sender filing the documents through internet which sender can not revoke or deny. Accordingly, digital signature certificate is a digital equivalent of a hand written signature which has an extra data attached electronically to any message or a document. Digital signature also ensures that no alterations are made to the data once the document has been digitally signed. A dsc is normally valid for 1 or 2 years, after which it can be renewed.
...moreClass 3 Digital Signature
Class 3 – This is required for e-tendering, which is a procurement process that is conducted online. Some of the areas it helps in include: • Supplier registration/expression of interest • Contract download • Submission of bid document • Evaluation of tenders (May or may not involve e-auctions)
...moreDigital Signature
Digital Signature Services
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