Flower Booster
600 - 750 Per Pack
Increase soil fertility through its influence on the water holding capacity. Increase humus contents Effectively chelates, complexes and Enhance soil phosphate availability. sequesters soil Increase root, penetration and internal drainage. Conserves top soil. Breaks up unproductive clay soils and turns into profitable soils Buffer soil pH extreme. microorganism's s metabolic activity. Increase soil microor Stabilizes soil structure through the formation of micro-aggregates Increases the sugar (brix) level of the plants, which strengthens the plant and helps plants to resist both from diseases and insect attack. Stimulates the respiration rates of seeding which leads to quicker germination and uniformity, even under very adverse condition like drought. Increase root and top growth on a fresh and dry weight basis. • Enhance plant root uptake of P, K. Fe, Cu, Zn, and Ca. Influence enzyme system. Protects plants from chlorosis, enhance photosynthesis, increase vegetative growth which results inhigher yields and healthier crops.