Fluid Heater Dealers in Jalandhar

(3 products available)
  • Thermic Fluid Heater

    Thermic Fluid Heater

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    Thermic Fluid Heating system can be used in all types of Industries, replacing electricity and steam. The thermic Fluid Heater is an ideal electricity saver as it consumes only about 5% of electric power as compared to an equivalent electric system. Switching over from an electrical system to thermic fluid system means drastic reduction in operating cost and a quick payback period. The thermic fluid Heater has been specially designed for coal/agro waste / oil-gas.Thermic fluid heating system is indirect heating system. Certain fluid has heat carrying capacity, which is being heated in and release the heat at required points. It is in closed loop system so, there is no loss of energy. For higher temperature application, thermic fluid heating system is the best solution as compare to steam. It is slow heating system compare to steam boiler. However, in certain chemical process slow heating is also one of the parameter. Salient Features Thermic fluid can be heated up to about 300°C at near atmospheric pressure in standard units and up to about 340°C in special units. Thermic fluid used in the system, remains in the liquid phase in the entire operating of the system. Thermic fluid is circulated in a closed loop circuit, imparting heat to the user's equipment and returns to the unit for heating and circulation again. Thermic fluid temperature is kept low to prevent oxidation and degradation. Expansion due to elevated temperature is taken care of and vapours and gases are liberated, preventing cavitations in the pump by the specially designed expansion cum de-aerator tank. Thermic fluid consists of nest of helical coils housed in a rugged steel shell. Specially designed with large furnace volume & grate area for good combustion of fuel and sufficient residence me for thorough mixing of fuel and combustion air. Provided with an Induced draft / forced draft fan for efficient combustion of fuel. Optional air pre heater for increasing the efficiency. Multi dust collector /bag filter option to meet the requirement of pollution control board.

  • Thermic Fluid Heater

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    Thermic Fluid Heater, sports machinery, rubber hose pipe machinery

  • Best Deals from Fluid Heater

  • Thermic Fluid Heater

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    Thermic Fluid Heater, Membrane Boiler, Smoke Tube Boiler, Thermal Oil Heater

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