Shatavari Roots
400 Per Pack
Health Benefits : Helps detoxify from cancer treatment drugs and in general recovery Helps with a cough, dehydration, diarrhea, dysentery, fevers (chronic) Useful in treating hematemesis, herpes, hyperacidity, leucorrhea, lung abscess Fights stomach ulcers, rheumatism, inflamed membranes of the kidneys, lungs, and stomach Nourishes the ovum and is good for AIDS & Epstein Barr Anti-aging properties as it helps in reducing free radical skin damage Anti-depressant abilities Promotes a healthy female reproductive system Helps produce healthy levels of breast milk Supports balanced female hormones Sooths the digestive tract Healthy movement of bowels Moisturizes the respiratory tract Promotes healthy energy and strength levels Supports the immune system Has natural antioxidants Helps during menopause by balancing hormones, reducing effects like hot flashes and night sweats Helps treat Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome