Bhairav Health Care Dared, Jamnagar, Gujarat

  • Urotone Capsules

    Urotone Capsules

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    We are a major Manufacturer & Supplier of Urotone Capsules. Urotone is a combination of four proven drug combinations being processed with some special herbal juices. Gokshuradi Guggulu is a combination of many ayurvedic herbs used in genitor-urinary tract inflictions including prostate, it helps to maintain healthy metabolism, filtration process and remove the toxins from me body and blood. Due to presence ofantiâ€Â¢inflammatory drugs like Guggulu, it checks the urinary tract infections, diuretics and tonic drugs like Gokshura helps in strengthening the kidney and urinary system. Chandraprabha Vati combination (here used in powder form instead of Vat)— pills is a unique combination of Ayurvedic herbs with the well known Shilajeet in it. It is a general rejuvenator combination for all genitor-urinary ailments, helps in muscular pains, joint pains, obesity and infections. Chandanadi Chuma is one more trusted drug in Ayurveda, known for its action on the genito-unnary system such as diabetes. it contains many proven herbs with l.oha bhasma, andhence helps in maintaining the blood hemoglobin level too. Sariva is one more ingredient in extractform. Popularly known as Indian sarsaparilla, it is indicated in a variety of conditions such as fever, loss of appetite, leucorrhoea, skin diseases and in urinary tract diseases. It is a good blood purifier and cooling in nature. The drugs used for processing mese drugs are Ushira. Musta, Shunlhi, Sweta Chandana, Parpata and Amalaki. Ushira and Sweta Chandana are cooling in nature and good for all urinary tract infections and for Pittashamana, Musta and Shunthi are good Deepana and Pachana drugs, Parpataka and Musta are good for all kinds of fever and Amalaki is the best known Rasayana. Thus in total, the Urotone Capsules are an ideal drug for all urinary tract afflictions. Bhairav Health Care developed this unique combination, which is a blend of time tested mineral preparations being processed with proven herbal juices, presented in the form of capsule making it convenient for carrying and easy for administration. Urinary tract infections afllictall irrespecuve of age and sex, every one suffer many a times in their lifetime with these! 'Once a stone patient is alwaysa stone patient' if he does not follow the diet, life style and medication. Urinary tract is one of the most important biological passages of the body, it expels out the unwanted Iiquid nitrogenous waste out from me body. The blood circulated throughout the body when passes through the kidney gets filtered and the purified blood pass through the lungs to get oxygenated to rejuvenate the body again. The waste filtered in the kidney is collected in the Urinary bladder and then expelled out from me body in the form of urine. Llnne is rich in nitrogen, and other elements such as calcium phosphates, oxalates, etc. when properly diluted they get out of body. but when concentrated get accumulated in site and produces a series of illnesses starting from urinary calculi to even more major diseases like stag horn calculi and may lead to kidney failure and other conditions like nephrotic syndrome.Healthy kidneys take away the wastes out of the blood. Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria in the unnary tract and women get more attacks than men do. It causes symptoms like burning micturition, hematuria [blood in urine), painful micturition and even incontinence! Urinary calculi or stones are formed by calcium, phosphates, or oxalates and usual sites are kidneys, bladder, ureter and urethra. Depending upon the size, site and nature of stone, the intensity of clinical presentation varies; especially pain. Pain is the major symptom of urinary stones. lt takes a long time to get formed, starting with crystal or gravel form, gets accumulated in one site, adhere together and form stones of various sizes. The concentration of urine plays a vital role; more the water intake, less the chances of stone formation due to flushing action. In some special situations, it remains as such for years together, and may get slowly dissolved or dislodged and get expelled out. Problems in the urinary system can be due to ageing process, illness or may also be due to injury or secondary to other diseases. In all these conditions, before proceeding with treatment, the identification of the cause is required for better management. Prevention always stands before treatment and in all these conditions. Rasayana drugs especially to the urinary system are becoming essential. Rasayana not only rejuvenates the body, but also restores the normal physiological function of the system. There are ample of drugs in traditional medicine, particularly in Ayurveda to get these done, with the added advantage being prevention of further recurrences! Urotone Capsules is a non steriodal, safe and effective herbo-mineral combination of clinically proven ingredients comprising of natural agents processed with Ashmarihara and Mutrala properties processed with cooling, rejuvenate herbal juices; a safe and effective remedy for all age. It not only clears the formed stones and crystals, it also prevents the formation of crystals and stones, thus acts as a preventive medication also! Human body is made up of water and mineral salts. There are two reservoirs of water in the body, one held inside the cells and the other outside the cells [intracellular and extracellular fluids]. Good health depends on a delicate balance between the volume of these two water bodies, which are regulated by kidney and urinary system, this balance can be achieved by use of Urotone Capsules. Composition Each hard gelatin capsule of Urotone Capsule of 500 mg contains : Gokshuradi Guggul 100 MgChandraprabha [Powder] 100 MgChandanadi [Powder] 100 MgSveta Sariva Extract 200 MgBhavna Dravya : Ushira. Musta. Shunthi. Swetachandana, Parpata. Amalaki Indication : Indicated in urinary tract infections, crystal and calculi [phosphate, calcium carbonate, cxalates, crystine, etc., in kidney. ureters and bladder, regulates the function of urinary system, rejuvenates the kidneys and protects and maintains its normal cytcarchitectury and functions. Other Details Dosage I Usage : 2 capsules 2 time in a day with warn water or as directed by the physicianSide Effects : 'Nll’ in the recommended doseADR : Not reported in the recommended dosePack size : 2 x 10 x 10 CapuslesKEEP IN A COOL, DRY PLACE AWAY FROM MOISTURE AND DIRECT HEAT AND SUNLIGHT Minimum Order Amount : Rs.50000

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  • Smritida Capsules

    Smritida Capsules

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    We are chief Manufacturer & Supplier Smritida Capsules. Smritida Capsules is a non-steriodal, safe and effective herbo-mineral combination of clinically proven ingredients comprising of natural nootropic agents processed with herbal juices having similar activities, a safe and effective remedy for all age. Bhairav Health Care developed this unique combinauon — Smritida Capsules, which is a blend of time tested mineral preparations being processed with proven herbal juices, presented in the form of capsule making it convenient for carrying and easy for administration. Mental health is as important as physical health: a 'sound mind in a sound body' is essential for a healthy life. It is Ayurveda, first explained about the importance of mental health and medication and therapies to promote good mental health. Ayunreda explains about a group of drugs under the name of Medhya. Nootropics – the intelligence promoting herbs, tonics to brain and nervous system. They enhance learning, retention, recall and promote the coordination among these. They enhance mental performance such as concentration, cognition, memory, mental behavior, etc. they are memory enhancers and prevent the senile changes too! Stress, strain, diseases, trauma and hereditary factors affect the brain and nervous system. It may present in the form of mental illness such as behavioral problems, schizophrenia, epilepsy, maniac conditions, sleepless ness, lack of concentration, depression, etc. it may be in the mild form or may be severe depends upon the extent of damage caused. The present day life style and diet also influence the mental health largely and the increased incidences of mental ailments prove this! Identifying them early and timely interventions with suitable drug will cure the condition and help one to lead a normal and healthy life. It is the search of modern society today. Bhairav Health Care has identified this burning problem, and has come out with a combination of drugs, proven in clinical experience of many learned Vaidyas, in the most modern therapeutic form — SMRITIDA Capsule. Sarpgandha Churna, is a known drug for all mental illnesses, particularly of maniac in nature. It controls the blood pressure, calms the mind from tension and stress and also gives good sleep, thus gives soothing effect to mind. Manasmitra Vati Churna, a traditional combination of proven herbs and minerals, widely used for improving memory and intellect, it gives good sleep, concentration of mind, checks the wavering thoughts, reduces the stress and nourish the brain tissues. It reduces the intensity of mental illness and helps in increasing of Ojus. It is essentially a precious drug combination from the treasury of Ayurveda, good in maniac and epilepsy conditions too. indicated in all age groups. Tagara is a divine drug, a natural hallucinogen too, having properties like antispasmodic, cooling and it corrects the imbalance of all the three Doshas. It is a precious herb indicated in a variety of mental afflictions. lt helps in controlling the stress, agitated mood, anxiety etc. and induces good sleep, calmness of mind and pleasant mood. Mamsyadi kwama is a poly herbal combination containing proven nootropic and stress relieving herbs in iL commonly used in all mental afflictions, sleeplessness, anxiety conditions. Bhringaraja is a Rasayana drug, having nutritive value, rich in iron, soothes the brain with its cooling action. Brahmi is a known drug for its nootropic activity, improves mental functions such as cognition, memory, intelligence, motivation, attention, concentration and corrects aberrations of emotions, mood and personality. All these ingredients fortified with the processing with proven herbal decoctions and juices makes SMRITIDA Capsules unique in its indications viz. brain fatigue syndrome, aggressive behavior, anxiety neurosis, etc., Improves learning ability, accelerates the brain functions, improves memory function, corrects speech defects and benefits the differently abled. Helps in convulsive disorders, sleep disturbances due to varied etiology, and improves higher functions. Composition Each hard gelatin capsule of Smritida Capsule of500 mg contains : Sarpgandha Churna 250 Mgfvlanasmitra Vati Ch uma 100 MgTagara 150 MgBhvana Dravya : Mamsadi Kwath, Brahmi, Bhringaraja QS Indications : Helps in brain fatigue syndrome, aggressive behavior, anxiety neurosis, etc. improves learning ability, accelerates the brain functions, improves memory function, corrects speech defects and benefits the differently abled. Helps in convulsive disorders, sleep disturbances due to varied etiology, and improves higher functions Other Details Usage : 2 capsules 2 time in a day with milk or warm water, or as directed by the physicianSide Effects : ‘NlL' in the recommended doseADR : Not reported in the recommended dosePack Size : 2 x 10 x 10 CapsulesKEEP INACOOL, DRY PLACEAWAY FROM HDISTU RE AND DIRECT HEAT AND SUN LIGHT Minimum Order Amount : Rs.50000

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  • Sheetal Capsules

    Sheetal Capsules

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    The firm is a prominent Manufacturer & Supplier of Sheetal Capsules. Looking into the importance and need of a good remedy for this irksome disorder, Bhairav Health Care (Jamnagar) has come out with a time tested herb mineral combination in the most modern presentation form, i.e., Sheetal Capsules. It is a non-steriodal, safe and effective herbo-mineral combination of clinically proven ingredients comprising of natural antacid agents processed with Pittashamaka, Deepana and Pachana herbal juices having antacid property: a safe and effective remedy for all age. Acidity refers to a set of symptoms caused by an imbalance between the acid secreting and protective mechanism of the digestive system particularly stomach and duodenum. Acid Peptic Disorder [APD] is a broad umbrella term encompassing a set of common problems of digestive system. lt includes the excessive watering from mouth — water brush. burning sensation in the chest and esophagus, metallic or sour taste and eructation, indigestion, loss of appetite or over hunger, gastritis (inflammation of inner lining of stomach), pain abdomen (on empty stomach or after taking food) etc. Due to indigestion, there will be formation of indigestion, and due to improper assimilation process, there will be formation of excess gases in intestines and stomach. It effects all irrespective of age and sex, and a very common illness for hospital visit, many a times, it may be presented as an emergency mimicking a heart attack! The various presentations of APD are Hyperacidity, Heartburn, Reflux Oesophagitis, Anorexia, Gastritis, Flatulence, Dyspepsia, Nausea, Acid Eructations, Gastric lrritation, indigestion, irregular habits, irregular stool consistency, unsatisfied bowel evacuation etc. When the functioning of digestive organs are corrected, all these symptoms disappear! Food and life style are the main sources of these clinical problems, regular healthy food habits and healthy life style are the basic remedial steps to be taken; drugs and therapeutic agents do help here a lot. In Ayurveda, this disease complex is named 'Amlapitta'. It affects the Annavaha srotas (GI tract), which is the main source of nutrition to all other body tissues. There are three basic humors in the body (viz. Vata, Pitta and Kapha), the Pitta is responsible for digestion and metabolism, when it is deranged, the process of digestion gets altered leading to increased Amla — sourness of the digestive juices, and all symptoms of Pitta vriddhi are seen such as explained above. When it exceeds a limit and stands for long time, it may injure the stomach mucosa and develop into ulcers at different sites (gastric, peptic, duodenal); which are essentially becomes surgical! This is essentially a food and life style related disease. Regulation of food habits and life style modification will prevent the disease, decrease the severity and help in cure of the condition. Surgery is definitely a remedy, but not permanent and again it needs a lot of care, caution and money; medical management isalways has its upper hand. There are some antacid agents available in the market, may be of natural origin, but alumina-based preparations. good initially but not devoid of ADR on long term use. A safe and effective remedy is the need of the hour. Bhairav Health Care developed this unique combination, which is a blend of time tested mineral preparations being processed with proven herbal juices, presented in the form of capsule making it convenient for carrying and easy for administration. Parada and Gandhaka (together when mixed in particular proportion forms a special therapeutic recipe Kajjali) are two such drugs in the armamentarium of Ayurveda, which have unique additional properties of catalyst! Swama Makshika Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma are proven Rasayana drugs, having specific action on Pitta dosha and they also regulate the digestive process. Kamadugdha Rasa which itself is a poly-herbo-mineral combination, a known antacid in Ayurveda without any untoward effects (in contrast to the present available Aluminum based antacids, Ayurveda has calcium based antacid preparations which are more effective and safe for long use.) All these ingredients are processed with juices of known Pittahara drugs like Amalaki. Dhanyaka, Vasa, Guduchi, Nimba, Patola and Bhringaraja. All these herbal drugs are cooling by their nature, subsides the excessive Pitta, moreover they regulate the acid secretion mechanism, being Rasayana rejuvenate the protective mechanisms and help in improving the process of digestion. They correct the increased deranged digestive juices, and regulate the enzyme secretion, do the qualitative and quantitative correction too. Composition Each hard gelatin capsule of SHEETAL Capsule of 500 mg contains : Parad Shuddha 50 MgGandhak Shuddha 50 MgSwarna Makshik Bhasma 100 MgAbharak Bhasma 100 MgKamadugdha Ras 200 MgBhavna Dravya : Amalaki, Dhanyaka. Vasa. Guduci. Nimba, Patola, Bhringaraja Indication : Indicated in acid peptic disorders viz. Hyperacidity, Heartburn, Rellux Oesophagitis, Anorexia, Gastritis, Flatulence, Dyspepsia, Nausea, Acid Eructations, Gastric irritation, good as Pittashamaka and for Amapitta. Other Details Dosage : 2 capsules 2 time in a day with milk or warm water, or as directed by the physicianPack Size : 2 x 10 x 10 CapsulesSide Effects : ‘NlL' in the recommended doseADR : Not reported in the recommended dose Keep in a cool, dry place away from moisture and direct heat and sun light Minimum Order Amount : Rs.50000

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  • Prostowin Capsules

    Prostowin Capsules

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    Our company is involved in manufacturing & supplying of Prostowin Capsules. Prostowin Capsules is a non-steriodal, safe and effective herbo-mineral combinauon of clinically proven ingredients comprising of natural antacid agents processed with Pittashamaka, Deepana and Pachana herbal juices having antacid property; a safe and effective remedy for all age. The Prostate gland is a part of male reproductive system, made of 70% of glandular and 30% of fibro-muscular tissues. It is of the size of a walnut located directly beneath the bladder and surrounds part of the urethra, the drainage part of urinary bladder. It secretes a thin milky substance contained in semen that protects and nourishes the sperm and lubricates the urethra. Thought it is a small gland that has a small activity as compared to other organs or glands in the body, but it is vital! ln the ageing process along with other senile changes, prostate too gets enlarged in many folds and produces symptoms like difficulty in starting to urinate, dribbling at the end, excessive urination at night, weak urine stream, disturbed urine flow rate and a feeling of bladder is never empty! Suppression of natural urges of micturition, Excessive sexual activity, excessive use of alcohol, caffeine-containing beverages further exaggerate the condition. BPH — Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy is a disease of the aged males. The repeated infection and inflammatory changes and multiplication of cells lead to hypertrophy usually these are benign, but may turn into cancerous! The inflammation of the prostate gland that results in urinary frequency and urgency, burning or painful urination and pain in lower back and genital area, among other symptoms. In some cases, prostatitis is caused by bacterial infection. There are no sure shot remedy for this condition in conventional medical practice, surgical intervention is helpful in many but not in all, timely diagnosis and treatment can save, but due to ignorance, non availability of medical aids and economic reasons, many are deprived of timely medical care, later end in fatal carcinoma condition with secondary and ultimately become fatal! Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine has answer for this condition, if it is administered timely, it can save the life in addition to other benefits. One of such combination is Prostowin Capsules, from the house of Bhairav Health Care. Bhairav Health Care has developed this unique combination of Prostowin Capsules, which is a blend of time tested mineral preparations being processed with proven herbal juices, presented in the form of capsule making it convenient for carrying and easy for administration. Varuna : A well-known anti-inflammatory analgesic herbal drug having a wide range of therapeutic uses. lt is anti allergic and used in all types of urinary tract infections. Due to its lekhana property, it reduces the unwanted fat depositions and enlargements in the body, thus reduces the obesity, tumours etc. too. It is antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic herbal drug, known to reduce the hypertrophy of Prostate and other glandular swellings in the body. Pashanbheda, as the name itself indicates, it is has potent power to break even the hard stones! It is widely used in the management of urinary tract infections and urinary stones; it is anti- inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic in nature. Suksmaela : A natural cooling agent and diuretic, Ela has good therapeutic action on urinary system. It helps in reducing the inflammation, reduces the body heat and improves the urine quality and quantity, brings it to normal. Pittashamaka, mutrala and Ruchya, Deepana and Pachana are the innate properties of this seed. Goksura : It is a compound fruit, is a known Rasayana drug and is having good therapeutic action on genito- urinary system as a whole. It increases the urine output, improves the flow rate and reduces the inflammation and pain, restores the normal physiological function of kidney, in addition to rejuvenation of the system as a whole. It is indeed a gift of nature to Genito-Urinary system of humankind. Tarkeshwar Rasa : This is a simple innocent drug compound with three herbo-mineral ingredients processed with honey, indicated in diseases of urinary system, a drug of choice of many, a traditionally proven remedy for all urinary tract problems. It reduces the pain, inflammation and improves the urine flow and output, thus helping better in all UTIs. All these ingredients are processed with the decoctions of Mutrala kwatha and Mahayavanala Kshara (QS). Mutrala Kwatha is again a polyherbal combination of proven herbal drugs acting upon the urinary system, increases the urine output without altering the functioning of urinary system, and on the other hand it rejuvenates the urinary system as a whole. Mahayavanala Kshara is the alkali derived from the maize hair, which has been proved to be effective in reducing the prostatic inflammation and enlargement. Other Details Dosage / Usage : 2 capsules 2 time in a day with warm water or as directed by the physicianPack Size : 2 x 10 x 10 CapsulesSide Effects : 'NlL' in the recommended doseADR : Not reported in the recommended doseKeep in a cool, dry place away from moisture and direct heat and sunlight Composition Each hard gelatin capsule of 500 mg contains : Varun extract 100 MgPashanbhed extract 100 MgSuksmaela 100 MgGoksura 100 MgTarkeshwar Ras 100 MgBhavana Dravya : Mutralkwath, Mahayavanal Kshar QS Indication : Indicated in benign prostatic hypertrophy [BPH], UTI and recurrent UTI, dysuria, haematuria, cystitis, urethritis and other urinary tract disorders Minimum Order Amount : Rs.50000

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  • Pregnocil Capsules

    Pregnocil Capsules

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    We are counted amidst the noted Pregnocil Capsules Manufacturers & Suppliers. PREGNOClL Capsules is a non-steriodal, safe and effective herbo-mineral combination of clinically proven ingredients compnsing of natural ingredients processed with decoction of proven herbs; a safe and effective reproductive tonic. Parenthood is the bliss of human life, and it shows the success of marital life. Becoming parents is the ultimate goal of married life, giving birth to a healthy offspring and safe motherhood are the dream of every women and it has become me need of the day due to the changes taken place in environment, diet and practices over a period of time. The pain and agony of not having children cannot be explained in words, but to be experienced by infertile couple only, and people are ready to spend more than their capacity to have children, at least one in lifetime! Pregnancy is a result of a series of processes such as release of egg from the ovary, the egg moves in the fallopian tube towards the body of uterus where here it meets the sperm. It is fertilized and the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. It grows well as according to the gestation period and finally is expelled out in term with a healthy offspring. It is purely a physiological process, in normal beings needs no assistance, but any problem in any of these stages may cause infertility. Infertility means not being able to get pregnant after one year of uninterrupted sexual life, women who get pregnant but unable to stay pregnant or unable to give birth to live child also termed as infertile. Anatomical I structural, hormonal, other physiological and postural causes are met very frequently as primary to infertility, diseases and drugs too contribute at times. The hypothaIamo-pitutary-gonadal axis of hormonal orchestra of the body plays a vital role in fertility and infertility. Sometimes unexplained causes also may result in infertility. The male factors of infertility too are to be addressed while managing a case of infertility, many a times this is not attended with. The male factors again have many physiological, pathological and functional aspects; all are to be evaluated before planning a treatment protocol. The management of infertility depends upon the cause, single drug acting on all the causes including the hormonal axis in both sexes is rare in the market, and it is the need of the hour! Looking into this need, experts of Bhairav Health Care developed a special combination having multifaceted action in the management of infertility in both sex. Bhairav Health Care developed this unique combination, which is a blend of time tested mineral preparations being processed with proven herbal juices, presented in the form of capsule making it convenient for carrying and easy for administration for a better and healthy progeny. MAKARADWAJA : A very precious and unique herbo-mineral combination of Ayurveda indicated for improving strength, anti ageing, aphrodisiac, antipyrexia, anti dyspepsia, improve immunity, balances the Tridosha well, restores youthful vigor and vitality. lt is prepared from Kajjali, (Parada and Gandhaka mixed in particular proportion forms a special therapeutic recipe Kajjali) being fortified with other ingredients like gold. ROUPYA ElHASMA : The Roupya Bhasma is prepared form raw silver, it is a potent nervine tonic, improves the semen qualitatively and quantitatively, works on the hypothalamo-pitutaryr-gonadal axis and corrects this pathway. The timely release of ovum in females, proper implantation etc. are further fortihed with this drug. The herbal ingredients of the formulation further enhance the therapeutic action viz. Nagakesara is Deepana and Pachana, digestive, emmenagogue and antispasmodic; Kumkuma is aphrodisiac, immunomodulating, antioxidant, a natural antibiotic, a mild sedative yet a stimulant, improves digestion, bestow with good colour to skin and general health promoter. Jati, Javantri, Lavanga are digestive, aromatic compounds, helps in better digestion, assimilation and stimulate the brain. LAXMANA, PUTRAJIYA are two unique drugs in the formulation which are known drugs in the management of infertility, good for release of mature egg, implantation and proper fertilization. These herbal and herbo-mineral ingredients are processed with decoction ASHWAGAN DI-lAand SHATAVARI, both these drugs are known tonics for general health and also having particular action on reproductive system. Ashwagandha improves the quality and quantity of semen, improves physical and mental strength, Shatavari is a known Rasayana drug having specificaction on reproductive system. The unique blending of known drugs makes PREGNOCIL Capsule special, one combination for management of infertility in both sex! Other Details Dosage I Usage : 2 capsules 2 time in a day with milk or warm water or as directed by the physicianPack Size : 1 x 10 x 10 capsulesSide Effects : 'NlL' in the recommended doseADR : Not reported in the recommended doseKeep in a cool, dry place away from moisture and direct heat and sunlight Composition Each hard gelatin capsule of PREGNOCIL Capsule of 500 mg contains : lvlakardhwaj Ras 50 MgRaupya Bhasma 100 MgJatiphala 50 MgLavanga 50 MgKumkum 50 MgLaxamana 50 MgPutranjeeva 50 MgNagkesar 50 MgJavantn 50 MgBhavna Dravya — Ashwagandha, Satavari Indication : Indicated for infertility of varied causes, a general tonic and tonic for reproductive system to both males and females. It improves the potency of reproductive organs and tissues, fatigue, nervousness, irritability, etc. Minimum Order Amount : Rs.50000

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  • LSGUARD Capsules

    LSGUARD Capsules

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    We are a major Manufacturer & Supplier of LSGUARD Capsules. LS GUARD Capsules is a non-steriodal, safe and effective herbo-mineral combination of clinically proven ingredients comprising of natural herbo mineral agents processed with Pittashamaka, Deepana and Pachana herbal juices having definite action on hepato biliary system; a safe and effective remedy for all age. The largest of the endocrine and exocrine gland in the body is Liver, and liver has a major role to play in health and disease conditions. It is the metabolic laboratory of the body. The largest lymph gland in the body is Spleen and it plays a vital role in the body defense mechanism as well as formation of blood. both liver and spleen are made up of similar type of cells known as reticulo endothelial cells, hence both are inter connected, any functional impairment of one affects the other too, sooner or later, hence the management goes hand in hand. Liver cells are the fastest healing and growing cells in the body, and due to this capacity, the damage can be managed easily. provided me remedial measure is taken early. Cirrhosis is a condition of the liver wherein the liver cells die and gets calcified, which are non repairable. So, before the stage of cirrhosis if remedial measures are taken, it can heal the condition. Spleen on the other hand, repeated infections and other pathologies lead to enlargement of them and after certain level of enlargement, they resist to reduce, But if action is taken early they also heal fast. Liver is the metabolic factory of human body, metabolic activities are regulated by this organ, drug metabolism also take place in liver, on the other hand spleen is important organ for blood formation and immunity. The diseases of these organs hamper the general health, person becomes ill and pray to a series of pathological conditions; hence protection and promotion of liver and spleen are very important for healthy life. Ayurveda and traditional medicines have a large source of remedial measures and medications for liver and spleen pathology, as per one record: there are more than 500 different remedial approaches in traditional approach in India itself Selection of the right drug combination in right condition is very important in management of any disease. Experience and expertise both play crucial role here, One such time tested and clinically proven approach is now made available to the medical fraternity for faster and better management of liver and spleen pathologies, i.e. LS GUARD (Liver Spleen Guard). Bhairav Health Care developed this unique combination, which is a blend of time tested mineral preparations being processed with proven herbal juices, presented in the form of capsule, making it convenient for carrying and easy for administration. Arogyavardhini Rasa : One of the most celebrated herbo-mineral preparation in Ayurveda is this Arogyavardhini Rasa, it is mainly indicated in skin diseases, fevers of different etiology. anemia etc. Diseases, it restores digestion, promotes the proper assimilation and development of bodily tissues, helps in improving general health, immunity and acts as a general tonic. it has special acuon on the liver due to its unique ingredients such as Katuki, it stimulates the secretions of liver, stimulates the dormant cells and regenerate the hepatocytes, it has action on bile intum helps in proper digestion, corrects the deranged function of liver and reticulo endothelial cells, thus results into a Rasayana to Liver. Yakrut pleehari Loha : a preparation with iron, indicated as best for diseases of liver, spleen, anemia, ascitis, jaundice, loss of appetite etc. It contains ingredients having Deepana and Pachana properties, and other hepatio protective drugs, thus acts good in all kinds of liver and spleenic disorders. The chronic hepatic and spleenic pathologies too are corrected by this particular combination. These drugs are processed with decoction / juice of Bhringaraja, Bhoi amli, Phalatrikadi kwatha, Rohitaka and Sharapunkha, all these herbal drugs and combinations are known tonics to liver and spleen pathology. They further potentiate the action of the above said drugs. All these herbal drugs are cooling by their nature, subsides the excessive Pitta, moreover they regulate the acid secretion mechanism, being Rasayana rejuvenate the protective mechanisms and also help in improving the process of digestion. Composition Each hard gelatin capsule of LS GUARD Capsule of 500 mg contains : Arogyavardhini 250 MgYakrut Pleehari Loha 250 MgBhavana dravya: Bhringaraja. BhoiAamIi. Phalatrikadi kwath, Rohitaka. Sharapunkha Indication : Indicated in Hepatitis, Jaundice of varied etiology, alcoholic liver diseases, sluggish liver, fatty liver, infantile liver, anemia, cirrhosis of liver and other liver and spleenic disorders, a good tonic for hepato-biliary system and spleen. Other Details Dosage / Usage : 2 capsules 2 time in a day with milk or warm water, or as directed by the physicianPack Size : 2 x 10 x 10 capsulesSide Effects : 'NIL' in the recommended doseADR : Not reported in the recommended doseKeep in a cool, dry place away from moisture and direct heat and sun light Minimum Order Amount : Rs.50000

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  • Kidtone Capsules

    Kidtone Capsules

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    We are a highly reliable Manufacturer & Supplier of Kidtone Capsules. Looking into the need of good supplementation, Bhairav Health Care has come up with a specially formulated supplementation formula — the KIDTONE Capsules. It is a non-steriodal, safe and effective herbo-mineral combination of clinically proven ingredients comprising of natural herho-miineral agents processed with proven herbal juices having nootropic and tonic property; a safe and effective for use in children.Childhood period is growing stage, very precious due to its many specialties as compared to the adult. and they are more vulnerable to infections and other health probIems.A healthy child grow into a healthy adult, the health hazards in between this growing period hampers the normal pattern of growth and development. Healthy nutritious diet, care and proper guidance make the child a good citizen. Diet and nutrition play very vital role. The need of micro nutrients and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, etc. are more important for the optimum functioning of internal organs, more specifically the vital organs and immune system. Stomach full of food without these quality elements is of no use, and hence many a times supplementation becomes essential. Lack of micronutrients hamper the brain functions such as memory, speech, school performance etc.; it can also reduce the body immunity, thus making the one host for many opportunistic infections. All these hurdles hamper the normal growth and development. Along with physical growth, mental activities too are in higher side during growing age. Proper supplementation of nutrients with some brain tonics becomes essential in many children. Immunity is at developing stage in early childhood period and infections and infestations become hurdle in the proper development of immune mechanism. A child who is nutritionally poor is the most vulnerable to these opportunistic infections. Need of extra care and supplementation becomes essential in such conditions. In this modern era of 'readymade' food stuff, canned and tinned foods, which claim to be good, but are adding to the nutritional deficiency! The increased incidences of recurrent respiratory infections, frequent diarrhea, poor weight gain, failure to thrive, etc., conditions are more attributed to these chemically preserved junk foods. None of these are safe for the growing tender age: there arises the need of supplements with nutrients, and also drugs that boost the immune system. Bhairav Health Care developed this unique combination, which is a blend of time tested mineral preparations being processed with proven herbal juices presented in the form of capsule making it convenient for carrying and easy for administration. Parada and Gandhaka [together when mixed in particular proportion forms a special therapeutic recipe Kajjali] are two such drugs in the armamentanum of Ayurveda, this mixture is subjected to specific heat to a specific time period forms the unique therapeutic preparation. Rasa Sindura - it is having potent catalytic action in addition to immune boosting, strength promoting, skin and wound healing powers. It is good for heart and Urinary tract diseases, inflammatory conditions, tuberculosis and such like chronic debilitating conditions, anemia, etc. and good as a general tonic. Mukta Pishti : The calcium from natural marine sources, processed with herbal juices further make them more potent therapeutically and biologically easily assimilable to the body tissues. The needs of extra calcium are supplemented with this in growing children. Swarna Makshika Bhasma and Abhraka Bhasma are proven Rasayana drugs, having specific action on Pitta dosha and they also regulate the digestive process; Abhraka bhasma is a rich source of multiple minerals needed for growing children. Loha bhasma is a real rich source of natural iron, an essential metallic element for the body, biologically processed having life potentiating actions. These are processed with the decoctions of Kushta, Vaca, Haritaki. Brahmi. Vacha and Brahmi are known nootropic drugs having definite action on the brain and nervous system; they are good for developing brain. Haritaki is digestive, carminative and mild Iaxative too, a bowel regulator with Rasayana property too. it enhances the bioavailability of the other drugs in the compound. Kushta is also a known nervine tonic and immunomodulator particularly for growing children. Processing with these drugs further potentiate the properties of the base drugs, thus making the formulation KIDTONE a unique by itself! Other Details Dosage I Usage : 2 capsules 2 time in a day with milk or warm water or as directed by the physicianPack Size : 1 x 10 x 10 CapsulesSide Effects : 'NIL’ in the recommended doseADR : Not reported in me recommended doseKeep in a cool, dry place away from moisture and direct heat and sunlight Composition Each hard gelatin capsule of KIDTONE Capsule of 250 mg contains : Rasa Sindura 50 MgMukta Pishti 50 MgSwama Makshika Bhasma 50 MgAbharak Bhasma 50 MgLoha Bhasma 50 MgBhavna Dravya — Kushta, Vaca, Haitaki, Brahmi Indication : Indicated for loss of appetite, recurrent diarrhea, and cough & cold in children. A good pediatric tonic, improves learning & memory in children. A good remedy for malnutrition and developmental delay in children. Minimum Order Amount : Rs.50000

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  • Evetone Capsules

    Evetone Capsules

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    We are engaged in manufacturing & supplying of Evetone Capsules. Evetone Capsule is an accurate formulation of herbal ingredients like Laxmana loha, Garbhpal Ras, Pradaradi loha, triphala Churna, Satavari, vidari, Shivlingi, etc. Evetone Capsules are suggested in menstrual disorders like dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, leucorrhoea, pelvic inflammatory diseases, irregular menstruation, etc. We supply hygienically processed and packed Evetone Capsules at fair prices. Composition Laxmana loha 100 mgGarbhpal Ras 100 mgPradaradi loha 100 mgAshok (extract) 200 mg Bhavna Dravya – triphala Churna, Satavari, vidari, Shivlingi Indication : Indicated in menstrual disorders such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB), metrorrhagia, leucorrhoea, pelvic inflammatory diseases, general weakness, unexplained infertility, etc. It is also good in pre-menstrual tension and in menopausal presentations. Details Dosage : 2 Capsules 2 time in a day or as directed by the physicianPack Size : 2 x 10 x 10 Minimum Order Amount : Rs.50000

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  • Cardiax Capsules

    Cardiax Capsules

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    We are a highly acclaimed Manufacturer & Supplier of Cardiax Capsules. Cardiax Capsule is a non-steriodal, safe and effective herbo-mineral combination of clinically proven ingredients comprising of proven cardio-tonic herbo-mineral drugs; a safe and effective remedy presented for better cardiac – heart care for all age. There are three vital organs in the body and they are interdepended in functioning, they are addressed as Trimaram in Ayurveda owing to their importance in life sustenance. They are brain, kidneys and the heart, and so protection of these organs is very important for the healthy living. Among these three, heart is the one, it is the seat of Ojus (life force), when ojus is affected, heart too gets affected leading to diseases and finally death! Heart ailments are clinical syndromes usually starting with characteristic chest pain, increases by physical or mental activity, relieved by rest. The characteristic nature of pain is – it starts in front of chest and mostly over the sternum, spread towards the left or right side of the chest and radiates towards the back, arms, neck, jaws, and upper part of abdomen. The main symptoms of heart ailments are breathlessness & suffocation , chest congestion, fainting spells, palpitation, stabbing or stretching type of pain, blush discolouration of extremities, lethargy, lassitude, etc. It may also associate with burning sensation, heaviness, nausea and cough. The most common heart disease seen today is CHD (coronary heart disease), obstruction to coronary arteries which supply blood to heart muscles is the usual cause. It is more common among adults and aged, but due to the changing life style, food habits and lack of exercise etc. It is now seen in younger age group too, a quite alarming matter! Heart diseases are many; it may start with birth or at later age. Many of heart diseases are correctable by surgery, but many are not! The diseases appear in later part of life can be prevented to a major extent; the surgeries can be prevented or postponed with improving the life style and planned approach. Ayurveda has remedy for this, both guidance as well as medications. There are good numbers of cardiotoic drugs in Ayurveda, which are having proven therapeutic efficacy. Poor and unhealthy diet, stress & anxiety, over exertion, work pressure, lack of rest, etc. Life styles are the prime causes for heart diseases viz. Hridroga in Ayurveda. Impaired digestion leads to accumulation to toxins in the body and leads to obstructions, poor circulation leading to heart ailments. Ayurvedic treatment consists of clearing the toxic substances from the body, and restore digestion, then toning up of damaged heart. Bhairav Health care, has taken a major breakthrough in this regard, identifying the potent cardio-tonic drugs and blending then in to a pharmacological dosage form of Capsules is being done i.e. Cardiax Capsules! Bhairav health care developed this unique combination, which is a blend of time tested mineral preparations being processed with proven herbal juices, presented in the form of capsule making it convenient for carrying and easy for administration. Rasna : Rasna is a potent vatahara drug, works as a Rasayana, Vishaghna and tonic to nervous system. It is a drug of choice for all types of Vata vikaras where pain is the main feature. It is also anti-inflammatory and analgesic in nature. Due to its ushna virya, it helps to clear the microchannels, clears the fat deposited in lumen of blood vessels and thus ensuring better circulation. Pippali : the long pepper; a known rasayana and adaptogenic and bio-availability enhancer, it is good for diseases of chest region especially the respiratory system. It is a good digestive stimulant, liver tonic and reduces inflammation and tones up the urinary tract, good for cough, bronchitis, asthma, anorexia, indigestion, flatulence, abdomen pain, piles, paralysis, hepatitis, anemia, and it is a good aphrodisiac. It is used as a sedative in insomnia, and epilepsy. It is a good remedy for angina and other heart ailments. Haritaki : A known Rasayana drug, having multiple actions in the body, it is one among the three of Triphala, good to improve appetite, and also good bowel evacuaor, antispasmodic and a mild and safe laxative, it is good for heart and blood vessels. It also helps in reducing cholesterol and normalizes the vitaiated three doshas. Shunthi (Ginger) : It is aromatic carminative stimulant, stomachic, digestive drug of Ayurveda having multifaceted therapeutic activities. In addition to its action on digestive and immune system, it is also useful in depression, high blood pressure, muscle weakness, etc. It is good in paralysis, sterility, mental apathy, confusion and also helps to correct damaged heart. It is a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent, works as anti helminthic too. Pushkaramoola : it corrects the working of heart and respiratory system ; it is good for diabetes, anemia and its complication too! It is good anti-allergic, it works well in stress realted conditions, and its also lowers the stress hormone. It is antifungal, analgesic, antipyretic and stimulates the brain and nervous system. It is a good blood purifier and cardiac stimulant, useful in cardiac debility and cardiac asthma. It also stimulates the kidneys, thus helps in clearing toxin from the body. It has anti histaminic and bronchodilatory action, useful in general debility, anemia, improves cardiac circulation, tissue metabolism and relieves weakness. Karchura : It is a good digestive tonic, improves the functioning of liver and other digestive organs. It clears the micro channels and a good kaphahara drug, antihistamine and anthelminthic too, strengthen the muscles and improves circulation. Trinetra Rasa : A unique combination of Ayurveda which is good for heart, and functioning of vital organs. The kajjali (combination of mercury and sulphar) is fortified with Abhraka bhasma and processed with Arjuna kwatha for 21 times, and it is indicated in all types hridroga, a simple but potent cardio-tonic compound. Composition Each hard gelation capsule of Cardiax Capsule of 500 mg contains : Trinetra Ras 200mg Vacha 42.85 mg Rasna 42.85 mg Puskara 42.85mgkarchur 42.85 mgHaritaki 42.85 mg Sunthi 42.85 mg Indication : Indicated for cardiovascular problems as a general tonic, tones cardiac muscles and improves cardiac functions, good for hypertension due to renal, neurological and endocrinal disorders, aslo good for irritability & nervous tension, insomnia, etc. Other Details Dosage / Usage : 2 capsules 2 time in a day with milk or warm water, or as directed by the physician Side Effects : 'Nil' in the recommended doseADR : Not reported in the recommended dose Pack Size : 2 x 10 x 10 capsules Minimum Order Amount : Rs.50000

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  • Ayurvedic Medicine

    Ayurvedic Medicine

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    we are offering ayurvedic medicine. herbo-mineral effective products. medicines for liver & spleen, acidity, menstrual problems, prostate problem, geriatric problem,sexual weakness, children immunity and growth problem, infertility problem, urinary track problem, etc.

    Brand Name : bhairav

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  • Active Capsules

    Active Capsules

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    We are a trusted Manufacturer & Supplier of Active Capsules. Bhairav Health care developed this unique combination, which is a blend of time tested mineral preparations being processed with proven herbal juices, presented in the form of capsule making it convenient for carrying and easy for administration. The world is changing, the revolution in science and technology made human being to run, competition has become part of life, and the "survival of the fittest" is the slogan of today! Every individual has to strive hard to cope-up with the changing world. It needs energy, vigor and vitality both physically and mentally for achieving success in this fast changing world. Change in life style, diet/nutrition and emotional problems intervene with these and lead to many physical and psychological problems in the modern society. General debility, infertility, depression, etc., are the common features seen when vigour and vitality are lost, along with this low immunity leading to onset of many diseases. Sleepless nights, pale depressed look, sexual debility, lack of interest in work, etc., are the common presentations seen across. Senile changes or changes taking place in the body due to ageing process also brings all these presentations in an individual, the one who is exposed more to such situations early gets the senile changes too early. A drug which is having properties like improving the physical power, anti aging, increasing libido, brain tonic and immune modulator would be ideal in such conditions. These senile changes start to occur by the age of 50, so, a tonic to arrest them becomes essential by this age. Rasayana and Vajikarana are the two special clinical branches of ayurveda which deal with these, when used in proper time and dose, they arrest these changes in the body and restore the youthful vigour and vitality, an essential to maintain healthy life. There are ample of herbal and herbomineral drug combinations to achieve this goal. Herbal supplementation can act as nutritive tonics, fortified with the benefits of minerals are excellent for revitalizing, rejuvenating and aphrodisiac purposes, when used in therapeutic dose-help the person to regain the lost vigour and vitality. To make the quality of life and survival better, especially of 50+, Bhairav health care has come out with a specail combination, a unique blending of herbal and mineral supplements from natural sources, in the most modern pharmaceutical dosage form – the Active Capsule! Active Capsules is a non-steriodal, safe and effective herbo-mineral combination of clinically proven ingredients comprising of natural rejuvenating agents processed with proven Deepana, Pachana and nootropic herbal juices having Rasayana property; a safe and effective remedy for all ages; especially the 50+. Rasa sindura – a unique preparation of Ayurveda is Rasa sindura (chemically HgS), mercury and sulpher are mixed in particular proportion and processed in herbal juices, then subjected to high heat in furnace to get the final product ; it is having potent catalyitic action in addition to immune boosting, strength promoting, skin and wound healing powers. It is good for heart and urinary tract diseases, inflammatory conditions, tuberculosis and such like chronic debilitating conditions, anemia etc. And good as a general tonic. Abhraka bhasma – one of the most sought drug of Ayurveda, is a potent Rasayana. It is a good remedy for digestive problems, mal-absorption, asthma and other respiratory illnesses, bleeding disorders, diabetes, skin diseases etc. It is also good to prevent the ageing process. It is also used in management of male and female infertility, a good rejuventation tonic. Loha bhasma – it is the direct source of iron, processed with herbal juices, a general tonic, improves blood counts especially haemoglobin and a good Rasayana. Souddha karaskara : it is commonly known as Kuchila in ayurveda, the seeds are purified first and then used in therapeutic dose (either single or in combinations) it does wonders, it is a nervine stimulant in low dose, mild laxative, stimulant, stomachic and tonic, and its also has aphrodisiac property. It is a potent vatahara agent according to Ayurveda, and its has notable feature of sharpening of sensory functions. Chitraka & Trikatu – Chitraka roots are known digestive tonics, it promotes appetite and enhance digestion, stimulates the cns in small doses, and has action of lowering blood pressure too. Trikatu is a known combination of three pungent drugs (shunthi, maricha and pippali) all the three are known digestive stimulants, enhance better digestion and assimilation, having analgesic and Rasayana property, and stimulates the liver and other digestive organs. These main ingradients in powder form are processed with decoction of Citraka, juice of Adaraka, Nagarvel, Brahmi and Sankhapushpi. Chitraka and Ardraka (Ginger juice) are digestive tonics at the same time good rejuvenative and aphrodisiacs too. Nagarvel (the betel leaves) clears the channels, stimulant to brain, improves the appetite and helps in proper digestion. Brahmi and shankpushpi are known nootropic (brain tonic) drugs give solace to mind; all these drugs further potentiate the combination for better efficacy as a general health tonic. Composition Rasa sindur 8.2 mgAbharak Bhasma 8.2 mg Abharak Bhasma 8.2 mg Loha bhasma 8.2 mg Shuddha karaskar 8.2 mg Citraka 8.2 mgTrikatu 84 mg Excipeints QsBhavna Dravya – Citraka kwatha, adaraka swarasa, nagarvel, brahmi, sankhapushipi Indications : Useful in general debility, restores youthful vigor, strength, sustained stamina and vitality. Other Details Dosage/ Usage : 2 capsules 2 time in a dry with milk or warm water, or as directed by the physician]Pack Size : 1 x 10x 10 capsules Side Effects : 'Nil' in the recommended dose ADR : Not reported in the recommended doseKeep in a cool, dry place away from moisture and direct heat and sunlight Minimum Order Amount : Rs.50000

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers
  • Year of Establishment 2012
  • No. of Employees Below 20
  • Annual Turnover Below Rs. 0.5 Crore Approx.
  • Ownership Type Individual (Sole proprietorship)

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  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
ayurvedic pharmacy. manufacturing classical, proprietary medicines,in capsule,bhasma,liquid,churna,tablet form.
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Contact Information

Bhairav Health Care

  • Mr. Pranab Choudhury
  • Gidc Iii, Plot No. 4333, Road ‘a’ Dared, Jamnagar, Gujarat