Hollow Chilled Cast Iron Rolls
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We are offering wide range of Hollow Chilled Cast Iron Rolls for Paint Industry it is dynamic position in the market by providing a high quality array of Chilled Cast Iron Rolls for Paint Industry. These have compact design and ensure durability even in long time period. Our Chilled Cast Iron Roll is made in accordance with international standards and subjected to stringent control regulations to ensure quality and reliability.Features: Superior in biting performance Durable
Definite Chill Cast Iron Shafted Rolls
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Best Deals from Cast Iron Chilled Rolls
Indefinite Chill Cast Iron Rolls
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1 Piece (MOQ)
Cast Iron Chilled Roll For Biscuit Machinery
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Cast iron chilled rolls manufactured by us is made of best quality cast iron. These are frequently used in several industries like food processing industries, textile industries, paints, soap, detergent, pharmaceutical industries, rubber and paper industries. The shafted cast iron chilled rolls are well-marked for their brilliant features. The cast iron indefinite chill roll is manufactured by adding niobium in the compositions. All these products are highly durable and performance oriented. Consequently, we are among the prominent suppliers of cast iron chilled rolls.
Chilled Cast Iron Rolls
100,000 - 1,000,000 Per Piece
2 Piece (MOQ)
Chilled Cast Iron Roll
1,800 Per Piece
10 Piece (MOQ)
CI Chill Rolls
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10 Piece (MOQ)
Chilled Cast Iron Rolls
1,500,000 Per Pair
10 Pair (MOQ)
Chilled Cast Iron Rolls
3,000 Per Piece
Indefinite Chilled Cast Iron Rolls
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15 Ton (MOQ)
Size Limitation Maximum : 600 mm diameter Minimum : 150 mm diameter Lenth - Maximum : 1200 Minimum : As per your requrment
Definate and indefinite cast Iron chilled Rolls
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Definate chilled rolls casted by centrifugally & inner bore fitted with steel shafts. Indefinite chilled iron rolls are casted by single pour static casting method. These rolls use in Intermediate and finishing stand in hot steel Re-rolling mills. The hardness of these rolls varies from 55-75 shore hardness.
ci chilled rolls
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Cast Iron Chilled Rolls
38 - 40 Per Piece
12 Tons (MOQ)
Double Pour Indefinite Chilled Cast Iron Rolls
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Overview We produce double pour indefinite chill roll by centrifugal casting. Which is an innovated casting method. With this casting roll remain free from Pin holes an cracks. The surface of these roll give uniform hardness and deep hardness, which is indispensable for the high quality chill roll. Description Equipped with one of the best indefinite chill double pour rolls brands, Perfect Castings are one of competitive ICDP rolls manufacturers and suppliers in India. Indefinite Chill Double Pour Rolls AKA: Alloy Indefinite Chilled Cast Iron Rolls has a long working life span. Normally it’s applied to intermediate and finishing stands of long products and flat products hot rolling mills. Normally ICDP roll is added with chemical compositions like Cr, Ni, and Mo, which may increase the work layer depth. Thanks to the big qty of carbides existed in matrix structure of roll barrel, thus it has better wear resistance. Pros for ICDP rolls: high hardness, low hardness drop, good fire crack resistance, easy heat treatment process, that’s why it has been widely used all over the world. Application differs by hardness: For strip mills, the roll hardness normally 75~85HS,For medium and heavy plate mill, hardness is relatively smaller as 70~80HS
Cast Iron Chilled Rolls
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These rolls are spun cast with highly alloyed shell consisting of Nickel, Molybdenum and Chromium. The Core can be grey iron with flake graphite, iron or spheroidal graphite iron depending on the mill requirement of neck strength.The shell micro structure consists of bainiticmartensitic matrix with carbides and fine graphites. The micro structure offers excellent surface finish to rolled product along with bruise and crack resistance due to presence of graphite which can be altered depending upon the rolling condition.
Double Poured Indefinite Chill Cast Iron Rolls
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These Metal Rolls have hard alloy iron on the working layer and the core is either made of soft grey iron or nodular iron as application demands. The matrix generally is bainitic with equal distribution of carbides and graphite on the shell. Due to the Nodular core and highly alloyed surface these Rolls have excellent mechanical properties, strength, high wear resistance, good surface finish and resistance to shock/thermal/mechanical loads. These Rolls are produced by spin and static cast together. Application of DPIC Rolls include : Wire rod finishing rolling. Flat products rolling in Hot strip and Plate Mills. Cold rolling of non-ferrous sheets. Size limitation : Maximum : 600 mm diameter Minimum : 150 mm diameter
Cast Iron Chilled Rolls
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We are an eminent Cast Iron Chilled Rolls Manufacturer and Exporter in India. We offer Cast Iron Chilled Rolls for flour mills & solvent plants, steel re-rolling mills, for hydraulic presses, etc. The Cast Iron Chilled Rolls are known as the most versatile roll materials currently and find application in various industries.Attributes : Dimensional accuracy Corrosion resistance Durable finish Low maintenance
definite chill cast iron rolls
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The Working surface of clear chill rolls shows the white graphite free structure consisting of eutectic carbide and transformed austenitne. This gives a hard layer which confers good resistance to wear. Flake graphite is embedded in a matrix of pearlite containing about 0.08% of combined carbon. Compared to grey iron, white chill iron is less soft, strong & incapable of withstanding high dynamic stress, but owing to its greater hardness, has better wear resistance, and has high compressive strength. These make excellent work rolls for two, three and four mills, turning out of high grade ferrous and non-ferrous sheet and strip or section.
Chilled Cast Iron Roll
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We are the leading manufacturers, exporters and supplier of this products.
Cast Iron Chilled Rolls
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The structure consist of graphite nodules in the matrix of bainite. These rolls have high hot strength combined with good wear resistance. Sufficient water cooling is a must for satisfactory