chelated liquid calcium cattle supplement
77 Per Piece
60 Piece(s) (MOQ)
Chelated Vutrocal Forte is enriched with trace of Minerals and vitamin D3.Its a Nutritional Supplement enriched with high Bioavailable Calcium for Dairy Cattle,Cow,Buffalo,Goat, Sheep,Pig,Poultry,Birds and Livestock Animals. It Improves Milk Production, Fat Percentage, Better Growth, Healthy Pregnancy and complete well-being of the cattle. Higher Bio-availability of Chelated Minerals. Helps in increase of milk yield. Useful after De-Worming. Complete solution for pregnant animals. Helps in Formation of Strong bones. Better Health Better Milk Productions. Provide Strength to Bones of Animals. Composition: Each 100ml. Contains. Calcium 3500 mg, Phosphorus 1750 mg, Vitamin A 80,000 I.U., Vitamin D3 32,000 I.U., Vitamin B12 400 mcg, Asparagus Racemosus 1000 mg, Leptadenia 1500 mg, Lysine 300 mg, Methionine 100 mg, Vitamin E 100 mg, Copper 120 mg, Iodine 6000 mcg, Potassium 1000 mcg, Cobalt 2000 mcg. BEST FOR:- Cattle, Cow, Buffalo, Goat, Sheep, Pig, Horse, Poultry, Birds, Fishes. SHELF LIFE:- 36 Months From Date of Manufacturing FEEDING SCHEDULE:- Large Animal : 100ml Daily. Small Animal : 50ml Daily. Poultry : 50ml / 100 Birds Daily. Fish : 5-7ml per 1kg Feed. Birds : 5-10ml/100 Birds.