Jackfruit Plant Dealers in Jalaun

(1 products available)
  • Jackfruit Plant

    Jackfruit Plant

    199 Per Piece

    10 Piece(s) (MOQ)

    • Plant height: 24 – 38 inches
    • Plant spread: 4 – 6 inches
    • Hindi Name: Kathal
    • Harvesting: Summer
    • Culinary use: The pulp of the ripe fruit is eaten fresh or in syrup. Immature fruit is used for culinary purpose.
    • Medicinal use: Ripe fruit is a valuable source of carbohydrates with a lesser amount of calcium and phosphate.

    Growing jackfruit trees have flowers borne on short branches extending from the trunk and older branches. This otherworldly looking oddity has a very thick, rubbery rind with short blunt spikes and up to 500 seeds. The average fruit is around 35 pounds.All parts of the jack-fruit tree produce opalescent, sticky latex and the tree has a very long tap-root. Growing jack-fruit trees have flowers borne on short branches extending from the trunk and older branches.Common name(s): Fanas, Jackfruit, KathalFlower colours: Pale greenBloom time: Spring, SummerMax reacahble height: 80 feet.Difficulty to grow:: Easy to grow   Planting and care Jackfruit can propagate by softwood grafting. Large scale propagation of jackfruit can be done by cleft grafting during July-August on 4-month-old seedling rootstock. Dig pits of 1 m x 1 m x 1 m, fill up the pits with topsoil mixed with 10 Kg of FYM and 1 Kg of neem cake per pit at the time of planting.Sunlight: Full sun.Soil: Rich, deep and somewhat porous soil.Water: Keep the soil moist but do not overwater.Temperature: 25 to 35 degree CFertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer.   Caring for Jack Fruit Jackfruit care dictates the removal of dead wood and thinning of the growing jackfruit tree. Pruning to keep the jackfruit at about 15 feet high will also facilitate harvesting. Keep the tree roots damp but not wet.   Typical uses of Jack Fruit Special features: Fruit shaped like an enormous kidney bean, they have pebbled and rough green skin, and their flavour is indescribable. They are sweet and mild and best served cold.   Culinary use: The pulp of the ripe fruit is eaten fresh or in syrup. Immature fruit is used for culinary purpose.   Ornamental use: NA   Medicinal use: Ripe fruit is a valuable source of carbohydrates with a lesser amount of calcium and phosphate.

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