Vyavsayik Pushpotpadan (hindi)
275 Per Book
Vish Chikitsa (vedic, Ayurvedic Aur Paramparagath Chikitsa) (holistic Management of Poisonous Bites)
450 Per Book
Language : Hindi
Publisher : Scientific Publishers
Vanaspati Sabdkosh 2nd Edition (hindi-latin-english)
750 Per Book
Language : Hindi
Publisher : Scientific Publishers
Thinking About Interest Rates, Prices, and the Economy
563 Per Book
Book Description: Interest Rates, Prices, and the Economy presents a new approach to macroeconomics that is both rigorous and accessible. Instructors who use Thinking about Interest Rates, Prices, and the Economy, which is based on many years of teaching experience, will be able to ensure that their students derive maximum value from Interest Rates, Prices, and the Economy. The author has found that students enjoy this style of teaching and that it produces graduates who are knowledgeable and enthusiastic about economic theory and its applications. Author Details: J. Mushin Table Content: Acknowledgements Introduction 1 The Nature of Macroeconomic Issues2 Determinants and Significance of Aggregate Demand3 The IS Line: Income, Interest Rates, and the Goods Market4 The Money Supply and its Determinants5 The LM Line: Income, Interest Rates, and the Money Market6 The Interaction of the Goods Market and the Money Market7 Digression on Pre-Keynesian Economic Theory8 The Role of the Price Level in Aggregate Demand and Supply9 Inflation: Causes, Effects, Policy10 Unemployment: Causes, Effects, Policy11 Exchange Rates and International Payments12 The BP Line: Income, Interest Rates, and the Currency Market13 The Complete Model14 Conclusions: Overview of Macroeconomic Theory Glossary Notation Answers
...moreSustainable Agriculture
2,750 Per Book
Book Description: The book promotes the study and application of the agro-ecology for developing alternatives to the complex problems of resource depletion, environmental degradation, a narrowing of the agrobiodiversity, consolidation, and industrialization of the food system, climate change, and the loss of farmland. This book covers food systems approaches, and seek experiences in an ecofriendly that are on-farm, participatory, change-oriented, and backed by broad-based methodologies for sustainability analysis and evaluation. The objectives of this book are: (1) to understand the role sustainable agricultural productivity, and its importance to the sustainable soil management, (2) to restore the soil health to transforming agriculture for sustainability, and (3) to understand the matching of management rules in the climatic perspective. Author Details: Dr. R.S. Meena
Language : English
...moreStatistical Significance
650 Per Book
Book Description: This presentation of the intricacies and delicacies of statistics in a lucid style is an ample evidence of the real grasp of the subject by the experienced authors. This approach to the subject matter will be of great utility not only for an academic exercise but for meaningful and purposive application of statistical tools for research and decision making. Authors Details: A.K. Bohra B.S. Rajpurohit Table Content: 1. Introduction2. Sampling of Attributes (Significance Tests of Attributes)3. Sampling of Variables: Large (Significance Tests for Variables Large)4. Sampling of Variables: Small (Significance Tests for Variables Small)IndexBibliography
Language : English
Publisher : Scientific Publishers
...moreSoil Conservation book
We offer Soil Conservation book. Soil Conservation book
Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory Manual, 2nd Edition
1,850 Per Book
Book Description: This manual is aimed at the laboratory technicians. While the manual primarily deals with soil testing, a number of important plant tests are presented, since they may complement the soil tests and are frequently needed for soil fertility and plant nutrition studies. Similarly, due emphasis is given to physical properties describing the tests routinely done along with chemical analysis. The importance of proper soil and plant sampling is highlighted. Guidelines of sample collection, processing, and storage are provided. Laboratory organization and safety aspects are presented. Also included are appendices containing information on related practiced aspects like abbreviations, conversion factors, atomic weights, solution concentrations, pH effect on soil conditions, summarized soil test methodologies, plant sampling guides, criteria for interpreting soil and plant analysis data, soil salinity, and boron toxicity interpretations. Authers Details: J. Ryan G. Estefan A. Rashid Table Content: 1. Introduction; 2. Soil and Plant Sampling, and Processing — 2.1 Soil; 2.2 Plant; 3. Laboratory Facilities, Quality Control & Data Handling — 3.1 Laboratory Organization; 3.2 Lab-ortory Safety; 3.3 Quality Control and Standardization Procedures; 3.4 Data Processing; 4. Soil Physical Analysis — 4.1 Soil Moisture Content; 4.2 Particle Size Distribution; 4.3 Saturated Paste; 4.4 Field Capacity Moisture and Permanent Wilting Point; 5. Soil Chemical Analysis — 5.1 pH; 5.2 Electrical Conductivity; 5.3 Calcium Carbonate; 5.4 Organic Matter; 5.5 Cation Exchange Capacity; 5.6 Gypsum; 6. Soil Nutrients Sodium & Anion Analysis— 6.1 Nitrogen; 6.2 Phosphorus; 6.3 Potassium; 6.4 Sodium; 6.5 Calcium and Magnesium; 6.6 Carbonate and Bicarbonate; 6.7 Chloride; 6.8 Sulfate; 6.9 Boron; 6.10 Micro nutrient Cations; 7. Plant Analysis— 7.1 Nitrogen; 7.2 Phosphorus; 7.3 Macro- & Micro-nutrients by Dry Ashing; 7.4 Boron; 7.5 Micronutrients analysis by Wet Digestion; 7.6 Ferrous Analysis in Fresh Plant Tissue; 8. References 9. Supplementary Reading; Appendix 1. Abbreviations; Appendix 2. Conversion Factors for SI and Non-SI Units; Appendix 3. Symbols, Atomic Number and Atomic Weights of Elements; Appendix 4. Solution Concentrations; Appendix 5. Some Useful Relationships; Appendix 6. Concentration, Normality, and Amount of Concentrated Acids and Bases to Make 1-L of 1 N Solution; Appendix 7. Soil pH Levels and Associated Conditions; Appendix 8. Summarized Soil Test Methods for Fertility Evaluation of Alkaline Soils; Appendix 9. Generalized Guidelines for Interpretation of Soil Analysis Data; Appendix 10. Suggested Plant Tissue Sampling Procedures for Selected Dryland Crops; Appendix 11. Generalized Interpretation of Cereal Tissue Analysis Data; Appendix 12. Classification Criteria for Salt-Affected Soils; Appendix 13. Soil Salinity Classification; Appendix 14. Relative Salt-Tolerance Limits of Crops; Appendix 15. Relative Tolerance of Species to Boron Toxicity; Appendix 16. Mesh Sizes of Standard Wire Sieves; Appendix 17. Equivalent Weights.
Language : English
Publisher : Scientific Publishers
...moreRainwater Management: Theory and Practice
3,250 Per Book
Book Description:Rainwater Management: Theory and Practice is a comprehensive treatise on water management based on water harvesting techniques for management of storage water for irrigation purpose & irrigation water management. This book, primarily designed to cater to the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students of agricultural engineering, agricultural and soil & water engineering, research scholars, professionals and policy planners associated with rainwater management, dryland farming and irrigation water management. It covers major topics on water harvesting and design of water harvesting structures and recycling of harvested rainwater aspects. Entire content has been divided into the 22 chapters with solved examples and case studies.A sincere attempt has been made to compile and present the text in quickly understandable term, well drawn diagrams, understanding the rainwater management and livelihood security aspects of dryland and irrigated farmers. This book could be a text book for undergraduate and postgraduate students, a reference tool for professional and good teaching material for teachers in the field of rainwater management and irrigation management under dryland ecosystem and also for the scientists working in the field of rainwater and Irrigation water management Authors Details:Dr. M.L. JatDr. M.L. Jat was born into an agriculture family on January 1st, 1958 in Bhilwara district of Rajasthan state, India. Graduating from CTAE, Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan. He Obtained M.E. (Ag.) in Irrigation Water Management from RAU, Bikaner. Presently Dr. Jat is working as Associate Professor (SWE) in AICRP on Dryland Agriculture at DFRS, Arjia, Bhilwara, MPUAT, Udaipur (Rajasthan). The author has vast experience in the field of prediction of drought and its management, ground water also in rainwater management while working in AICRP on dryland agriculture and agrometeorology. He has received Outstanding Book Awards in 2008 from Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers for his book on “Groundwater Hydrology”.Dr. O.P. GillDr. Om Prakash Gill, obtained his Ph.D. from RAU, Bikaner in 1992. He took over the additional charge as the Vice-Chancellor, MPUAT, Udaipur 2012 to 2015. He has 38 years experience in teaching, research, extension, administration and shouldered many additional responsibilities. He has contributed significantly in specialized areas like Integrated Farming System; Agromet Advisory Services; Climate Change; Organic Farming; Micro Irrigation and Weed Management. The technologies developed by him to achieve sustainable increase in productivity and minimization of pre and post harvest losses due to pests and weeds cover crops like groundnut, onion, radish, isabgol, pearl miller, wheat, mustard, chickpea, etc. He has published 42 research papers in different international and national journals, more than 300 popular articles in different periodicals and publications, three edited books and delivered more than 120 radio and TV talks.Dr. B.S. DeoraDr. B.S. Deora, obtained his Ph.D. (SWC Engg.) MPUAT, Udaipur presently working, Professor at Centre for Natural Resources Management, S.D. Agricultural University, S.K. Nagar, Gujarat(India). He for the last 32 years is actively involved in teaching, research & development, extension and techno-administration. He gave 9 scientific recommendations, published 86 international/national publications/articles and reports; 5 book chapters, 2 books delivered 10 T.V. and 4 Radio programmes to his credit. He also has been a member of the Governing Board, the Academic Councils, various selections committees and panel of examiners of several organizations/universities; and Chairman/Member of more than 140 scientific/administrative committees.Dr. Vivek KumarDr. Vivek Kumar working as Microbiologist, Microbiology Section, Department of Soil and Water Research, Public Authority of Agricultural Affairs & Fish Resources, State of Kuwait. He has obtained his master's and doctoral degrees in Microbiology from CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India. He has been recipient of "Young Scientist Award" in Agricultural Microbiology, awarded by Association of Microbiologists of India. He has presented his research findings in several national conferences and visited Germany twice to present his research papers in international conferences. Dr. Kumar has published 40 research papers in the journal of international repute, two review articles, contributed chapters in four books, and articles on transfer of technology and guided number of research students in their M.Sc. dissertation. He has more than 14 years of experience and currently involved in the capacity building of Kuwaiti Nationals in basic and applied microbiology by lectures/practical trainings and classes on agricultural and soil microbiology. His field of research is plant-microbe-interaction, biocontrol, bioremediation and environmental microbiology. He is reviewer of many International Biological Sciences journals and also Associate Editor of "International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences". In Kuwait, he has been credited along with his colleagues to report first time in world the “Pink Rot Inflorescence” disease of date palm caused by Serratia marcescens. Table Content:1. Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Water resources1.3 Need for rainwater management1.4 Managing Competing Demands1.5 Basic Principles of Rainwater Management1.6 National Water Policy1.7 Guidelines for Management and Assessment1.8 Assessment and Management of Environmental Impacts1.9 National Commission for Integrated Water SourceDevelopment PlanExercisesReferences2. Precipitation2.1 Introduction2.2 Hydrological Cycle2.3 Different Forms of Precipitation2.4 Types of Precipitation2.5 Monsoons2.6 Measurement of Point Precipitation2.7 Analysis of Precipitation2.8 Precipitation Gauge Network2.9 Precipitation Analysis and its PresentationExercisesReferences3. Rainfall and Water Balance Analysis3.1 Introduction3.2 Different Types of Statistical Distributions3.3 Return Period or Recurrence Interval3.4 Testing the Goodness of the Fit of the Statistical Distribution3.5 A Case Study3.6 Markov Chain Model3.7 Types of Markov Chains3.8 Utility3.9 To Fit the Markov Model and to Test the Goodness of Fit3.10 Water Balance AnalysisExercisesReferences4. Drought Indices4.1 Introduction4.2 Definitions of Drought4.3 Classification of Droughts4.4 Difference between Aridity and Drought4.5 Climate Change and Drought4.6 Reasons of Drought4.7 Drought Indices4.8 Drought Indices in India4.9 Suitability of Drought Indices for Different Regions4.10 Drought Monitoring Indices4.11 Declaration of Drought by State Government4.12 Prediction of Drought4.13 Drought Management StrategiesExercisesReferences5. Climate, Weather Forecasting and Agro-advisory Services5.1 Introduction5.2 Classification of Atmosphere5.3 Meteorological Elements and Hours of Observation5.4 Classification of Surface Observatories5.5 Weather Abnormalities5.6 Weather Forecasting5.7 Indigenous Techniques of Weather Forecasting5.8 Weather Forecasting Organisations5.9 Weather Elements and Time Factor5.10 Modern Weather Prediction5.11 Preparation of a Weather Outlook for the Farmers5.12 Agroadvisory Services5.13 Operational Forecasts5.14 Methods of Weather Forecasting5.15 Weather ModificationExercisesReferences6. In-situ Rainwater Management6.1 Introduction6.2 Factors affecting rainwater management6.3 Some Definitions6.4 Raindrop Characteristics6.5 Basic Principles for In-situ Rainwater Management6.6 Building In-situ Soil Moisture6.7 Agronomic measuresExercisesReferences7. Ex-situ Rainwater Management7.1 Introduction7.2 Need of Water Harvesting7.3 State Sponsored People’s Cooperatives7.4 Principle of Ex-situ Rainwater Management7.5 Water Harvesting7.6 Increasing Productivity of Stored Water - A Case Study7.7 Water Harvesting and Recycling7.8 Design of Water Harvesting SystemExercisesReferences8. Water Harvesting-cum-Artificial Groundwater Recharge8.1 Introduction8.2 Traditional Rainwater Harvesting Systems8.3 Classification of Water Harvesting Techniques8.4 Water Harvesting Techniques in Arid and Semi-arid Areas8.5 Traditional Water Harvesting Systems8.6 Artificial Recharge Techniques8.7 Increased Runoff8.8 Conservation StrategiesExercisesReferences9. Design of Water Harvesting Structures9.1 Introduction9.2 Rainwater Harvesting Structures9.3 Estimation of Groundwater RechargeExercisesReferences10. Water Losses and Control10.1 Introduction10.2 Different Forms of Water Losses10.3 Interception Loss10.4 Evaporation10.5 Transpiration10.6 Evapotranspiration10.7 Depression Storage10.8 Watershed Leakage10.9 InfiltrationExercisesReferences11. Efficient Crop Planning11.1 Introduction11.2 Crop Planning11.3 Drought Management Strategies11.4 Crop Planning under Aberrant Weather Situations11.5 Crop Planning Based on Onset of MonsoonExercisesReferences12. Water Lifting Devices12.1 Introduction12.2 Human Power Operated12.3 Animal Power Operated12.4 Mechanical Power Operated12.5 The Hydraulic RamExercisesReferences13. Measurement of Irrigation Water & ConveyanceStructures13.1 Introduction13.2 Units of Measurement13.3 Techniques of Water Measurement13.4 Farm Irrigation Distribution System13.5 Erosion Controlling Structures in Channel13.6 Water Control and Diversion Structures13.7 Channel Crossing Structures13.8 Underground Pipeline SystemExercisesReferences14. Soil Plant Water14.1 Introduction14.2 Soils14.3 Root Zone Soil-water14.4 Soil Water Retention14.5 Dynamics of Field-water14.6 Plant-water Relationships14.7 Water Movement in Soil-Plant-Atmosphere SystemExercisesReferences15. Water Requirement Estimation for Crops15.1 Introduction15.2 Important Definitions15.3 Direct Measurement of Evapotranspiration15.4 Estimating Evapotranspiration from Evaporation Data15.5 Estimating Evaportanspiration from Climatological DataExercisesReferences16. Irrigation Scheduling16.1 Introduction16.2 Water Needs of Crop16.3 Determination of Critical Periods of Water Need16.4 Criteria for Irrigation Scheduling16.5 Combination Approach16.6 Frequency and Interval of IrrigationExercisesReferences17. Planning Operation of Water Recycling System17.1 Introduction17.2 Need for Planning of Operation17.3 Causes of Poor Operation of Water Recycling System17.4 Important Terminology Pertaining to Community or Large Water Harvesting System17.5 Dynamics of Water Harvesting Structures17.6 Main Objectives of Operation and Criteria of Good Performance17.7 Planning Operation of Recycling System17.8 Measures to Match Supply and Demand17.9 Water Delivery System17.10 Monitoring the Operation17.11 Maintenance17.12 Assessment of Water Charges17.13 Canal Outlets17.14 Scheduling of Delivery17.15 Farmer's ParticipationExercisesReferences18. Water Recycling18.1 Introduction18.2 Effects of Life Saving Irrigation18.3 Methods of Irrigation18.4. Miroirrigation18.5 Some Emerging Concepts and Innovations18.6 Qualities of Irrigation Water18.7 Multiple uses of harvested rainwaterExercisesReferences19. Recycling of Industrial Effluents19.1 Introduction19.2 Historic Perspective19.3 Need for reuse of Industrial Effluents19.4 Environmental Impacts of Industrial Uses of Water19.5 Characteristics of Different Industrial Effluents19.6 Effluent Utilization19.7 Remediation techniques19.7 Planning for Reuse of Wastewater19.8 Measures for Conservation in Industries19.9 Strategies for Conservation19.10 Strategies for Recycling Industrial Effluents inAgricultureExercisesReferences20. Water Recycling in Salty Lands20.1 Introduction20.2 Salt Affected Soils20.3 Classification of Salt Affected Soils20.4 Quality of Irrigation Waters20.5 Reclamation of Salt Affected SoilsExercisesReferences21. Drainage of Agricultural Lands21.1 Introduction21.2 Reasons of Waterlogging21.3 Drainage System21.4 Subsurface Drainage SystemExercisesReferences22. Watershed Management22.1 Introduction22.2 Causes of Watershed Deterioration22.3 Concepts of Watershed22.4 Watershed Characteristics22.5 Objectives of Watershed Management22.6 Principles of Watershed Management22.7 Monitoring and Evaluation22.8 Indicators for Evaluation22.9 A Case StudyExercisesReferencesAppendicesSubject Index
...morePrinciples and Practices of Seed Storage
2,650 Per Book
Book Description:Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) refers to the evaluation of the effects likely to arise from a major project or activity significant affecting the Envioronment. With the enactment of Environment Protection Act 1986 and more recently EIA notification 1994, most development projects have to compulsory undergo Environment Impact Assessment. Present book fills a gap and provides much needed basic information on all aspects of EIA and also addresses itself to the development of a tool to provide scientific inputs to the process of EIA of Industrial projects as a decision making tool through the development and computerization of methods for impact identification, prediction, evaluation and mitigation. The book presents extensive literature survey including the practices followed all over the world.The book is a most valuable guide for the students and teachers of Environmental Science and Engineering, Environmental consultants, NGOs, Industries, Government Departments and all those concerned with EIA in any way. Authers Details: Dr. V.S. Kulkarni Dr. S.N. Kaul Dr. R.K. Trivedy Dr. R.K. Trivedy(b 21-6-1957) is Reader and in-charge, Department of Pollution Studies, Y.C. College of Science, Karad, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. He did his M.Sc. in Botany from Banaras Hindu University in 1976 and Ph.D. from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur in 1980. He has taught the subject Environmental Pollution in B.Sc. (Pollution Studies) and M.Sc. (Pollution Studies) courses and has guided research at M.Sc. (partly by research), M.Phil. and Ph.D. level, Dr.Trivedy has 26 years of research experience in the field of fresh-water ecology, aquatic weed ecology and management, biomonitoring of water pollution and waste-water treatment. He has done pioneering work in India in utilization of water hyacinth for sewage and industrial waste treatment and he is a member of International specialists group in this field. He is a member of National panel of trained Assessors, NAAC, Bangalore. Dr.Trivedy has been Principal investigator of several research projects sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests, University Grants Commission, India and National River Action Plan. He has organized many National and International Conferences and Training Programmes. He has published over 100 research papers in reputed National and International journals and books. He has authored/edited 27 books and is the editor of Environmental Directory of India. He has been editing the prestigious international journal – Pollution Research since 1982 and is also editor of Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, and another quarterly journal Ecology, Environment and Conservation. Dr.Trivedy has lectured in various Universities in India and Abroad. He is member of several prestigious committees in various states. He is a winner of Several Awards. Dr.Trivedy has visited Australia, Nepal, Singapore, Portugal, Spain, France, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan and Mauritius.Table Content:1. INTRODUCTION1.1. Concept of EIA, 1.2. Hierachy in EIA, 1.3. Major issues in EIA, 1.4. Scope for use of Computers in EIA, 1.5. Scope of Current Research2. LITERATURE REVIEW2.1. Evolution of EIA Worldwide, 2.2. Evolution of EIA in India, 2.3. Classification of Environmental Impacts, 2.4. Project Screening/ Methodology for Screening of Projects/ Project Screening criteria in India, 2.5. Methodology of Site Selection, 2.6. EIA Methodologies/Introduction/Review of EIA Methodologies/ Checklists /Matrices/Networks /Overlays/Adaptive Environmental Assessment and Management (AEAM) /Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), 2.7 Computer Aided EIA, 2.8 Impact Quantifi-cation Techniques, 2.9 Mathematical Models for EIA/Concept/Air Quality Models/Water Quality Models/Noise Prediction Models, 2.10 Indicators of Biological and Socio-economic Environment, 2.11 Environmental Indices, 2.12 Enlarged Scope of EIA of Industrial Projects, 2.13 Conclusion3. EIA-AID : A SOFTWARE PACKAGE FOR COMPUTER AIDED EIA3.1 Package Organization, 3.2 Screening of Projects, 3.3 Ranking of Site Alternatives, 3.4 Impact Identification, 3.5 Prediction of Impacts/Prediction of Impacts on Air Quality/Problem Identification / Theoretical Background/Mathematical Formulations/Computational Representation/Prediction of Impacts on Water Quality /Problem Identification/Theoretical Background /Mathematical Formulations/ Computational Representation/ Prediction of Impacts on Noise /Problem Identification/Theoretical Background /Mathematical Formulations /Computational Representation/Biological Environment/Socio-Economic Environment, 3.6 Impact Evaluation, 3.7 Sensitivity Analysis in Impact Evaluation, 3.8 Design of Green Belt4. DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS
Language : English
Publisher : Scientific Publishers
...morePrachin Bharat Me Ayurvedic Vanaushadhi: Upyog, Manak Aur Manav Dharm
450 Per Book
Language : Hindi
Publisher : Scientific Publishers
Pesticide Application Equipment for Use in Agriculture (vol. 1)
1,650 Per Book
Pathological Investigation with Analysis book
We offer Pathological Investigation with Analysis Book. Pathological Investigation with Analysis book
...moreObjective Agribusiness Management
We offer Objective Agribusiness Management book.
Objective Agribusiness Management, 3rd Ed
280 Per Book
Book Description: The book ‘OBJECTIVE AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT’ 3rd Editionconsists more than four thousand five hundred objective questions and the unique characteristics of all these objectives are that they have covered all most all the subjects of ICAR syllabus for agribusiness management. This is a handbook to refresh the memory at instant before the examination and the basic reliability and accuracy of questions and their answers are very pertinent from the examination point of view. We always come across different objective books like Objective Agriculture, Objective Agricultural Economics etc in the market and this book was the first one that was introduced in this segment four years before.This year it comes in its new version and look for its stakeholders. This book consists of thirteen core chapters like Principle of Management, Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Management & Strategic Management, Accounting Control and Financial Management, Agricultural Finance, Marketing Management, Agricultural and Rural Marketing, Agricultural supply Chain Management, Production and Operations Management, Operations Research, Managerial Economics and Farm Business Management, Agribusiness Policy, Project Management and Entrepreneurship Development, Research Methodology and General study in Agribusiness Management. Besides that five practice tests are also attached in this book for its readers. This book will also be helpful to the Management students who appear for UGC NET examination as the pattern of this examination is now objective based unlike before. This book will be one window solutions for the readers who are going to appear ICAR NET, ICAR ARS, and UGC NET Examination particularly in India. Authers Details: Dr. S.R. Panigrahy Dr. Shakti Ranjan Panigrahy has been working as Assistant Professor in Department of Agribusiness Economics and Policy since December 2013. He holds a master degree in Agribusiness Management from Chaudhury Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. He has cleared UGC (NET) in Management (2012), ICAR (NET) in Agribusiness Management (2013) and SRF with Fellowship in Agribusiness Management (2014). Dr Panigrahy had served in Fishery & Animal Resource Department, Government of Odisha for almost six years as Veterinary Assistant Surgeon. He has five research paper, eight popular articles in his subject area of Agribusiness. His maiden book, “Objective Agribusiness Management” is also circulating in the market. This book will be his second venture in this segment for the academician, researchers and upcoming entrepreneurs.Dr. Sanjiv Kumar Dr. Sanjiv Kumar is working as Scientist in ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. He started his career in 2008 as Assistant Manager (Agribusiness division) in IDBI Bank and after a year moved to academics and joined International Agribusiness Management Institute, Anand Agricultural University as Assistant Professor and served there for six years. In 2015 he joined ICAR-NAARM as scientist. He has done MBA (Agribusiness) from Faculty of Management Studies-Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi after completing B.V.Sc and A.H. from Ranchi Veterinary College, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand. He has qualified ICAR-NET in Economics and Agricultural Business Management. He has been awarded ICAR-SRF (PGS) with fellowship in the discipline of Agricultural Business Management. His teaching and research areas include Operations Research, Operations Management, Agri Supply Chain Management. He has more than 10 research papers in national and international journals of repute. He has also acted as a resource person in various Training Programmes, besides handling a Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, (Government of India sponsored project.)Dr. Ritambhara Singh Dr. Ritambhara Singh is working as Assistant Professor in Department of Agribusiness Economics and Policy, since December 2013. She holds a masters and doctorate degree in Agricultural Economics from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology. Post Ph. D., she has nine years of professional experience in various capacities, with organizations of repute. She was Agricultural Specialist at the Foreign Agricultural Service-U. S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Embassy, New Delhi (her profile covered work on WTO SPS/TBT issues, India food safety laws, and livestock, dairy and poultry sectors). Prior to her arrival in New Delhi, she worked as a Research Associate for Advanced Biofuels USA in Frederick, Maryland-USA, working on second and third stage biofuels. She has also worked for more than three years as a senior analyst (Division of Economic Analysis and Publications) at the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited in Mumbai and also as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute - New Delhi. She has also served as consultant industry groups. Dr. Singh is also a member of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (USA) and life member of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (India). She has several academic and industrial publications to her credit. Table Content: Principle of Management, Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Management & Strategic ManagementAccounting Control and Financial ManagementAgricultural FinanceMarketing ManagementAgricultural and Rural MarketingAgricultural supply Chain ManagementProduction and Operations ManagementOperations ResearchManagerial Economics and Farm Business ManagementAgribusiness PolicyProject Management and Entrepreneurship DevelopmentResearch MethodologyGeneral study in Agribusiness ManagementPractice Set 1Practice Set 2Practice Set 3Practice Set 4Practice Set 5
Language : English
Publisher : Scientific Publisher-Competition Tutor
Note : Further, Our Product Prices are Subject to Change Without Notice
...moreMedicinal Seeds and Plants
2,950 Per Book
Book Description:In India, the evergreen forests of Western Ghats and the Himalayas are rich in herbs useful in treatment of common ailments to lethal diseases like blood cancer. Satawari, Safed Musli, Kali Musli, Ashwagandha for promising tonic, Kukronda and Adusa for respiratory trouble, Gudmar and Sadasuhagan for Diabetes are some examples of miracle herbs. This book contains Global and national scenario of medicinal plants, Industrial applications of medicinal plants and detailed description of taxonomy, botany, propagation, seed biology and uses for important species. Authors Details:Dr. K. VanangamudiDr. K. Vanangamudi, Professor (Seed Science and Technology),Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. He is a Co-principal Investigator for various ICAR NAIP scheme on ‘Development of e-course materials for B.Sc (Ag) degree programme’, Principle Investigator of GOI schemes NIMI on ‘Development of instructional materials for ITI students in agriculture sector’ and ‘Development of instructional materials for COE both BBBT and advance modules’. He was the former Dean (Agri), Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Coimbatore (March 2006 – July 2009), former Dean of AP, Agricultural College, TNAU, Kalavai, Vellore (September 2003 – February 2006), and former Professor and Head of Dept. of Seed Science and Technology, TNAU, CBE 3 (March 2001 – August 2003). As Dean (Agri) he started three new UG degree programmes: B.Tech in Bioinformatics (2006–2007), B.Tech in Agricultural Information Technology (2006–2008) and B.S in Agribusiness Management (2007–2008). As a faculty Dean of TNAU, Dr. Vanangamudi is possessed with a substantial experience in e-education and therefore he introduced e-learning, e-teaching, e-class, e-registration, e-attendance, e-communication, e-assignment, online examination and e-evaluation for the UG degree programme. This is implemented in 12 UG degrees being offered at 10 constituent and four affiliated colleges.Dr. V. AnbukkarasiDr M. Prabhu Table Content:Part I- General aspects1.1. Global scenario of medicinal plants1.2. National scenario of medicinal plants1.3. Industrial uses of medicinal plantsPart II- Annual medicinal plants2.1. Abelmoschus moschatus2.2. Abutilon indicum2.3. Acalypha indica2.4. Acorus calamus2.5. Andrographis paniculata2.6. Asteracantha longifolia2.7. Bacopa monnieri2.8. Centella asiatica2.9. Chlorophytum borivilianum2.10. Coleus aromaticus2.11. Coleus forskholii2.12. Dioscorea composita2.13. Dioscorea deltoidea2.14. Dioscorea floribunda2.15. Eclipta alba2.16. Euphorbia hirta2.17. Lippia nodiflora2.18. Mucuna pruriens2.19. Nervilia aragoana2.20. Nigella Sativa2.21. Papaver somniferum2.22. Phyllanthus amarus2.23. Plantago ovata2.24. Plectranthus vettiveroides2.25. Rosmarinus officinalis2.26. Thymus vulgaris2.27. Trianthema portulacastrum2.28. Tribulus terrestrisPart III-Herbaceous perennial medicinal plants3.1. Achyranthes aspera3.2. Aconitum heterophyllum3.3. Adhatoda zeylanica3.4. Aloe vera3.5. Alpinia galanga3.6. Alternenthera sessilis3.7. Atropa belladonna3.8. Baliospermum montanum3.9. Barleria prionitis3.10. Boerhaavia diffusa3.11. Calotropis gigantea3.12. Cassia angustifolia3.13. Cassia auriculata3.14. Cassia tora3.15. Catharanthus roseus3.16. Centratherum anthelminticum3.17. Costus speciosus3.18. Datura innoxia3.19. Datura metal3.20. Datura stramonium3.21. Digitalis lanata3.22. Glycorrihiza glabra3.23. Hibiscus rosasinensis3.24. Hybanthus enneaspermus3.25. Jatropha curcas3.26. Kaempfera galanga3.27. Mentha spp3.28. Mimosa pudica3.29. Nardostachys jatamansi3.30. Ocimum basilicum3.31. Ocimum gratissimum3.32. Ocimum sanctum3.33. Plumbago zeylanica3.34. Podophyllum hexandrum3.35. Rauwolfia serpentina3.36. Salvia officinalis3.37. Solanum khasianum3.38. Solanum nigrum3.39. Solanum surattense3.40. Solanum torvum3.41. Sphaeranthus indicus3.42. Stevia rebaudiana3.43. Trichopus zeylanicus3.44. Vitex negundo3.45. Withania somniferaPart IV-Medicinal climbers4.1. Abrus precatorius4.2. Argyreia nervosa4.3. Aristolochia indica4.4. Cephaelis ipecacuanha4.5. Chonemorpha fragrans4.6. Cissus quadrangularis4.7. Embelia ribes4.8. Gloriosa superba4.9. Gymnema sylvestre4.10. Hemisdesmus indicus4.11. Ipomoea mauritiana4.12. Operculina turpethum4.13. Piper longum4.14. Pueraria tuberosa4.15. Tinospora cordifolia4.16. Tylophora indicaPart V-Perennial medicinal plants5.1. Aegle marmelos5.2. Alstonia scholaris5.3 Artocarpus hirsutus5.4. Boswellia serrata5.5. Butea monosperma5.6. Caesalpinia sappan5.7. Commiphora wightii5.8. Emblica officinalis5.9. Ephedra gerardiana5.10. Garcinia indica5.11. Helicteres isora5.12. Lawsonia inermis5.13. Mimusops elengi5.14. Nothapodytes nimmoniana5.15. Pterocarpus santalinus5.16. Salvadora persica5.17. Saraca asoca5.18. Symplocos cochinchinensis
Language : English
Publisher : Scientific Publishers
...moreMedical Ayurvedic Dictionary book
Medical Ayurvedic Dictionary book.
Management and Entrepreneurship (hindi)
180 Per Book
Authors Details: V.K. SharmaO.P. Harkut
Jataka Mani Manjusha Parasara Astrology Book
1,250 Per Book
Authers Details: C.S. SundaramSri Soma Sundaram Challa was born on 1934, in village Mori, Andhra Pradesh. His high school and intermediate education was at Rajahmundry. He obtained BE (Civil Engineering) Degree from Andhra University (Waltair) in 1955. He served in CPWD during 1955-60 as Section Officer, and in S. E. Railway during 1960-83, in which he rose to the rank of Senior Divisional Engineer. Then, he served in IRCON during 1983-91; he retired from Government Service as General Manager at Ranchi. Thereafter, he served in private organizations from 1991 to 2006 as General Manager in Madhu Constructions Company, Rani Construction Company, RITES, Nagarjuna Construction Company Private Limited, and AARVEE Associates in railway, national highway and rural roads projects.
Language : Hindi
...moreHuman Development Capability Poverty
450 Per Book
Book Description:The book is the outcome of comprehensive research on “Capability Poverty: An Assessment and Establishing its Relationship with Income Poverty” funded by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. This book presents the current position pertaining to human capability in Tonk district of Rajasthan disaggregated by gender and place of residence. The main objective of the present study is to undertake a situation analysis of the variables of capability poverty. The three main variables employed in the study to measure capability poverty cover substantial ground of social sector. The proportion of underweight children indicates the state of health and nutrition for the population as a whole. Access to reproductive health and general services has been provided by the variable of unattended births. Female adult illiteracy has been taken to assess basic educational attainment plus information on gender inequality.Authors Details:Dr. R.K. JainDr. Rajendra Kumar Jain has a doctoral degree in Economic Administration and Financial Management from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. He possesses a vast experience of teaching to students of undergraduate and postgraduate level in various Government colleges. He has extensive research experience and published research papers in reputed journal of National level. He has participated and presented papers in many national level seminar. He has also worked on the research project “Human Deprivation: Measurement and Analysis” funded by University Grants Commission, New Delhi and also guiding research at M.Phil. and Ph. D. level. At present he is working as a Lecturer in Government College.Dr. B. JainDr. Bharti Jain obtained her B.Sc. Home Science and M.Sc. Honours Foods and Nutrition from College of Home Science, Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur. She did her Ph.D from Banasthali Vidhyapith (Rajasthan), an institution of National eminence with deemed to be University Status and worked there for eight years as a lecturer in the department of Foods and Nutrition, Faculty of Home science. For the present she is working as a Reader in the P.G. Department of Foods and Nutrition, Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer. She has been teaching Advanced Human Nutrition, Food Science, Clinical and Community Nutrition to post Graduates for more then 21 Years. During her long career she actively participated and presented papers at workshops and seminars on Nutrition. Dr. Jain has published a book entitled Fluorosis. A Study and many Research Papers in the journal of National and International reputes. She is also working as a Principal Investigator of Major Research Project funded by University Grants Commission, New Delhi and guiding Research at Post Graduate, M. Phil and Ph.D. level.Table Content:I. Introduction: Capability Poverty and Human DevelopmentII. Objectives and Methodology of the studyIII. Results — 1. Underweight children and their Determinants 2. Reproductive Health and its Measures3. Female Adult illiteracy 4. Capability Poverty Measures 5. Relationship between Income poverty and Capability povertyIV. Eradication of Capability Poverty : A Critical EvaluationBibliography.
Language : English
Publisher : Scientific Publishers
...moreForest Fires and Their Control
1,650 Per Book
Book Description: The nature of forest fires, their development and spread depending on the conditions of forest vegetation and a combination of various meteorological factors has been described on the basis of scientifically collected data. The author describes the designs of various fire observation towers and masts, and proposes unique technical methods ensuring the safe ascent of the observer to the top as well as his descent with the minimum expenditure of manpower and also describes technical equipment and methods of detecting and extingui-shing forest fires. While examining the prospect of using television and infrared technique for detecting fires, the author also discusses in detail aerial suppression of forest fires (using airplanes and helicopters), including the method of controlling extensive fires by means of artificially induced rainfall. Authers Details: E.S. Artsybashev
...moreFinancial Management for Agribusiness
3,650 Per Book
Book Description: Financial Management for Agribusiness presents a practical approach to financial decision making for all those involved in agribusiness, including farmers, horticulturists and supporting businesses, to manage invested funds, physical resources and labour. It covers all the stages leading to a completed business plan and provides straightforward worked examples for each step.The authors emphasise the need to collect and record the detailed financial and physical records necessary for sound decision making and detail all stages of financial planning, including record keeping, preparation of financial statements, financial analysis, budgeting, income tax, Goods and Services Tax and succession planning. The book clearly explains how past financial information of the business can be used to identify and assess alternative strategies that will aid management in making decisions that meet business and personal objectives.The complete financial management process is then summarised in a comprehensive business plan. Authors Details: W.J. Obst R. Graham G. Christie Table Content: 1. Agribusiness Management: An Overview2. Data Collection and Recording3. Financial Record Keeping4. Cash Flow Management5. Assessment of Business Equity6. Assessment of Profitability7. Taxation Management8. Succession and Estate Planning9. Financial Analysis10. Business and Marketing Planning11. Budgeting for Change12. Financial Management13. Completing the Business PlanSummaryGlossaryIndex
...moreFaslo Ke Rog: Parichay Evam Praband
995 Per Book
Language : Hindi
Publisher : Scientific Publishers
Farming Marine Fishes and Shrimps
2,450 Per Books
Author Details:Dr. P. KorringaTable Content:Contents1. Mullet Farming in Israel2. "Vallicultura" : mullet farming on the Adriatic coast of northern Italy3. Farming the milkfish (Chanos chanos) in Indonesia4. Farming penaeid shrimps in Japan5. Eel farming in Japan6. Farming the yellow-tail (Seriola quinqueradiata) in Japan7. Farming the red sea bream (Chrysophrys major) in Japan8. Farming rainbow-trout and salmon in the marine environment in NorwayIndex.
...moreGeneral Microbiology
2,450 Per Book
Book Description:The text book of Microbiology as taught in different courses in various universities. It has been divided in five sections. The students of microbiology at present are required to consult a large number of books to grapple with the subject and, therefore, the form and details of this book have been given in order to give them basic understanding of the subject.Sections I deals with the history of microbiology, taxonomy, morphology and reproduction of micro-organisms, wherein, a brief account of eukaryotic microorganism is also discussed. Section II covers physiology wherein, a basic account of biochemistry and details of enzyme and metabolic processes in microorganisms is included. Further, certain techniques namely, ELISA and SDGC are also described. Section III deals with microbial genetics. Chapter 14 of this section starts with the basic terms used in genetics & description of nucleic acid. Besides microbial genetics transposable elements and transposition have been given. It also covers molecular biolo. Section IV deals with Applied Microbiology. Human and Plant Diseases have been covered. Detailed account of Immunology, Soil Microbiology, and Indus-trial Microbiology has been included. Geomicrobiology has been treated specially in a chapter separately devoted to it. Section V covers techniques wherein, various types of microscopy, instrumentation and cultural techniques are given. The students of microbiology at present are required to consult a large number of books to grapple with the subject and, therefore, the form and details of this book have been given in order to give them basic understanding of the subject. Authors Details:Dr. JamaluddinDr. Jamaluddin is an Ex Director and Head of Forest Pathology Division, Tropical Forestry Research Institute at Jabalpur. He has a Masters and a D.Phil. Degree and a diploma in French. He has also served as a Member of Several Academic Boards and Societies, providing the necessary support towards planning and accomplishment of academic and research initiatives. He has been felicitated with several awards for his contribution to academic field.Dr. Naveen Malaviya Table Content:SECTION I1 History of Microbiology2 Taxonomy of Bacteria3 Cellular Organisation of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells4 Bacteria5 Other Prokaryotes6 Virus7 Eukaryotic MicroorganismsSECTION II8 Biochemistry9 Enzyme10 Photosynthesis11 Respiration12 Amino Acid Fat and Lipid Metabolism13 Nutrition and GrowthSECTION III14 Fundamentals of Genetics15 Gene Expression16 Regulation in Gene Expression17 Genetic Recombination18 Mutation19 Genetic EngineeringSECTION IV20 Human Diseases21 Immunology22 Food Microbiology23 Water Microbiology24 Microbial Ecology and Interactions25 Biogeochemical cycle26 Geo Microbiology27 Air Microbiology28 Plant Diseases29 Industrial MicrobiologySECTION V30 Apparatus and Techniques31 Microscopy32 Cultural Techniques33 Staining Technique References Featured Titles Afforestation of Arid Lands Soil and Water Conservation in semi-Arid Areas Soil Salinity Assessment-Methods and Interpretation of Electrical Conductivity Measurements
Language : English
Publisher : Scientific Publishers
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