Compressed Air Dryer
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Based in West Bengal, India, we are a reputed Supplier of Compressed Air Dryer. Our world class Compressed Air Dryer is precisely designed to provide absolutely dry compressed air tested to ISO 7183. Available in different specifications, this dryer can ensure Constant Dew point Temperatures and can handle Variation in Load capacity of 0 to 100%. Our Air Dryer is suitable to all Indian environment conditions. It is provided with Aluminium plate type heat exchanger. We specialize in catering to the bulk orders of Compressed Air Dryer with utmost care. Available In Capacities ranging from 5 CFM up to 60000CFM ( In various different Models ) Pressures up to 45 kg/cm2G
Compressed Air Dryer
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We are a well-known supplier of compressed air dryers in kolkata. The compressed air dryers treat compressed air that contains moisture, dust and oil vapor in gaseous form at high temperature. The treatment of the compressed air is done in order to ensure that it is suitable for use in the industrial purposes. The refrigeration energy is used to cool the compressed air at very low temperature. The condensed mass forms droplets of water and oil vapor and this is trapped in the in-built moisture separator which is flushed out through auto drain valve and allows pure air to pass through outlet connection. dryness achieved in pressure dew point of : + 3o c applications of compressed air dryers : automobilecnc m/cpharmacy and foodcementpaperpneumatic toolsfoundry and hospitalpackaging and paintingpower plantsrice millstextilesplasticelectrical & electronics industry
Best Deals from Compressed Air Dryer
Pneumatic Compressed Air Dryer
6,700 Per Piece
5 Piece (MOQ)
Refrigerated Air Dryers
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Construction Features:- Heatless Compressed Air Dryer system (air drier) and gas dryer system for moisture removal in air & gases, These Compressed gas and air dryers (air driers) find use in majority of Industrial compressed air system and pneumatic applications. These air and gas dryer (air drier) are also offered for High Pressure gas and air drying system and applications. Following is a brief description of the working of these compressed air dryers and gas dryer systems. A Heatless compressed air dryer (drier) is the simplest form of desiccant type gas or air dryer (drier) for achieving a dew point of -40°C or better for compressed air systems and other gas and air dryer (drier) applications. Process:- Wet incoming Compressed air after passing through pre filter passes through the slide piston valve assembly and is directed towards adsorber chamber I where the compressed air passes upward through the desiccant (Activated Alumina / Molecular Sieves). Compressed Air drying takes place by adsorption. Dry Compressed air from adsorber chamber I then passes through the Check valve assembly and then through the after- filter to the application or work area. While Compressed air is being drying in chamber I the desiccant in chamber II where the desiccant has been wetted in the previous cycle is being simultaneously regenerated. The chamber II is depressurized to atmosphere through the purge valve in the downward direction. A portion of the dry compressed air passes through the needle valve / orifice plate through the desiccant and flushes out the desorbed moisture. When the regeneration is complete, the purge valve is closed and the tower is slowly repressurised to line pressure for a smooth changeover. A drying period of 5 minutes provides an efficient dew point of -40°C or better (at atmospheric pressure). In regeneration process approximately 30 seconds are required for repressurization.
Atlas Copco Compressed Air Dryer
16,000 Per Piece
Desiccant Dryers
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Desiccant Dryers, Desiccants
Desiccant Dryers
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Desiccant Dryers, kw motor, rotary screw element, ga variable speed drive
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HEAT LESS AIR DRYER, Air Filter, Hydra Filter, Industrial Filter
No Purge Loss Air Dryer
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No Purge Loss Air Dryer, Strip Straightener, Pneumatic Tyres
heat less compress air dryers
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heat less compress air dryers, Refrigerant, Cooling Towers, Pressure Gauge
Compressed Air Dryer
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Compressed Air Dryer, Spray Dryers, Refrigerant type air dryers
Heatless Air Dryer
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Heatless Air Dryer, Air Dryer