Maple em1 Hariyali Biopesticides
650 - 790 Per Litres
20 Litre (MOQ)
There are so many benefits of EM.1 Hariyali of Maple Orgtech (India) Ltd. Pointing some major below: 1. Maple EM.1 Hariyali is a natural soil enricher and crop health booster. 2. Helps to maintain the beneficial microflora of the soil. 3. Provides immunity to plants against soil-born diseases. 4. It converts bio-mass into FYM/compost within 45 days.
Bio Pesticides
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We are notable Bio Pesticides Manufacturer and Supplier in Jalgaon, Maharashtra. Our Bio Pesticides are developed under the proper supervision of our highly competent professionals. The Bio Pesticides are acclaimed for effectiveness, safety and environment friendliness. Our Bio Pesticides are therefore widely used for seed treatment and foliar application. Our Bio Pesticides maintain the enriched nutrient quality of the soil.
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Bio Pesticides
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Bio Pesticides, Fertilizer