GST Number : 32AAHCR7294P1ZM
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  • Prodrain Plus Max-999 Food Waste Disposer With Air Switch

    Prodrain Plus Max-999 Food Waste Disposer With Air Switch

    26,999 Per piece

    10 Piece (MOQ)

    Here is a final solution to Food Waste Disposal! Introducing Prodrain Plus, a top quality food waste disposer which can be fitted under all makes of standard kitchen sinks. It cuts bones, egg shells, meat, vegetables, fruits and so on into tiny shreds. Shredded food waste from Prodrain Plus would easily flow down the drain, and keep your backyard clean, hygienic and odour-free. Moreover, this food waste crusher performs with ultra low noise and is ideally suited for domestic applications at homes and residential apartments.

    Country of Origin : India

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  • Prodrain Plus Max-889 Food Waste Disposer

    Prodrain Plus Max-889 Food Waste Disposer

    24,999 Per piece

    10 pieces (MOQ)

    Here is a final solution to Food Waste Disposal! Introducing Prodrain Plus, a top quality food waste disposer which can be fitted under all makes of standard kitchen sinks. It cuts bones, egg shells, meat, vegetables, fruits and so on into tiny shreds. Shredded food waste from Prodrain Plus would easily flow down the drain, and keep your backyard clean, hygienic and odour-free. Moreover, this food waste crusher performs with ultra low noise and is ideally suited for domestic applications at homes and residential apartments.

    Country of Origin : India

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Contact Information


  • George Mattam
  • Building No: A-35, Door No. 12/464, GS Business Park,rnHMT Colony P.O., Kalamassery, ErnakulamrnKochi, Kalamasery, Kerala

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