viva i-coffee Coffee Pouch
3,098 - 3,100 Per Box
2 Box (MOQ)
Benefits of #iCoffee The most effective treatment of diabetes is the most natural and most effective and cheapest treatment for diabetes problem ● I Coffee has a herb named Ekanayakam (Salcital) which was mentioned by Acharya Charak in Charak Samhita Granth in 900 BCE 700 BCE. ● no side effects ● 100 % natural and ayurvedic Benefits of consuming i-Coffee ◆ i-coffee is a blessing of nature. Its consumption not only benefits diabetes and other diseases too. ◆ Regular consumption of I-coffee helps the pancreas (Pancreas) to create proper amount of insulin. Sugar medicine stops within 4 to 32 week. ◆ Consuming i-coffee controls sugar level. ◆ Its intake increases immunity capacity. ◆ Its intake protects kidney and liver from diabetes from side effects. ◆ Removes the weakness in men due to diabetes. ◆ I Coffee helps you lose weight. ◆ As easy as consuming i-coffee, it is as beneficial in diabetes.
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50 Piece (MOQ)
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