About alcospetra alcospetra. Is an engineering company established to manufacture high quality of marine, commercial and industrial hvac – refrigeration, ventilation, air distribution, fire fighting, building safety & security, building management, water treatment, swt units r.o. Water treatment, water softener equipment. The company has expanded significantly and continues its rapid growth throughout the years. This growth will continue for petra industries with our upcoming, new facility that is presently being built in kochi, kerala. India. This facility will cover highly advanced production lines. Alcospetra was founded in 1987, with a vision to produce a wide variety of marine, commercial and industrial. Hvac – refrigeration, ventilation, air distribution, fire fighting, building safety & security, building management , water treatment , swt units r.o. Water treatment, water softener equipment that meet a diversity of application requirements, and to export to major worldwide markets. The implementation of successful corporate and business strategies took alcospetra to a high level and enabled them to begin competing with long-established, high end companies. By 2008, alcospetra expanded its line of marine, commercial and industrial. Hvac – refrigeration, ventilation, air distribution, fire fighting, building safety & security, building management, water treatment, swt units r.o. Water treatment, water softener equipment, utilizing some of the industry\\\'s most advanced machinery and raw materials to achieve the highest alit standards. Their valued equipment quickly gained recognition in over worldwide. Alcospetra is an engineering company established to manufacture high quality of marine, commercial and industrial. Hvac – refrigeration, ventilation, air distribution, fire fighting, building safety & security, building management, water treatment, swt units r.o. Water treatment, water softener equipment. The company has expanded significantly and continues its rapid growth throughout the years. This growth will continue for alcospetra with our upcoming, new facility that is presently being built in kochi, india. This facility will cover of highly advanced production lines. Alcospetra was founded in 1987, with a vision to produce a wide variety of marine, commercial and industrial. Hvac – refrigeration, ventilation, air distribution, fire fighting, building safety & security, building management , water treatment , swt units r.o. Water treatment, water softener equipment that meet a diversity of application requirements, and to export to major worldwide markets. The implementation of successful corporate and business strategies took alcospetra to a high level and enabled them to begin competing with long-established, high end companies. By 2008, alcospetra expanded its line of marine, commercial and industrial. Hvac – refrigeration, ventilation, air distribution, fire fighting, building safety & security, building management , water treatment , swt units r.o. Water treatment, water softener equipment, utilizing some of the industry\\\'s most advanced machinery and raw materials to achieve the highest ality standards. Their valued equipment quickly gained recognition all over worldwide
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