Horizontal Laminar Flow Bench
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The company is a well-known Manufacturer and Supplier of Horizontal Laminar Flow Bench. Horizontal Laminar Flow Bench is a Microprocessor Based LED + LCD Controller, which is highly efficient. We offer Horizontal Laminar Flow Bench at highly competitive prices. Special Features : Password protection (Programmable) for authorised operationInitial self cleaning cycle with programmable timeReal time ClockUV timer showing used time and balance available life in hoursTotal HEPA Filter timer showing used time and balance available life in hoursHEPA filter alarm after HEPA filter life is over and guideline for further action through LCD controllerUV light/Door/Fluorescent Light Inter Lock i.e. UV switches ON only when door is closed, and automatically switches OFF fluorescent lights.If UV light is ON & the operator tries to open the door, it raises audio visual alarm.
Laminar Flow
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Laminar Flow, Lab Chemicals, Autoclave, Incubators, lab acids
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