Oil Casing Pipe
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Casing Pipe Slips are made out of best quality of alloy steel having an API taper of 4 inch per feet on the diameter, fitted with circular buttons and with 3 to 4 Nos of up right handles. Multi Segment design of slips ensure self centering of casings in the rotary table. Slips insert are so designed that these hold the casing pipe firmly with-out causing any damage. The advantage of multi segment design lies in the fact that by simply increasing or decreasing the number of slip segments, casing sizes from 5 inch to 30 inch OD can be handled with ease while dressing the slip with appropriate size of insert.
Casing PVC Pipes
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Casing PVC Pipes
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Casing Pipes
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Casing Pipes, Wires, Motor Kit, finolex cables, Sprinkler, HDPE Pipes