Phyllanthus Niruri
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Name: Bhuamalaki Biological Name: Phyllanthus niruri, Phyllanthus urinaria, Phyllanthus amarus Other Names: Bhuamalaki, Bhuy amalaki, Niruri, bhuiamla, bahupatra Bhuiavala, Bhulamla, Bhumyaamlaki, Bhuta- dhatri, Bhuyavali, Herbe due chagrin, Jaramla, Kilanelli, Kirunelli, Kizhkay nelli, Nela usirika, Phyllanthe niruri, Weisse Blatt-blume Actions Bitter, astringent, de-obstruent, stomachic The plant is considered deobstruent, diuretic, astringent and cooling.