Salon Equipment Dealers in Model Town, Karnal

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  • Detox Foot Spa

    Detox Foot Spa

    7,100 Per Piece

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    We are offering detox foot spa. Among different cleansing devices the most popular is ionic foot detox machine or also called rife detox machine by the name of its inventor royal rife. So how this machine can can help you? well, there are plenty of reasons; the main purpose of the detox machine with anion is body cleanse from wastes, which affect your health negatively by interrupting the natural and balanced work of internal bodily systems. Just by such simple methods as liver and colon cleansing you can get a huge improvement of your health. It is possible due to the relief from the burden of toxins that flood our bodies from the early age. the usage of ionic foot detox machine can make the detoxification process much easier; and you will start experiencing an increased energy level, body lightness, very possibly a weight loss, your memory and sleep will get better, wrinkles, spots, acne and other skin problems may go away. Detox foot spa or a foot bath or a foot cleanser cleanses, balance and enhance the bio-energy (the vital energy force) present in the body. This energy is the electro-magnetic force that is stored inside the body and utilized by our cells. Chinese medicine refers this energy as “chi? a complex energy field that permeates and realigns the body’s energy while improving the overall condition of the body. While it is basically used to increase energy( both physical and mental energy), vitality and stamina, at the same time, it purges ( detoxifies ) the body of toxins, chemicals, radiation, pollution, synthetics, and other foreign materials trapped in the tissues of the body that hinders the body’s self cleansing mechanism. Due to this, it is also called a toxin removal machine. This internal cleansing work made possible by our machine includes parasite cleansing and liver detoxification, which results in less body fluid retention, reduced inflammation, improved memory, greater bladder control, a more balanced ph, a stronger immune system and significant pains relief, including headaches, gout and arthritis pains. features & package contents: 1. Dual use detox machine of detox foot spa detoxification device (2 persons can take therapy at a time simultaneously) 2. Two ion arrays for ionization at both sides 3. Two wrist belts for both sides 4. With bamboo charcoal heating belts or far infrared belts 5. Highly effective for type 1 & type 2 diabetes mellitus(sugar), uric acid, knee pains, detoxification, arthritis, skin problems & weight loss how does detox foot spa work? our body is a very complex piece of engineering but in its simplest form is a collection of cells and tissue. Cells consist of electrical charges and ideally contain an even proportion of positive and negative ions. In this ‘ideal' state we are perfectly balanced and our body functions by removing toxins and absorbing nutrients from food, water and oxygen. When the body experiences any form of trauma, which can be caused by poor diet, ill health or injury the cells become more positively charged and consequently do not work as effectively and the process of storing toxins begins. Even a lack of exercise promotes toxic build up as our cells are insufficiently oxidized. Therefore stagnation of our natural detoxification process occurs. the ionic detox foot bath treatment is a safe, straightforward process. It simply involves immersing one's feet into a foot bowl filled with water. While immersing your feet in the foot bowl, a series of timed positive and negative ions that the system emits, invigorates, re-conditions and synchronizes the body's natural ionic flow. The result is that your body can detox safely and at it's own pace by mobilizing residues and waste stored within the body. This detoxification happens mainly after the treatment and is likely to take place via the organs of detoxification i.e. The kidneys, liver and skin. Short treatments of 15 or 30 minutes in 48 hour + cycles have generated best results in controlling glucose levels (for diabetic patients), uric acid pains & joint pains of arthritis patients etc. health benefits of ionic foot spa boost immune system.balance acid-alkaline state.improve overall health. removes toxins and body waste products that can cause health problems immune system booster (helps balance immune system) helps inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast & fungus positive effect on weight loss (assists in weight loss) headache relief - assists in clearing up headache problems slows down aging and improves body flexibility rejuvenates & energizes your whole body enhances nutrient absorption heavy metals removal help with faster recovery time for disease & injury increased oxygen levels in your body helps relieves pain & tension improve sleep quality reduces inflammation and unwanted fluid retention helps clear up bad skin and control skin allergies safe for children 8 and up really, just body cleansing can make wonders! so, won't you like to try a foot detox machine?

  • Detox Foot Spa Toxin Cleanse Machine

    Detox Foot Spa Toxin Cleanse Machine

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    Health Benefits of Ionic Foot Spa Boost Immune System...Balance Acid-Alkaline state...Improve Overall Health... Removes toxins and body waste products that can cause health problems. Immune System Booster (Helps Balance Immune System) Helps inactivate Viruses, Bacteria, Yeast, and Fungus Positive effect on weight loss (Assists in weight loss) Headache Relief - Assists in clearing up headache problems Slows down aging and improves body flexibility Rejuvenates and energizes your whole body Enhances Nutrient Absorption Heavy Metals Removal Increase Your Energy Help with Faster Recovery Time for Disease and Injury Increased Oxygen in Your Body Helps Relieves Pain and Tension Improved Sleep Reduces Inflammation and Unwanted Fluid Retention Helps clear up bad skin Safe for Children 8 and up

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