Electronic Measuring System for Universal Testing Machine
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Electronic control panel uses latest microprocessor which incorporates state of the art technology with fo lowing features. The panel s having unique feature of two modes of operations i. e. Panel control mode & PC control mode. With pane contro mode, the mach ne can be operated from panel ( without PC) and g ves output results / graph on dot matrix printer connected to the panel. With PC control mode, load, displacement and extension data transferred to PC through RS- 232 serial port thus giving rea time disc ay and graph of se ected test on PC.
Features :• Full fledged sealed membrane keyboard with numeric keypad.• Data entry for specimen d mensions.• Push button tare facility for load & reset for displacement/extension.• Serial port for commun cation wth PC.• Built in centronics interface for dot matrix printer.• Modulus data output (optional ).• Scrolling of test result data up to breakage.• Results include load Vs Displacement Curve, Max Load/ Displacement. UTS, % Elong % reduction n Area, Yield oad, Proof Stress.• Over oad safety through opto isolated output
Serial Communications Software.MCS-MP series control panel can be connected to any PC using RS-232 commun cat on port. MCS offers window based software on PC to enable the user to effectively evaluate different parameters. The Features include• Real time graph of selected test on PC.• User friendly software with colour graphics.• Wide Range of Data entry for easy test setup• Unit interchangeability of load in kg., T, N, kN.• Extensive graphics, Curve fitting / Zooming / Tracing.• Effective file handing for data storage, RD BMS based.• Operational instructions on HELP Screen for a I programme modules.• Automatic calculation of Proof stress and Young s Modulus with graphical representation• Automate reseal ling of graph.• Batch testing, mult graph facility and statistica anaysis with MIS reports (optional).• Load, displacement, extension, strain rate values are displayed at all times on PC screen• Load Displacement, Load V Extenssion, Stress Strain graphs available for single test run..• Results include graph, Max load Max displacement, U.T.S.,% E ongation,% Reduction In Area, proof load, proof stress, Yield stress, Youngs Modulus, breaking load, etc.
Measuring System with PC Add on cards MCS-PC.In MCS PC model, the measuring system is based on two PCB's inserted in PC motherboard slots. All the system features are same as MCS-MP with serial software.Electronic ExtensometerMCS offers Strain Gauge type electronic extensometer for the evaluation of 0.2 Proof Stress 8, Young's modulus values.Extensometer Specifications• Model MCE-2• Type Strain Gauge• Extension 2 mm• Gauge Lenth 25 / 50 mm• Maximum Dia. : 25 mm