Moxa Mini acupuncture therapy
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Moxa is a specific treatment with heat on neurophysiological points, particularly with chronic diseases and severe pain. MINI MOXA For treatment with heat on larger areas on the body. A stand is needed to use moxa. The height of the stand can be adjusted. MIKRO MOXA Is put directly on point of acupuncture - like needle acupuncture. A very intense heat develops.
Musical Therapy
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Musical Therapy is a novel way to cleanse one’s soul. We offer Musical Massage Sound Therapy Services that are very effective in bringing about change in the religious approach of an individual. The Stress Relief Music Therapy, we provide, is enchanting and invigorates the body, mind and soul. The music in the musical massage sound therapy is relaxing and heart warming. Mostly, the devotional songs that lift the spirit is played for therapy. We have masseurs, who are trained in the ancient art of massaging.
Looking for Natural Therapy Service Providers
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Aromatherapy, crystal healing, PRANIC HEALING, Magnet Therapy